Craterostigma sessiliflorum

Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang (syn: Lindernia chinensis (Yamazaki) Philcox; Lindernia nummulariifolia var. sessilis R. R. Mill; Lindernia sessiliflora (Benth.) Wettst.; Torenia sessiliflora Benth.; Vandellia chinensis T. Yamaz.; Vandellia sessiliflora Benth.) as per Catalogue of life;
China (Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Melaka), Singapore (I), Java, India, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Pakistan (Murree, Rawalpindi), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch) as per Catalogue of life;
Common name: Coinwort Lindernia, False Pimpernel, Round-leaved false pimpernel • Nepali: कंकरे झार Kankare Jhaar, पितमारे झार Pitamaare Jhaar
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- L. pyxidaria (syn. of Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox as per The Plant List), parviflora, crustacea, hookeri, cordifolia (syn. of Lindernia anagallis (Burm. f.) Pennell as per The Plant List), nummularifolia, angustifolia (syn. of Lindernia micrantha D. Don as per The Plant List), verbenaefolia, anagalisciliata)


VoF Week: Lindernia nummulariifolia from Govindghat Ghangriya trek near Govidghat:
Lindernia nummulariifolia from Govindghat Ghangriya trek near Govidghat
pls validate

Thanks … for correcting me for my comment to similar upload. … had also suggested Lindernia.

Sir that upload is different I am attaching both here for comparision

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

Attaching the image of a very tiny plant. Flower being few mm in size. Observed on Fort Purandar. It doesn’t appear to be Lindernia ciliata to me.
Would like to know the ID.

Beautiful plant …, I am also going to upload this from Chakrata…will be happy to know the id..

efi page on Lindernia with keys

… i have also collected this Lindernia from South Odisha from a hill top (1100 m above sea level). It appears Lindernia caespitosa to me.

… sorry i may be wrong but please check Lindernia nummulariifolia.

Thanks … for id help.. you seem to be correct, further inputs may help..

Thanks … for your inputs.
This plant was observed at higher levels on the fort in last Aug


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Unidentified Lindernia sp-5 from Aurangabad:: -PKA8:: : Attachments (8). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Small herb from Purandar fort.

Date/Time: 31-07-2010 / 11:45AM
Location: Purandar fort

Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb (Hardly 10 cm high).
Leaves almost sessile, toothed.

Lindernia species in efi so far with keys 

I have settled mine as Lindernia nummulariifolia being quite convincing to me..

Yes …, i think U R right. This plant also looks similar.



A tiny flower for ID ABAUG01/12 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.

Spotted this today on my walk and fortunately had a manual micro lens (vintage, given by a friend) on me to make a reasonable record. What flower is it? Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
14 August 2015

I think Lindernia nummulariifolia

Thank you …

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.


Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 5 July 2016
Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. 
(accepted name) ??
Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst. (synonym)
Nepali Names: कंकरे  झार Kankare Jhaar / पितमारे झार  Pitamaare Jhaar   

Attachments (10)

Thanks, … Appears close to images of same species at

What about these …?

All observations on efi site page at Lindernia nummulariifolia needs to be changed.

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

Images by tspkumar



132-TSP-ID-16DEC2016-3: A herb @ Mullaianagiri for ID : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly examine and identify this plant.. 


Habitat:Wild, Shola forest fringe 

Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1700 msl 


Some Lindernia (Linderniaceae, earlier Scrophulariaceae) sp to me.
Lindernia in eFI.

It looks Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsmann) Alston in Trimen,

It appears to be close to images at Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.
Does not matches with images of Lindernia tenuifolia at

It looks like Lindernia rotundifolia; owing to abscence of some characters, it is a guess. please go through the article it may help you

Thanks, …
But looks more close to illustration of Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. at researchgate
Also check other observations in efi at Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.


Lindernia for identification 070912MK03:

Please help me to identify this small herb. I identified this as Lindernia crustacea of Scrophulariaceae, but had doubts after going through the discussion on … plant here
Height: 10-15cm long
Leaf: 2-3 cm long
Habitat: wet rocky place
Locale: a private tea estate
Place: Valparai, TN
Alt: 950 m asl
Date: 28 July 2012

Your identification seems to be correct.

Appears close to images at Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.
Does not match with images at Lindernia crustacea (L.) F.Muell.

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindernia for id from Chakrata-NS 56 : Attachments (5). 6 posts by 4 authors.
This very small herb was frequently reported along roadsides throughout the Chakrata region, probably as Lindernia sp. have also been posted by … for id.. please help.

A nice series of images …

I have labeled my images of this flower as Lindernia caespitosa.
M R Almeida’s (Fl MH) keys are based capsule length wrt calyx, which I am unable to compare here (as also in my own set of images) therefore am unable to be absolutely certain.
Had a quick look at FoC but no L. caespitosa mentioned there but something similar in what they label as Deinstema sp. – not sure whether it’s applicable to India or not.

Here are the refrences, I got for Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold. (syn. Lindernia caespitosa (Blume) Panigrahi):

IUCN Red List (LC) (Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold. (Syn: Lindernia caespitosa (Blume) Panigrahi; Lindernia hirta (Cham. & Schltdl.) Pennell; Lindernia laxa (Benth.) Mukherjee; Torenia hirta Cham. & Schltdl.; Vandellia scabra Benth.)

The Plant List 1 (Lindernia caespitosa(Blume) Panigrahi- Unresolved)

The Plant List 2 (Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold. with Lindernia hirta (Cham. & Schltdl.) Pennell, Lindernia stellariifolia Hayata, Torenia hirta Cham. & Schltdl. & Vandellia hirta (Cham. & Schltdl.) T. Yamaz. as synonyms)

Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold. with Lindernia hirta (Cham. & Schlecht.) Pennell, Torenia hirta Cham. & Schlecht., Vandellia hirta (Cham. & Schlecht.) T. Yamaz., Vandellia pusilla (Willd.) Merr. & Vandellia scabra Benth. as synonyms)

Flora of China (Lindernia pusilla (Willdenow) Boldingh with Gratiola pusilla Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 1: 105. 1797; Lindernia hirta (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Pennell; L. stellarifolia Hayata; Torenia hirta Chamisso & Schlechtendal; Vandellia hirta (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) T. Yamazaki as synonyms)

It appears Lindernia nummularifolia

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

It is not listed in Nepal neither synonym.

Pl. see distribution in Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Flora of China gives distribution of Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettstein in Nepal.
Listed in checklist of Nepal as Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst.

Yes ! POWO as well.


Torenia or Lindernia? 270810-PKA2 : Attachments (9). 10 posts by 6 authors.

Came across this herb at “Hasha-Chi- Patti” on the way to Matheran. I had seen only one plant in the entire stretch. I remember seeing the similar herb at Purandar.
Date/Time: 21-08-2010
Location: “Hasha-Chi- Patti” on the way to Matheran.
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb ( 15cm approx)

Lindernia ——– calyx lobes not winged on back, actinomorphic
Torenia ———- calyx lobed winged on back, 2-lipped
Wings are somewhat seen but not 2-lipped.

I think Torenia from the Sir Ji’s key but not sure of the species

This is definitely a Torenia sp. possibly Torenia lindernioides.

Photo from Nadugani Ghats of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. I took the photo one month before.
It is a small herb found on the wet rocks.

Appears same as … plant

Yes sir, It is more or less look like the earlier plant.

…, as requested by you, I checked the keys in Dr. Almeida’s flora. Your plant is certainly Torenia. There are eight species of Torenis described in the flora. The main distinguishing feature being calyx narrowly winged or calyx broadly winged.

There are two features that stand out in your post. The deltoid ovate leaves and the arching filaments. I am not sure whether the calyx in your pictures should be considered narrowly or broadly winged. If one considers the calyx broadly winged- it should be T. indica. It is found in Matheran.
Here the key from the flora Vol  III B , pg 423:
 Torenia Linn
1.Calyx broadly winged ——— 2
     2. Filaments toothed —- T. cordifolia
     2. Filaments not toothed                                                     3
           3. Flowers with dark purple patches —- T.fournieri
           3.Flowers without dark purple patches —  T. indica
1. Calyx narrowly winged                                                         4
     4. Fruiting calyx ribbed                                                       5
           5. Flowers solitary                                                        6
                6. Calyx hirsute; corolla pale blue with dark
                    blotches on the lobes of lower lip —— T. diffusa
                6. Calyx not hirsute ; corolla purple, no
                    dark blotcheson lips —–T. bicolor
            5. Flowers in clusters ——–T. thouarsii
     4. Fruiting calyx not ribbed                                                 7
            7.Corolla less thn 1 cm long —- T. lindernioides
            7. Corolla more than 2 cm long — T. asiatica

I am enclosing two sp. for comparison. As per me the left ones are Torenia indica and the right ones are unidentified. These looks totally different. Requesting members to have a look.

I think Torenia fournieri

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindernia for id from VOF Trek-NS 40 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 2 authors.
This one was shot from Gobind ghat-Ghanghariya trek, perhaps a Lindernia sp. again..can this be L. dubia ?

I think it may not be Lindernia dubia in view of Id at another thread by …

Yes …, this looks different..still open for discussion..


Vof Week: 14092012 BS 3 Tiny Scrophulariaceae herb for id from near Govindghat:
Tiny Scrophulariaceae herb for id from near Govindghat
This herb was shot just 2 kms away from Govindghat on the way to Ghangriya

I think Veronica persica

Any Lindernia sp.?

Yes … I think you are much more closer than me.

I think closer to images at Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.

Wild Herb For ID : Lonavala : 300713 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 3 authors.
A small herb seen growing wild at Karla, near Lonavala on 29/7/13.
Sorry for the bad picture quality due to cloudy weather and heavy rains. Id please.

Any Limnophila sp.?

Leaves are looking different to the Limnophila I found on FOI. Could be a Torenia species?

… do u have any other picture of the same showing flowers ? Please upload which will help to conform

Indeed difficult to identify due to uncler image. Possibility of Lindernia sp. (Bonnaya sp.)

I have just this picture of the tiny flower.
It was raining very heavily and getting difficult to take good pictures due to poor light and rain.
On searching for Lindernia on FOI, the closest I found was Lindernia nummulariifolia, common name False Pimpernel.
Kindly have a look.

There is also possibility of Lindernia also.

To me also appear close to images at Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.

Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. ??? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Raniban, Balaju, Nepal
Altitude:  4900 ft.
Date: 26 August 2016

Yes, appears close to images at Lindernia nummulariifolia as per comparative images at Lindernia

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

Did not find listing in Nepal neither synonyms.

Pl. see distribution in Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Flora of China gives distribution of Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettstein in Nepal.
Listed in checklist of Nepal as Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst.

Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) – around 400 kb each.
Location:  Nagarkot
Date: 21 August 2018
Elevation:6500 ft.
Habit : Wild 

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

These two links from FoI made me confused about the correct ID.
And only Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb.Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. is listed in the latest book .

See if the attached key is of some use. It is from the 2016 paper describing Craterostigma sessiliflorum
1 attachment

Can you please send the link for the full article?

The paper is attached here.
1 attachment

So we take this as C.sessiliflora ?

That is where I have kept it earlier:

Any idea how does Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. plant and flower look like ?


Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) – 1, 2 & 3 mb.
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date: 14 September  2019
Elevation: 1300 m.

Habitat : Wild

Attachments (2)- around 700 kb each.

Thanks, …
But what surprised me is that Catalogue of Life gives distribution of Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D. Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. (syn: Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst.) as Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, D.R. Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I)), Fiji (I).
That sent me on the hunt for correct id of our plant.
Pl. see Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b): 80 1891. (syn: Vandellia nummulariifolia D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 86. 1825; Lindernia sessiliflora (Bentham) Wettstein; Vandellia chinensis T. Yamazaki; V. sessiliflora Bentham.) as per Flora of China.
Checklist of Nepal only gives Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst. without any synonyms and distribution as 900-2900 m; Himalaya (Kashmir to Sikkim), India, Ceylon, Burma, W. & C. China.
Taxonomic Revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) In Taiwan (2012) gives only Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b): 80 1891. (syn: Vandellia nummulariifolia D. Don) with distribution as India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, W. and C. China, Madagascar, Taiwan in wet meadows in south (Pingtung County)
What about Lindernia sessiliflora (Bentham) Wettstein given in Flora of China as it is not mentioned in Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D. Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. in Catalogue of Life. Catalogue of life gives this as a syn. of Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang with distribution as China (Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Melaka), Singapore (I), Java, India, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Pakistan (Murree, Rawalpindi), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch). 
Thus, plant in our area may be Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang with distribution as China (Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Melaka), Singapore (I), Java, India, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Pakistan (Murree, Rawalpindi), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch).
This may be due to some recent taxonomic revisions etc. On searching, I found  New combinations in Craterostigma and Torenia (Linderniaceae) from Asia with key to allied species Phytotaxa Vol 247, No 2 (2016) by YI-SHUO LIANG, JENN-CHE WANG (Abstract- Traditionally, Lindernia s.l. Allioni (1766: 178) was the largest genus within Linderniaceae, with about 100 species, including members of Bonnaya Link & Otto (1820: 25), Ilysanthes Rafinesque (1820: 13), and Vandellia Linnaeus (1767: 384) (Pennell 1935, Rahmanzadeh et al. 2005). This concept (Pennell 1935) was adopted by subsequent taxonomists (e.g., Philcox 1968, Tsoong & Ku 1979, Yamazaki 1981, Fischer 1992, Lewis 2000, Liang et al. 2012) until Fischer et al. (2013), based on molecular and morphological evidence, proposed a more restrict circumscription of Lindernia s.str., separated from Bonnaya, Vandellia, Craterostigma Hochstetter (1841: 668), Crepidorhopalon Fischer (1989: 443), Torenia Linnaeus (1753: 619), and the new genus Linderniella Fischer et al. (2013: 227)). But one has to log in to see the details.

I guess you are right … but could not get sufficient images for comparison.

Flowers of India

I have attached the key to the species provided by the paper

Phytotaxa 247 (2): 148–150 (2016), “New combinations in Craterostigma and Torenia (Linderniaceae) from Asia with key to allied species.”
The bottom-line of the paper is,
“Craterostigma sessiliflorum differs from C. nummulariifolium by its creeping habit (vs. erect), sessile flowers (vs. sessile to pedunculate), and pale brown corolla dorsal lip (vs. purplish)”
In this light, Saroj’s plant (and all similar plants posted on eFI) belong to Craterostigma nummulariifolium.
Two observations of what should be Craterostigma sessiliflorum, both from Kerala, are here (although wrongly labeled presently):

1 attachment

Thank you … for your clarification. It seems all images on the net are random.

That means Nepal does not have Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y.S.Liang & J.C.Wang though
some of the databases showing its distribution in Nepal maybe because of the identification
confusion. Also the latest book by KK shrestha et all also do not have this sp. for Nepal.

The distribution given at various sites should not be taken at face value because a distribution of a locality may get added because it was treated as a synonym of another species. Even when the naming is fixed, the distribution does not get automatically fixed.
The plant with purple upper-lip flowers is found in the Himalayas and also Maharashtra, as the posts on eFI show. However no one has yet posted a plant with brown upper-lip flowers on eFI. So my guess is that it might be confined to Southern Western Ghats and probably China and SE Asia.
The Keralaplants page for Lindernia sessiliflora also mentions a brown upper lip.

I have not seen that sp. yet.

POWO and CoL does not give distribution of Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb.Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. outside Africa.

Actually, POWO is also not 100 % correct, neither are any of the databases. I have seen many discrepancies

with POWO for many sps. having distribution in Nepal which are not included in the POWO and some sps.
which are not having distribution in Nepal showing distribution for Nepal.
Likewise, GBIF also has many discrepancies. Images of many sps. are wrongly  posted with different ID pages
and I have informed them for corrections. But they replied that it is the responsibility of the person / institution who has uploaded  the images.
By the way, Nepal has only one Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. , and not the
Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y.S.Liang & J.C.Wang .(Sofar)
Enclosed Screen shots from the WP and Book by KK shrestha et all.
2 attachments

POWO has taken a decision in this regard after following many publications as given the references herein, which are not accessible to us.

I cannot say further as I am not an expert. However, this species is included in efloranepal, latest book from Nepal, Government documents.
2 attachments

Name please, from Neora Valley, Kalimpong, West Bengal : 29 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Kindly let us know the identity.

Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. ??
Syn : Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst.

I too agreed with …

I always thought it grows in mud, bogs edges of muddy water bodies. never seen any pictures where it grew in stone or cracks in walls. First for me

I had seen that species in Sikkim as a common herb with red globose fruits. But please note that the fruits are different here. Please enlighten me.

Did you mean by Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. ??

Thank you, …, for point out and enlighten me, it really differs from lindernia,

Lobebia nummularia is entirely different in its fruits. I think this is some other species.

Yes …! I tried that too !

Can it be something like Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. ?

They have collected that also. But here the fruits are entirely different.

Will this help ?
200 × 281

Yes fruits in … post appear similar to Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. as per

1024 × 1530 matches. other two I am not so very sure of

Taking this as Craterostigma sessiliflorum in view of discussion at Craterostigma nummulariifolium (D.Don) Eb. Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll.

I just took this image yesterday at 1900m. First fruiting image for me.
Attachments (1)- 5 mb.

Yes, this is the plant. Thank you again. You are the real hero.

SK 2738 18 August 2020 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images- 5 to 6 mb each.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 07 August 2020
Elevation: 2192 m.
Habit : Wild 
Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang ??

Yes, appears close to images at Craterostigma sessiliflorum


Jawhar near Nashik, MH :: Lindernia :: ARK2021-050: 2 images.

This was clicked at Jawhar near Nashik, MH in July 2021.
Am afraid, the pics may not be very clear. This was on a rock right next to a small waterfall.
Requested to please ID.

Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang


Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1290 m.
Date: 27 July 2021
Habit : Wild


MS, July, 2023/02 Craterostigma sp. for id.:
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.1,000 m.
Date : 08-07-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Craterostigma sessiliflorum (Benth.) Y. S. Liang & J. C. Wang


Checklist of Nepal (Lindernia nummularifolia (D. Don) Wettst.)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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