Convolvulus prostratus

Convolvulus prostratus Forssk., Fl. aegypt.-arab. 203. 1775 (Syn: (=) Convolvulus austroaegyptiacus Abdallah & Sa’ad; Convolvulus austroaegyptiacus var. cancerianus (Abdallah & Sa’ad) Alfarhan; Convolvulus cancerianus Abdallah & Sa’ad; Convolvulus deserti Hochst. & Steud.; Convolvulus evolvuloides Boiss. (ambiguous synonym); Convolvulus heterotrichus Maire; Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb. ex Spreng.; Convolvulus microphyllus var. boissieri C. B. Cl.; Convolvulus microphyllus var. heterotrichus (Maire) Maire; Convolvulus microphyllus var. longipes Maire; Convolvulus microphyllus var. macra (C. B. Cl.) S. Sharma & B. Tiagi; Convolvulus microphyllus var. orreanus (Murb.) Maire; Convolvulus parvifolius Spreng.; Convolvulus pluricaulis Wall. ex Choisy; Convolvulus pluricaulis var. macra C. B. Cl.; Convolvulus prostratus var. boissieri (C. B. Cl.) P. J. Parmar; Convolvulus prostratus var. deserti (Hochst. & Steud. ex Baker & Rendle) P. J. Parmar; Convolvulus scindicus Boiss. (ambiguous synonym); Evolvulus pilosus Roxb. (ambiguous synonym); Ipomoea microphylla Roth);
Egypt (Desert Oases, Eastern Desert, Great Southwestern Desert, Nile Valley, SE-Egypt), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Qatar, Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, Dahana, NE-Saudi Arabia, N-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Rub al Khali, Asir), Sinai peninsula (S-Sinai), United Arab Emirates, Yemen (Inner Hadhramaut, Tihama), Pakistan (Karachi, Sind, Baluchistan, N.W.Frontier Prov., Pakistani Punjab), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), India, Nepal, S-Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Djibouti, Cape Verde Isl. (Ilha da Boa Vista, Ilha de Maio, Ilha Brava) as per Catalogue of Life;
Bindweed, aloe weed, Ksheerpushpi, Mangalyakusuma, शंख पुष्पी Shankh Pushpi (Hindi);

Taken at Muscat, Oman growing in the sand.
First picture taken on 20th Jan,07 and second on 1st Feb,08.

I think Convolvulus prostratus (syn: C. pluricaulis)

I knew that its a variable species. But i didn’t expect so much difference as its seen here:
Flowers of India

This is Convolvulus pluricaulis as said by … This is also known as Shankhpushpi as far as I know.


Convolvulaceae Week: Convolvulus prostratus from Delhi:

Convolvulus prostratus Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. Arab. 203. 1775.

Syn: Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy

Photographed from Delhi, growing in waste places and roadsides

Lovely Shots of Shankhpushpi


Untitled document:

Flora of Bihar

Small herb for ID


Prostrate herb from Bihar for id:  Collected from Bhojpur district plains.



Convolvulus prostratus..Indira Park,Ambala cantt,dated 26th april 2013 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Convolvulus prostratus


Shankpushpi- which species? : 2 posts by 2 authors.

I am way too much confused; the plant being referred in Ayurveda as Shankapushpa/ Shankpushpi belong to one species of more? Is it Convolvulus pluricaulis, with its round flowers, or Clitoria ternatea. with its conch shaped flowers? Both could be white or blue. “Shanka”=conch, so C. ternatea seems to me a better bet. Some say right species is Canscora decussata, or even Evolvulus alsinoides
I would be obliged if someone can provide correct species name, with ID features and description.

This paper should help in deciding for Convolvulus pluricaulis, now correctly known as C. prostratus.

Need id Assistance 120415SP1/2/3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

I need id assistance of following 3 images belonging to Convolvulaceae?
Date of Collection: 12.04.15
Locality: JNU New campus forest, New Delhi

Habit: prostrate, along sandy dry places.

Corolla: pure white

Should be Convolvulus prostratus ..

Many many thanks … for your id assistance

Images by Balkar Singh, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images).



Convolvulaceae Week: Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb. ex Spreng from Atta Panipat:

The correct name is Convolvulus prostratus Forssk., I suppose.

Yes Sir Thanks for Update


Id please
A herb with hairy stem
At Narayan sarovar,Gujrat
Dec 13,2011

Looks like Evolvulus to me.

I think Convolvulus prostratus 

looks like Convolvulus microphyllus, but as per Kew it is an un resolved name.

Comparison of two Convolvulus specimens : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Need help to compare the specimens of Convolvulus. Both Convolvulus prostratus??
Apr 1, 2018. Faridkot. Punjab, elevation is 196 metres (643 ft)

Thanks, …  Efi site page available

I think seeing the variation at Convolvulus prostratus, I think both are same.

SD011- plant ID assistance : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Kindly assist with plant ID

Is it Euploca strigosa ?

Why restricted in posting only one image? Leaf, habitat, location, elevation, date are also vital in identifying. Anyways, looks matching with the limited image!

My apologies, sir, I got this photo from somebody else. Conveyed your message to them that more details are required.

Possibly ‘No’ as it does not match with the photographs at eflora site

It has some resemblance to white variety of Evolvulus species. Not sure. The examination of other plant parts need to be checked  for proper ID.

Okay. What might it be, then?

Does not match with any species so far in efi site at Evolvulus

Also does not match with Euploca species so far in efi site.

Also does not match with Heliotropium

I think this is Convolvulus prostratus Forssk. as per images and details herein.

Yes its resmbles …,  Convolvulus only,


Plant ID help SD066: 2 images.
Convulvulus spp?
Clicked in Bhadasar, Jaisalmer (end Jan, 2021)

I think Convolvulus prostratus Forssk. as per images and details herein


Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus prostratus Forssk.:
synonyms: Evolvulus pilosus Roxb., Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb. ex Spreng., Convolvulus deserti Hochst. & Steud.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


SD184 Plant ID support: 2 high res. images.
Clicked near Jodhpur, Rajasthan (March end)

Which species of Convolvulus?

Convolvulus prostratus Forssk.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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