TSP17OCT2015-1-Kottigehara:Images of a terrestrial Orchid for ID assistance. : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Submitting few Images of a terrestrial orchid for ID assistance.Could this be a Malaxis sp….??? I missed the flowering stage, the plant had developed fruits.
Habit: Terrestial herb.
Habitat: Evergreen forest floor under shade.
Sighting: Kottigehara, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl.
Date: 28-09-2015 This can be many things, but I can only guess right now that this is Malaxis versicolor…. i suspect this is a Seidenfia. But cant confirm the species without flowers. Hope … is able to share flower picture. No …, I could not revisit the specimen to take pictures of the flowers Could you share high resolution images ? Should be some Crepidium which is now Seidenfia. Cant confirm without flowers Dienia ophrydis perhaps? Never seen red fruits in Dienia that too so close and wrinkled. I think this is Seidenfia (some people still consider it Crepidium). Like Crepidium versicolor. Oh yes. They are quite dense indeed.
A question on a related note: Was it not Malaxis versicolor before it became Seidenfia versicolor (and now Crepidium versicolor!) ?
Believe this species have been moved around different genuses due to certain key characteristics. Would be great to know how this was done.
Crepidium versicolor ?
Updated on December 24, 2024