Conyza species- Srinagar, J & K

Is This Conyza sumatrensis: 5 images- 1 high res.
Am posting photos of what i believe is the rosette stage of Conyza sumatrensis. The stem is covered with white hairs (see photo). Kindly confirm if ID is correct.

The photos were taken in a field in Srinagar in Nov-Dec 2022

Please check Erigeron canadensis L. !

Thanks for drawing attention to C.canadensis
C.canadensis (Syn Erigeron canadensis) is a very common weed in Kashmir and has the vernacular name “Shal Lot”. It was common as far back as I can remember (late 1950s) and indeed I thought of it as a native but now there are many publications asserting that it is an invasive species. I am posting a few photos of C.canadensis which will clarify the differences between this species and the one I suspect as C.sumatrensis (Syn E.sumatrensis). It may be noted that not only are leaves smaller but hairs are not so dense and so white. I may also point out that C.canadensis is called “horseweed” but C.sumatrensis is called “white horseweed) as per Wikipedia.
3 images.

C. sumatrensis is late flowering species taller than both similar species C. bonariensis and C. canadensis. I first noticed this in my house in Balgarden, Srinagar in 2011. I have given comparison and pictures in this post.

Thanks for the pictures, keys and clarifications.
I am still confused about the ID of the plant whose rosette stage pictures  I had posted.
Could you guide me regarding its ID as it perhaps clearly is not C.canadensis or is it  necessary to wait till it grows up and reaches the flowering stage.

Feedback from … as per another post:
Yes it is conyza canadensis.. Very common in Kashmir.
Locally called as shaal loet

Updated on December 23, 2024