Cordyline fruticosa

Cordylinefruticosa (L.) A.Chev., Cat. Pl. Jard. Bot. Saigon 66 1919. (Syn: Aletrischinensis Lam.; Asparagusterminalis L. [Illegitimate]; Calodraconheliconiifolia (Otto & A.Dietr.) Planch.; Calodraconjacquinii (Kunth) Planch. [Illegitimate]; Calodraconnobilis Planch.; Calodraconsieberi (Kunth) Planch.; Calodraconterminalis (L.) Planch.; Convallariafruticosa L.; Cordylineamabilis Cogn. & Marchand; Cordylinebaptistii Cogn. & Marchand; Cordylinecheesemanii Kirk; Cordylinedennisonii André; Cordylinedensicoma Linden & André; Cordylineeschscholziana Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.; Cordylineferrea (L.) Endl. [Illegitimate]; Cordylinegloriosa Linden & André; Cordylineguilfoylei Linden ex Lem.; Cordylinehedychioides F.Muell.; Cordylineheliconiifolia Otto & A.Dietr.; Cordylinehendersonii Cogn. & Marchand; Cordylinejacquinii Kunth [Illegitimate]; Cordylinejavanica Klotzsch ex Kunth; Cordylinemetallica Dallière; Cordylinenobilis (Planch.) K.Koch; Cordylinereali (Linden & André) G.Nicholson; Cordylineregina Veitch ex Regel; Cordylinesepiaria Seem.; Cordylinesieberi Kunth; Cordylineterminalis (L.) Kunth [Illegitimate] ……..; Cordylineti Schott; Cordylinetimorensis Planch.; Dianellacubensis A.Rich.; Dracaenaalborosea Baker [Invalid]; Dracaenaamabilis auct.; Dracaenaargenteostriata W.Bull; Dracaenaaurora Linden & André; Dracaenabaptistii auct.; Dracaenabellula Linden & André; Dracaenabrasiliensis Schult. & Schult.f.; Dracaenacasanovae Linden & André; Dracaenachelsoni Veitch; Dracaenacooperi Regel; Dracaenacoullingii auct.; Dracaenacuprea T.Moore; Dracaenacuprea L.Linden & Rodigas [Illegitimate]; …………………………………………);
Cabbage Palm, Good Luck Plant, Palm Lily, Ti Plant, Kī (Hawaiian), Tī Pore (Māori), Sī (Tongan), “Lauti” (Samoan), and ʻAutī (Tahitian);
In case of Dracaena fragrans, the flowers are in clusters, these clusters (please excuse my naive way of expressing far-fetched analogy) are analogous to that in Dendrocalamus strictus.
In case of Cordyline fruticosa, each flower is spaced far apart from another, along the stem (¿ peduncle ?).

id 34578 plant with red and green leaves for identification:
Kindly identify this plant with red and green leaves. I do not know if it flowers.

Cordyline fruticosa & Cordyline Compacta

Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Private garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ HerbShrub
Height/Length-about 4 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Purple
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-Purple
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- I do not know if those purple berries are fruits

Seems like Cordyline terminalis to me.

Yes Cordyline terminalis as … Said


efloraindia: 281011 BRS90:

Date/Time-Location-some time during August, 2011
Place, Altitude, GPS- Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist 640 MSL
Habitat- Garden
Plant Habit- Shrub

Yes Cordyline terminalis


efloraofindia:’Id 04112011MR3’’ Cordyline fruticosa Pune:
sharing pictures of Cordyline fruticosa with inflorescence at Pune
from a private garden date Oct 2011

Cordyline terminalis

Cordyline terminalis is synonym of Cordyline fruticosa !


Request for ID- 231111 NS1:
Here z one plant for Id – photographed at Bund Garden , Pune. Dated- 19.11.11

I loved it’s common name – Good Luck Plant.


131211 BRS 264:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: Air Port Road, Coimbatore
Date: 12.12.2011
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Ornamental Plant


Ornamental for id – 300912 ANB-0005 – Mumbai:
This ornamental plant is flowering now and it has very attractive leaves that are over 12 inches long. Would love to know its name if possible.

Cordyline fruticosa

we have had several threads on this, if you search in our group page
you’ll find them… and may find them useful…


Ornamental Plant for ID : Nasik : 290113 : AK-1:
An ornamental plant seen in a plant nursery at Nasik on 3/10/2010.
Small, cultivated, potted plant.
Could be Dracaena?

Dracaena sp.

Cordyline fruticosa

Thanks for the id

very very beautiful pictures … was a treat to the eyes thanks for sharing

Nice photographs of an ornamental with beautiful coloured foliage. Interesting flowers too.


Hooghly : Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev. : Attachments (2).  1 post by 1 author.
Flowers of this species – efi thread

Requesting ID of this plant – Mumbai :26072013 : ARK-03 : July 2013 : Attachments(5). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in a cultivated gardenin Mumbai in July 2013.

Should be Cordyline terminalis, Syn cordyline fruticosa.

It should be otherwise as per the  theplantlist  : Valid name – Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev. (Syn. All varieties of Cordyline terminalis)


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 02112013MR14 Cordyline fruticosa from Pune –MR14 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 1 author.
sharing images of Cordyline fruticosafrom Pune

please ignore this post. sorry for wrong posting. This plant belongs to Asparagaceae. Thank you … for bringing it to my notice

Panipat 2014: Cordyline fruticosa:: NS March 05 : Attachments (7). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This ornamental is in flowering these days.. (2.3.14) shot from my college campus..
please suggest if both the forms are of same species.. one with reflexed petals is having green foliage…
I think the pics belong to Cordyline fruticosa
I have included both the pics in same mail as images names C. fruticosa1 and C. fruticosa2

Very interesting …, would like to know … view. A number of cultivars found at – davesgarden


Shrub ID from Bangladesh SM117 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Garden

Location: Dhaka City

Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev.


Ornamental Plant For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 27FEB16 : AK-13 : 13/13 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
While going through some earlier pictures, I came across these pictures.

Taken at the Flower Show in Jijamata Udyan, during Feb 2011.
Cultivated, ornamental plant with white flowers.
Could be Dracaena Species?

Comparative images of  Dracaena species in efi

Check for Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev. (Asparagaceae).

Thanks for the id.

Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai– 3-01-2010; Cordyline fruticosa-060110-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Is this Cordyline terminalis?
Pictures taken at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik, Maharashtra.
Plant taken on the 17th of July, 08 and flowers on 16th Sept, 09.

yes it is.
Cordyline terminalis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 5: 25, 1850; Hook. f., Fl. Brit India 6: 337, 1892; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3: 284, 1958 (Repr.); Sharma et al, Fl. Mah. St. Monocot. 142, 1996.
Common name: Dracena of Indian gardens.

Had an opportunity to meet … at Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan (Rani Baug)
She had already visited the garden a few times during this stay, she was kind enough to show me some beautiful sights within a short span of about an hour.
For want of time posting some links to my photostream at flickr.
… shrub flowering:
Rivina humilis
Calliandra haematocephala ‘Alba’ …
… climber flowering:
Cydista aequinoctialis
Beaumontia grandiflora

Cordyline fruticosa is very convincing ID.

– …and the UNID fruiting tree is Trachylobium verrucosum Oliver of Caesalpiniaceae.

– One more intersting information I would like to share with the group is that … informed us that true Dracaena is found only in Amazon valley, the stem when cut gives out a red fluid, the plant is called Draceana draco ( dragon’s blood) !

– .. Secondly, Dracaena draco, both word, i.e., Dracaena and draco means DRAGON as partially stated before. This plant is found in wild in Macaronesia and Morocco both of which are not in Amazon. Yes this plant does have a blood red sap, as stated earlier, which is used for medicinal purpose.
  True Dracaena is very widespread distributed in the tropics and subtropics. In India they are represented by only two species, namely, Dracaena terniflora Roxb. and Dracaena thwaitesii Regel.

– NPGS / GRIN at puts Pleomele fragrans as synonym of Dracaena fragrans.
…  has Dracaena fragrans here:

My plant at, looks more like Cordyline fruticosa.
For a closer view of the inflorescence of the same plant :
Few days back, … posts and responses discussed confusion between Dracaena fragrans and Cordyline fruticosa.

– It is not the colour of flowers to be perceived for comparing my plant and ..’s. The difference lies in the arrangement of flowers.
  In case of Dracaena fragrans, the flowers are in clusters, these clusters (please excuse my naive way of expressing far-fetched analogy) are analogous to that in Dendrocalamus strictus.
  In case of Cordyline fruticosa, each flower is spaced far apart from another, along the stem (¿ peduncle ?).
  Though this difference is seen between my and … plants, another set of examples showing inflorescence of each species:
Cordyline fruticosa
Dracaena fragrans


Ornamental for ID : Nasik : 271212 : AK-2:
An ornamental, potted, cultivated plant seen in a Nursery in Nasik on 3/10/12.

Cordyline Miss Andrea

How do you differentiate between Cordyline Miss Andrea and Cordyline terminalis ‘Chocolate Queen’?
An old post of mine.
This picture was taken at a plant nursery in Nasik.
… had identified it as Cordyline Miss Andrea.
Recently, you had identified one as Cordyline terminalis ‘Chocolate Queen’ on Eflora.

I guess it is more close to Cordyline terminalis ‘Chocolate Queen’ but I may be wrong !

Once … identified it, I also felt that it could be Cordyline terminalis Chocolate Queen.

Request for id : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 & 5 mb each.
Request for id of a plant from Mahe. Photographed in October, 2019. Is it Cordyline? Which species? Is it C. fruticosa?

Yes Ti Plant!

Thank you … I had some confusion whether it is Cordyline fruticosa or C. stricta?

Other recipients:
I shall go for Cordyline fruticosa ! Thank you. Saroj Kasaju
I shall go for Cordyline fruticosa !

Yes from me.  I have this plant in my home identified as C.fruticosa ..

Yes from me. I have this plant in my house identified as C.fruiticosa

May I see the habit image.
It looks different from Cordyline stricta as per
I thought of some chances of Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ as per
But leaves does not appear to be stiff in your post as in Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’

Thank you … I am attaching a photograph of the habit of the plant.

Will go with Cordyline fruticosa only.

Id of an ornamental from Mahe : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Request for identification of an ornamental from Mahe. Photographed in November, 2019.

Seems to be some species of Cordyline

Most probably Cordyline rubra

Id of an ornamental plant : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb.
Request for id of an ornamental plant from Mahe. Photographed in October, 2019.

Cordyline chocolate queen !

Yes, …
Cordyline fruticosa ‘Chocolate Queen’ as per


Please identify this plant from Rajouri jandk: 2 high res. images.
Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev.

Yes …


hello: Mixed thread: 2 correct images as above.
plz identify these plants

– I think
15022011023.jpg – Cordyline fruticosa
15022011024.jpg – Cordyline fruticosa


Asparagaceae: Cordyline fruticosa: 2 high res. images.
Cordyline fruticosa collected from Andhra University campus

Updated on December 24, 2024

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