Endangered as per IUCN Red List (EN)
Coptis teeta Wall., Trans. Med. Soc. Calcutta 8: 87 1836. (syn: Coptis teetoides C.Y. Cheng; Helleborus teeta Baill.);
China (NW-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Yangon), India (Arunachal Pradesh), Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
Location : Sukhiapokahari, Darjeeling, India
Date : 12 May 2018
Elevation : 6900 ft.
Habit : Wild
Leaf only!
I think it is the rare plant Coptis teeta Thank you …!
Has it (Coptis teeta) escaped cultivation as it is not reported from other than Arunachal Pradesh, but I think cultivated for medicinal use. or is it some other species ? Leaves look similar to that but it is difficult to conclude without flowers! I guess it is wild !
Most likely the species is same as COPTIS TEETA and escaped from its plantation in some medicinal plants repository.
. References: |
Coptis teeta
Updated on December 24, 2024