Cornus capitata Wall., Fl. Ind. 1: 434 1820. (Syn: Benthamia capitata (Wall.) Nakai; Benthamidia capitata (Wall.) H.Hara; Cynoxylon capitatum (Wall.) Nakai; Dendrobenthamia capitata (Wall.) Hutch.; Benthamia fragifera Lindl.; Benthamidia capitata f. grandis Murata; Benthamidia capitata var. khasiana (C.B.Clarke) H.Hara; Cornus capitata subsp. emeiensis (W.P.Fang & Y.T.Hsieh) Q.Y.Xiang; Cornus capitata var. khasiana C.B.Clarke; Cynoxylon glabriusculum Pojark.; Cynoxylon yunnanense Pojark.; Dendrobenthamia capitata var. emeiensis (W.P.Fang & Y.T.Hsieh) W.P.Fang & W.K.Hu; Dendrobenthamia emeiensis W.P.Fang & Y.T.Hsieh);
Flora of Chakrata 2013:: Tree for id.. : Attachments (5). 5 posts by 3 authors.
This medium-sized tree was found in Tiuni area during our recent tour..
flowering was over, only fruits were found… leaves silvery beneath.. please help to id.. Cornus capitata Wall. (Cornaceae). Fruits at maturity are sweet and edible. Bears like these fruits very much. Thanks … for id.. is it also cultivated somewhere?
The images on web show very attractive fruits.. Not cultivated in the Himalaya. The white insects are colonising on the leaves. I feel the tree is attacked by mealy bugs.
Identified as Cornus capitata by Anil Thakur on Indian Flora Facebook Group Yes Sir. It is Cornus capitata, locally called as ‘Bhamora’ and fruits are edible. I got some close ups from the area.. submitting one of them .. Yes Sir, it is Benthamidia (=Cornus) capitata. ID Request –Sai Ropa at GHNP – PKA27 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4). morinda sp???
but i have never seen fruits of this sp.. to be this perfectly round and “hanging” perfectly upright… It is Benthamidia (=Cornus) capitata Yes, I also recorded the fruit laden tree from near Chakrata.. well, now its the edible dogwood…c.. kousa? from long island,
sorry I never connected the dots… This wild fruit called “Bhamora” is well known edible in Uttarakhand. Himalayan black bear is fond of this fruit and broken twigs indicate the presence around. On a recent visit to Kullu district I spotted several trees laden with these beautiful (odourless) flowers. I think this is the Himalayan Strawberry tree of the Dogwood family. Please correct me if I am wrong.
The true flowers are tiny making up the central dome and are surrounded by white bracts (mostly 4).
The fruit is edible.
Cornus capitata, Himalayan Strawberry Tree (or Evergreen Dogwood)
Gushaini, Kullu, 1500m
24 June 2015 Yes beautiful capture. Yes … Beautiful photographs. I had photographed this from UCBG, California. …, has it travelled to the U.S. from the Himalayas? wiki says its native of the himalayas in india china and naturalized in australia and new zealand.
Called Himayan dogwood, In Berkeley or SF its an import Many reputed Botanical Gardens including UCBG have different sections in the garden with plants grown from different parts of the World. UCBG has a section on Himalayas, India, Africa, Australia, etc. with plants from these areas grown and maintained. Thank you … for clarifying this. I did not realise BG stood for Botanical Garden before. Must have been lovely to be there. . HIMALAYAN STRAWBERRY TREE: Cornus capitata AT MAY 2017/02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. HIMALAYAN STRAWBERRY TREE: Cornus capitata
FROM MY BLOG Great details and presentation. Tree for id pl. I think it is Altingia excelsa or may be another species Thanks … But Altingia excelsa leaves show distinctly toothed margin and are leathery and shining while in the images posted by me it’s not so. Appears to be Cornus capitata of Cornaceae . AKOCT19 Tree for ID from Chakrata and Mussoorie : 3 posts by 3 authors. No images seen now. Cornus capitata (=Benthamidia capitata) of Cornaceae family. another cornus from the himalayas
love the pictures cant quite make it : first picture what is it?
Flowers from California-Cornus capitata from University California Botanical Garden: Wiki says this plant is native to the Himalayas in China, India and surrounding nations ( Wonder how it reached California! 🙂 Cornus capitata : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 2 mb.
Yes ! To me it also appears close to images at Cornus capitata Wall. .
Cornus capitata Wall.: 6 high res. images. Location: Lama Kyang, Lukum, Rukum West, Nepal
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild Syn : Benthamidia capitata (Wall.) H.Hara
Nepali Names : डमरु Damaru/ डिम्बर Dimbar . References:
Cornus capitata
Updated on December 24, 2024