Cordia macleodii

Cordia macleodii Hook.f. & Thomson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 2: 128 1858. (syn. Gerascanthus macleodii (Hook.f. & Thomson) Borhidi; Hemigymnia macleodii Griff.; Lithocardium macleodii Kuntze);
India, SE-Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;

Which Cordia?:
I observed this large tree about 8-10 m high on Vetal tekdi Pune.
Leaves : Alternate 12cm bye 10cm
upper surface :glabrous dark green.
Lower surface :Faint green very finely tomentose.
Shape orbicular ovate. Base as seen in picture cordate-oblique? Basal nerves not opposite?
Inflorescence Cymes like in Boraginaceae. Only one flower blooming in most of the inflorescence(Observation was in the evening.)
Flowers White; Fragrant. 5-6 lobes. Size span More than 2cm.
Styles not visible easily as against other local species (C. macleodii)
Can’t reach to any conclusion which Cordia?

Leaves sub opposite, 3-5 nerved at base, ovate, cordate, densely tomentose beneath and calyx ribbed. This leads to C. macleodii.

I have seen Cordia macleodii flowers at many places.
Every time a characteristic branched style was observed in all flowers.
I was wondering about the flowers of this plant devoid of visible style and stigma and 6 prominent stamens with anthers. I went again to check for mature flowers with styles but I couldn’t see any. On reading the book by S. D. Mahajan I came to know that the tree produces both bisexual and male flowers and the male flowers exhibit prominent stamens.
So these must be the male flowers of Cordia macleodii which fooled me about the ID.
Attaching flowers clicked earlier from different plant in the same area (Most of these flower in March)

Boraginaceae Week: Cordia macleodii Pune:
Cordia macleodii Pune
A common medium sized tree.
Leaves alternate, broad ovate, base cordate. tomentose. Basal pair of nerves opposite.
Fruiting Calyx ribbed tomentose. Calyx teeth without tufts of hairs at apex.

Can you please help me to identify the plant (pictures are attached).
Some useful information:
1. After 15 years of study, only two species are found in entire 17,000 sq. kms of west Bengal and entire north east and east India.
2. Even BSI, Howrah could not recognize the plant.
3. After 12 years, in this year flower and fruit is found.
4. Flowering time: April to June.
5. Place where it is present: Bankura, West Bengal.
Your kind cooperation is highly appreciated.

First question – is it the same species as in another thread ?
If BSI can’t help with the physical specimen it must be much more difficult to arrive at a probable ID merely by a couple of pictures.
I need to know (to start with the borage family as KEYed in by Prain and Haines) :-
  • style character
  • ovary character
  • leaf size can be guessed with the attached picture showing ruler; but detail of flower size (tube & lobe); fruit size
Meanwhile, please check probability of Cordia macleodii Hook. f. & Thomson. Two herb. can be viewed at KEW, one from WB and the other from Maharashtra –

Thank you

Thank you for your reply. I will first read & search some more literature, then I will reply to you.

From another thread:
This is a Boraginaceae member.
Someone submitted a similar looking one in another site – Research gate

The plant in concern is Cordia for sure. to identify correctly to species level number of styles or number of bifurcated stigma is an important character. also ribbed fruiting calyx is also important. i feel C. wallichi can also be checked.

Wild guess ! Please check for Cordia monoica.

Going on the limited pictures available my guess would be Cordia macleodii which is found in Maharashtra.

This species is Cordia macleodii Hook. f. & Thomson. of family Boraginaceae and as per my observation
it is 100% true.

Published as Cordia macleodii as per Identification of an endangered tree as a new record of Cordia macleodii, with an update of Cordia in West Bengal, India Debal Deb, Bo Li, Sanjib K. Chattopadhyay & Avik Ray (2018) Webbia, 73:1, 81-88.

I’ve shared with you earlier as soon as it gets published. This work is done by our lab group in Kolkata. Glad to be a small part of it. Thank you for sharing the article with us.


Cordia macloedii for confirmation, Pushkar Rajasthan NAW-MAY16-01 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Kindly confirm whether this tree growing on a hill in Pushkar and photographed in April 2016 could be Cordia macloedii. The tree is growing horizontally seemingly after having been vertical at some time earlier. Circular leaves 10-15 cms long. buds 1-2 cms long, open flowers not found.

Not very clear but strong possibility

It is defiitely Cordia

Most probably yes, but need clearer images of calyx for proper id.


on Vetal Tekdi, Pune Maharashtra on 10 Jan 2009; Sagargad, Alibag: 22April 2010 8.00am;  in Jamwa Ramgarh Sanctury, Jaipur, Rajasthan; on Vetal tekdi Pune– June’10?; at Taljai hill Pune; 14.5.2009 at- Jamwa Ramgarh, Jaipur;

Cordia wallachii – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Is it Grewia sp.? Fr.Dr.Kadus – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Tree for id – indiantreepix | Google Groups
One more Cordia – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Which Cordia? – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Cordia wallachii – efloraofindia | Google Groups


plant for identification : 2 images. 5 posts by 5 authors.

It looks like Cordia macleodii. Will need confirmation.

The flowers do look like Cordia macleodii
Can anyone identify the plant? : 6 posts by 4 authors. 6 images.
Please identify the plant.
1. Place where it found: Dist- Bankura, West Bengal.
2. Date: 12.05.2015
3. Flowering Time: April_May, 2015
Please see the attached picture of the plants.

This is a Boraginaceae member.
Someone submitted a similar looking one in another site –

Thank you very much. … is my Guide in my research carrier. He and i am trying very hardly to gather some information about the plant.

I think same (Cordia macleodii Hook. f. & Thomson) as in Fwd: Please help me Identify the plant.

Yes, sir… Later it was identified in 2018.

Yes I will also go with Cordia macleodii which I am very much familiar with.

Need help with this Id please : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – around 900 kb each.
Spotted in Bhopal on 5th May 2020. It’s a very small tree or a shrub.

Resembles Cordia macleodii, Boraginaceae member,

Any habit image?

I now have an image of its fruit!
Attachments (1) – 1 mb.

Yes. Cordia macleodii only as identified by …

Yes agree with …

Tree for id_Maval_Pune: (Mixed thread): 3 images.

Small tree was photographed in the wild on a hill slope in Jan 2021.
Tree location-Village Pimpoli, Maval
Tree height-15 feet appx
No fruits or flowers were observed at that time.
Please help in identification.

Ficus auriculata Lour.

I think it is Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. [syn. Givotia rottleriformis Griff. ex Wight]. Family: Euphorbiaceae.


Leaves appear different from Givotia moluccana

To me this has the look of  Cordia sp., possibly Cordia macleodii. Close up images of the leaves and twigs would be helpful.
Very unlikely to be Ficus auriculata in this habitat.

Well, from what I’ve seen, the shape & the margin of the leaves in Givotia moluccana can be highly variable. It does not look like a Ficus sp. to me.

I agree with Cordia sp. may not be Ficus auriculata, one more key is not matching with auriculata habitat too,

The pictures are not supportive for any ID but  only for guesses ???  Only photographs of the fresh tree like foliage and flowers can only help in the ID.

I will also like to go with … as per images and details at Cordia macleodii

id pls..which cordia sps. it is.. : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Cordia ?
Id pls.
Location :- kalyan, maharashtra.
Date :- 2 july 2016.

Pl. show us the full plant.

Entire plant. Attachments (1)

May be the common Cordia dichotoma G.Forst.  as per comparative images of different species in efi at Cordia

Cordia macleodii

Tree for ID : Nasik : 09JAN22 : AK – 15: 4 images.
Tree seen at the Borgad Conservation Reserve today.
There were some saplings of the same tree.

Clerodendron ??

Please try Clerodendrum chinense (Osbeck) Mabb. !

It reminds me of a Cordia sp. [Boraginaceae].

The guard gave the marathi name as daivat or something similar.
I tried searching with that name but couldn’t find a match.
After you suggested Cordia, it reminded me of Cordia africana.

It is more likely to be Cordia macleodii.

The leaves are perfectly matching in this link.
And the Marathi name is Daiwas.

Yes, it’s Cordia macleodii,

I missed the flowering, but was able to see the fruits today (24.4.22).

Adding the images.
5 images.


Fwd: [efloraofindia:158730] Boraginaceae – Cordia sp. for ID from Kerala- KMPK 2 : Attachments (6). 2 posts by 1 author.
Please help me for identification of another Cordia sp. collected from Kerala.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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