. Requesting ID of this plant – Mumbai :09082013 : ARK-01 : August 2013 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Requesting to please ID this plant captured growing wild by the roadside in Mumbai in August 2013. Please note the base of the leaves, I did not notice these structures on other similar looking plants at other places. The appendages at the leaf base indicate that this is a Corchorus species of Tiliaceae. This is C. aestuans based on the fruits that were seen later. I could not click the pics of the fruits. Thanks, …, May we see the fruits? Unfortunately, I did not take pics of the fruit then. But I had noted it down in my notes after seeing the fruits at that time. Corchorus olitorius Agree with Corchorus olitorius. Thanks, …, Possible as per images at Corchorus olitorius L., but difficult to say without fruits. . Fwd: AN ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY PACKING MATERIAL : CORCHORUS CAPSULARIS ( JUTE ) : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) For last few days there are many uploads on use of indiscriminate use of plastic as packing material and the devastating affect it created for the planet earth. I come from a village in Bangladesh (then it was East Pakistan), Jute was the main cash crop in that part of the sub-continent , and we used to read in geography ” JUTE IS CALLED THE GOLDEN FIBER “. Even in 1964 when I migrated to India, jute was the main packing material. Rice, atta , dal, sugar even cement used to come in jute made bags. Marketing bag used to be jute made. Ropes used to be made of jute. Now you see hardly any material used for packing is made of jute. We stupid men realized the problem a little late. We are behaving like ” Kalidas “, who chopped the branch of a tree on which he was sitting. Of late in some places indiscriminate use of plastic has been banned. So there is a chance for jute to have a come back, only if govt is serious about it. Attaching 7 images which shows the journey of jute from a plant to the fiber. In addition to its use as a paching material tender leaves of jute is used as a vegetable. Jute stick has many uses in the villages. i love it. we often see jute growing in fields and then left to rot but never seen the workers working on deparating. mostly its our fault because we were always trying to catch the action while motoring to Mayapur in Nawadwip or some such. never really on a journey to see the process only and last of the dry sticks nicely stocked like in your picture, we saw them one year when we went to look at weavers at work in their villages around Fulia the women there use the stick as kindling. I think it may be Corchorus olitorius L. as per details herein and as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jute Thank you … This series about jute is after retting. so we could focus on the fibers only. it would be impossible to say which species and its variety these pictures represent unless you know what seeds were planted and you had the plant material including leaves flowers fruits etc. In this case we have two choices a white jute fibre : Corchorus capsularis and a golden jute fibre: Corchorus olitorius, also known as TOSSA JUTE The sixth picture above shows the hanging parts of the retted fibres they appear WHITE to my eyes in my computer screen if the fibres are white, it is surmised that it is Corchorus capsularis. The Indian Jute research institute has these many varieties listed see attached docx. it would be impossible to further classify this plant based on fibres only. confusion may have been because of this quote: ” and we used to read in geography ” JUTE IS CALLED THE GOLDEN FIBER“. that bengali sentiment was due to good prices that were paid to farmers in the heydays of jute trading. but this is white, the inferior quality of fibres. so i think it may be Corchorus capsularis so what do you think??? Attachments (1) – Jute varieties grown in India per jute res institute india .docx Thank you … It is enlightening. The shape of the petals and the narrow leaves don’t seem to match sir. According this this- efi thread Also, the number of stamens exceed 15 (10-15 in C. tridens according to http://efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=107967). I have attached a cropped close-up of flower. Please correct me if im wrong sir. Fruit character is very much essential in Corchorus, if the young fruits seen in the twig is cylindrical then it is C. olitorius I guess Corchorus olitorius would be the correct ID ! … correct Possible as per images at Corchorus olitorius L., but difficult to say without fruits. |
Corchorus olitorius ?
Updated on December 24, 2024