Crinum asiaticum

Crinum asiaticum L., Sp. Pl. 292 1753. (Syn: Bulbine asiatica (L.) Gaertn.;                           Amaryllis carnosa Hook.f.; Crinum albiflorum Noronha [Invalid]; Crinum anomalum Herb.; Crinum asiaticum var. declinatum Herb.; Crinum asiaticum var. procerum (Herb. & Carey) Baker; Crinum augustum Roxb. ex Ker Gawl.; Crinum bancanum Kurz; Crinum bracteatum Willd.; Crinum carinifolium Stokes; Crinum cortifolium Hallier f.; Crinum declinatum Herb.; Crinum floridum Fraser ex Herb. [Illegitimate]; Crinum hornemannianum M.Roem.; Crinum macrantherum Engl.; Crinum macrocarpum Carey ex Kunth; Crinum macrophyllum Hallier f.; Crinum northianum Baker; Crinum plicatum Livingstone ex Hook.; Crinum procerum Herb. & Carey; Crinum redouteanum M.Roem.; Crinum rigidum Herb.; Crinum rumphii Merr.; Crinum sumatranum Roxb. ex Ker Gawl.; Crinum toxicarium Roxb.; Crinum umbellatum Carey ex Herb.; Crinum woolliamsii L.S.Hannibal; Crinum zanthophyllum Hannibal; Haemanthus pubescens Blanco [Illegitimate]; Lilium pendulum Noronha);
KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lily … Dave’s Botanary
a-see-AT-ee-kum — of or from Asia … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: giant crinum lily, grand crinum lily, poison bulb, poison lily, spider lilyAssamese: বন নহৰু bon nohoru, ঢেকি ফুল dheki phul, জজং jajang, কনাৰী konari, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুখদৰ্শন sukhdarsanBengali: বড়ো কানুর baro kanur, কোবা রসুন koba rasun, নাগদল nagdal, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুদর্শন sudarsan, সুখদর্শন sukhdarshanGujarati: નાગદમની nagdamani, સુખદર્શન sukhdarshanHindi: नागदमनी nagdamani, सुखदर्शन sukhdarshanKannada: ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali, ವಿಷಬಿದುರು vishabiduru, ವಿಷಮುಂಗುಲಿ vishamunguliKonkani: नागदवण nagdavanMalayalam: വെളുത്തപോളതാളി veluttapolataliMarathi: भुईशिरड bhuishirad, नागदमनी nagadamani, नागदवण nagadavanaOdia: ଆରିସା arisa, ଢିଙ୍କିଆ ଦଳ dhinkiadala, ନାଗଦମନୀ nagadamaniSanskrit: नागदमनी nagadamani, सुदर्शन sudarsana, विषमण्डल vishamandalaTamil: நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, பெருநரிவெங்காயம் peru-narivenkayam, விஷமூங்கில் visa-munkilTelugu: చెంగలువ chengalva, కేసరచెట్టు kesarchettu, లక్ష్మీనారాయణచెట్టు lakshminarayana chettu, విషమంగలి visha-mungaliTulu: ಇಸಮುಂಗಿಲಿ isamungiliUrdu: سکهہدرشن sukhdarshan
Incidentally I have Bailey, Manual of Cultivated plants (a standard reference for cultivated plants) which treats Crinum asiaticum, C. amabile and C. augustum as three distinct species. Former is differentiated by white perianth and latter two by perianth red at least on outside. The author admits C. augustum as “doubtfully specifically distinct from A. amabile” differing in larger bulbs (up to 15 cm in diam.), less fragrant, and broader perianth segments (12-20 mm broad) as against smaller bulb, highly fragrant flowers and 10-12 mm broad segments. C. asiaticum is considered as a very variable species with bulb 10-13 cm in diam, flowers highly fragrant, white, with 10-12 mm broad segments;

Bulbous herbs; bulb globose, 12 x 10 cm, neck 10-20 cm. Leaves clustered from the apex of bulbs, oblong, 70-100 x 1.5-8.5 cm, flat, coriaceous, glabrous, narrow at base, margin entire, apex gradually tapering. Scape to 30 cm long, often more, 1-2 cm across; umbels 10-17 cm, 30(50)-flowered; bracts hooded, ovate-lanceolate, 7-8.5 x 4.5 -5 cm; bracteoles to 5 cm. Flowers to 16.5 cm long, 10(14) cm across. Perianth salver-shaped; tube to 10 cm; lobes white, oblong-linear, to 7 x 1.2 cm, glabrous, 18-20 nerved, subacute, cuspidate. Filaments to 4.5 cm; anthers 2×0.2 cm. Ovary 3-celled; ovule(s) 1 or 2; style to 15 cm.     

Flowering and fruiting: April-July
Sandy coasts and wet places in deciduous forests
South India and Sri Lanka


Crinum from Andamans: Photo: 2011-01-08
Elephant Beach, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands
Plant growing on the beach (sandy). Leaves nearly 1 m. No flowers but fruits.
Not sure if Crinum can be identified without flowers. So is this C.asiaticum? or something else.

– This looks like C. asiaticum the “Sukhdarshan” as it is popularly called.

– it is Crinum asiaticum.

For C. asiaticum the bulb would have a neck 30 cm long; Leaves to be flat, nearly 2 m long and 15 cm wide. Scapes have to be 3 cm wide and upto 1 m long.

– This plant can for sure have a bulb neck that is 30 cm long as you cant see the bulb at all. Leaves length depends on light, nutrients and water availability so I guess this specimen growing in sand on sunny sea-shore never will have leaves of 2 m length. There are also many different cultivars of C. asiaticum that shows a big difference in general size, leaf shape and colour.


efloraofindia:”For Id 16102011MR2’’ ? fruit of Crinum asiaticum Pune:
This had flowered 2 months back and now I see this bulbous fruit like structure. Is it a fruit? Please validate

Yes ….. A lucky flower that manages to produce fruit


Crinum Lily for ID : Delhi : 120612 : AK-1:
An ornamental, cultivated plant photographed at Lodhi Gardens, Delhi on 3/9/11.
Kindly id.

Crinum asiaticum!


efloraindia: Crinum asiaticum:

Sharing the images of Crinum asiaticum from Coimbatore.
Location: Peelamedu, Coimbatore
Date: 02.12.2011
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Herb


efloraofindia:”Id 18062012MR1’’ white spider camouflaged in Spider lily(Crinum asiaticum) flower at Pune:
June 2012 at a private society in Pune
Sharing pictures of a white spider camouflaged in the throat of a Spider lily (Crinum asiaticum) flower.
It was also trying to kill a black spider which escaped later. Sharing 2 images of the flowers too

This is a Crab spider of Family Thomisidae possibly Thomisus spectabilis.



Hooghly Today : seems to be Crinum : 6 images. 6 posts by 2 authors.
It might be Crinum asiaticum L.; F. B. I. vi. 280. 

Yes Crinum asiaticum.

Crinum asiaticum from me too


Hooghly : Crinum toxicarium Roxb. (Crinum asiaticum var. asiaticum) : Attachments (7).  1 post by 1 author.
There is a special note in Flora Indica, vol. p135; and the illustration mentioned there, is –
It has distinct stem and leaves are more than 5″.
It is BARO-KANOOR (বড় কানুড়) in Bengali.

Hooghly sk-nov-03 – ornamental Crinum sp. : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
This is 4ft ornamnetal Crinum, found 29-Oct-2014, having 20+ flowers on its scape.

very common
even back in the dark ages, our college campus had lots of these
they have all but disappeared
nice scent when flowers first opened.
alas for the new students 

seems to be crinum asiaticum

I have seen Crinum asiaticum, which is very stout plant, my post of that particular individual is at efi thread. This may be a cultivar, I do not know, but I would say it is much weaker than the one I saw.

what does weker mean
got less nutrition? less water? more competition?

Yes Didi, “weaker” doesn’t mean anything, these individuals can be young plant too. But as per Flora Indica flowers of Crinum toxicarium Roxb. are “almost inodorous” and as per Sir Prain leaves are 5 inch or more wide. The leaves here a little less, the widest region about 11 cm. But, at the same time I must say that cultivars perhaps defy rules, or do have added or sometime lacking type characters.

It blooms in my house in Delhi every year, though very few species of plants stay happy here.

it just dawned on me this dawn that there may be micro-nutrient deficiency in the soil where its growing may be that’s why its “weak” looking?
look around at the other plants near it.. any browning of the tips of leaves?
any yellowing?
or other discoloration?

No, Didi, the soil is nutrient-rich, and this plant maybe type species of Crinum asiaticum L., as you have suggested earlier.
Pedicellate flower, length and width of leaves, length of perianth tube and lobes do match and FoC has fragrant flowers. Roxburgh’s toxicarium may not be type species, and I do not know anything of the endless type botanists do have.


Goa, May 2015 :: Requesting ID of this lily :: ARKJUN-08/19 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please ID this lily from a beach resort at Varca, Goa in May 2015.

Is it Crinum asiaticum?

Thank you … for the possible ID. Hoping to get it validated.

Yes Crinum asiaticum.



Crinum for ID :: JJ – Patan, GJ, March 2018 :: ARKAPR-19 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Clicked this lily species near Patan, GJ in March 2018.
Is this some Crinum secies? Requested to please ID.

070609 in Bangalore;at Karnala Bird sanctuary, Mumbai-Goa highway, Maharashtra- 26th Jully 2009; Kancheepuram Dist., TN– 21 Nov 2009;

Crinum for conformation. – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Is it Crinum viviparum? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Garden Flower for ID-130609-RK2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Date/Time- Aug 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Plant
Height/Length- 3 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- big green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- white flowers
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-Not seen

Crinum asiaticum indeed. bulbs of this plant is poisonous.

this is the plant I had found was very popular in Bombay in the late 70s and 80s for decorating wedding halls… we did not have it in Bengal then… our decorators used / still use rajanigandha / tuberose flowers to make the same linear or criss-cross jaal… to cover walls ans mandaps…. wonder if its still popular on the west coast….

nowadays Roses and Tuberoses as you pointed out are used commonly for decorations. I too remember these Lily flowers being used in the past.

Crinum asiaticum var. pedunculatum :: Virajpet, Coorg :: 10 NOV 19 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 5 images.
… at a resort  in Virajpet, Coorg
Dates: November 10 – 11, 2019 … Altitude: about 910 m (3000 ft) as
Crinum asiaticum var. pedunculatum  (R.Br.) Fosberg & Sachet

I have a strong feeling that I have mistaken the ID of the posted plant.
It must be Crinum asiaticum L.
Please validate.

Have you edited the heading? It’s saying Crinum asiaticum var. pedunculatum

The heading was put when I posted initially, when I had arrived to intraspecific taxon- var pedunculatum.
Now I have a strong feeling that the plant is Crinum asiaticum.
C. a. var pedunculatum is as I understand, could be as wide as C. asiaticum, but relatively quite shorter plant.

Catalogue of life does not give gives distribution of Crinum asiaticum var. pedunculatum (R.Br.) Fosberg & Sachet in India. Distribution given is Caroline Is.; Cocos (Keeling) Is.; Gilbert Is.; Marianas; Marshall Is.; Nauru; New Caledonia; New Guinea; New South Wales; Norfolk Is.; Northern Territory; Queensland; Society Is.; Tonga; Vanuatu
While it gives its distribution in India for Crinum asiaticum var. asiaticum

Thank you very very much … for the information and validation.
Though var. pedunculatum is not distributed, I thought whether it is cultivated as ornamental plants in gardens in our country.

Crinum asiaticum : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Here is my picture of Crinum asiaticum

Nice sir ji, I too agree with you for ID.

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Crinum asiaticum L. … family: Amaryllidaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lilyDave’s Botanary
a-see-AT-ee-kum — of or from AsiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: giant crinum lily, grand crinum lily, poison bulb, poison lily, spider lilyAssamese: বন নহৰু bon nohoru, ঢেকি ফুল dheki phul, জজং jajang, কনাৰী konari, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুখদৰ্শন sukhdarsanBengali: বড়ো কানুর baro kanur, কোবা রসুন koba rasun, নাগদল nagdal, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুদর্শন sudarsan, সুখদর্শন sukhdarshanGujarati: નાગદમની nagdamani, સુખદર્શન sukhdarshanHindi: नागदमनी nagdamani, सुखदर्शन sukhdarshanKannada: ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali, ವಿಷಬಿದುರು vishabiduru, ವಿಷಮುಂಗುಲಿ vishamunguliKonkani: नागदवण nagdavanMalayalam: വെളുത്തപോളതാളി veluttapolataliMarathi: भुईशिरड bhuishirad, नागदमनी nagadamani, नागदवण nagadavanaOdia: ଆରିସା arisa, ଢିଙ୍କିଆ ଦଳ dhinkiadala, ନାଗଦମନୀ nagadamaniSanskrit: नागदमनी nagadamani, सुदर्शन sudarsana, विषमण्डल vishamandalaTamil: நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, பெருநரிவெங்காயம் peru-narivenkayam, விஷமூங்கில் visa-munkilTelugu: చెంగలువ chengalva, కేసరచెట్టు kesarchettu, లక్ష్మీనారాయణచెట్టు lakshminarayana chettu, విషమంగలి visha-mungaliTulu: ಇಸಮುಂಗಿಲಿ isamungiliUrdu: سکهہدرشن sukhdarshan
botanical names: Crinum asiaticum L. … synonyms: Bulbine asiatica (L.) Gaertn. • Crinum angustifolium Herb. • Crinum brevifolium Roxb. • Crinum macrocarpum Carey • Crinum macrocarpum Carey ex Kunth • Crinum rigidum Herb. • Crinum toxicarium f. asiaticum (L.) Herb. … GBIF
November 11, 2019 … in a resort, Coorg

Beautiful upload.  Kannada names and English transliteration are correct.

KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lily … Dave’s Botanary
a-see-AT-ee-kum — of or from Asia … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: giant crinum lily, grand crinum lily, poison bulb, poison lily, spider lily • Assamese: বন নহৰু bon nohoru, ঢেকি ফুল dheki phul, জজং jajang, কনাৰী konari, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুখদৰ্শন sukhdarsan • Bengali: বড়ো কানুর baro kanur, কোবা রসুন koba rasun, নাগদল nagdal, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুদর্শন sudarsan, সুখদর্শন sukhdarshan • Dogri: नागदर्शन nagadarshan • Gujarati: નાગદમની nagdamani, સુખદર્શન sukhdarshan • Hindi: नागदमनी nagadamani, सुखदर्शन sukhdarshan • Kannada: ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali, ವಿಷಬಿದಿರು vishabidiru, ವಿಷಮುಂಗುಲಿ vishamunguli • Konkani: नागदवण nagdavan • Malayalam: വെളുത്തപോളതാളി veluttapolatali • Manipuri: ꯂꯝ ꯃꯣꯗꯣꯂꯩ lam modolei • Marathi: भुईशिरड bhuishirad, नागदमनी nagadamani, नागदवण nagadavana • Mizo: kep-tum • Nepali: हाडे लसुन haade lasun • Odia: ଆରିସା arisa, ଢିଙ୍କିଆ ଦଳ dhinkiadala, ନାଗଦମନୀ nagadamani • Sanskrit: नागदमनी nagadamani, सुदर्शन sudarsana, विषमण्डल vishamandala • Tamil: நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, பெருநரிவெங்காயம் peru-narivenkayam, விஷமூங்கில் visa-munkil • Telugu: చెంగలువ chengalva, కేసరచెట్టు kesarchettu, లక్ష్మీనారాయణచెట్టు lakshminarayana chettu, విషమంగలి visha-mungali • Tulu: ಇಸಮುಂಗಿಲಿ isamungili • Urdu: سکهہدرشن sukhdarshan

botanical namesCrinum asiaticum L. … synonymsBulbine asiatica (L.) Gaertn. • Crinum brevifolium Roxb. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
giant crinum lily, grand crinum lily, poison bulb, spider lily
poison lily
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
বন নহৰু bon nohoru, ঢেকি ফুল dheki phul, জজং jajang, কনাৰী konari, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুখদৰ্শন sukhdarsan
  • Many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with these names … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
বড়ো কানুর baro kanur, কোবা রসুন koba rasun, নাগদল nagdal, নাগদামিনী nagdamini, সুদর্শন sudarsan, সুখদর্শন sukhdarshan
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
नागदर्शन nagadarshan
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
નાગદમની nagdamani, સુખદર્શન sukhdarshan
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
नागदमनी nagadamani, सुखदर्शन sukhdarshan
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali
ವಿಷಬಿದಿರು vishabidiru
  • Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna … also ವಿಷಬಿದುರು vishabiduru
ವಿಷಮುಂಗುಲಿ vishamunguli
  • Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna … ವಿಷಮೂಂಗಿಲಿ vishamungili
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
नागदवण nagdavan
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
വെളുത്തപോളതാളി veluttapolatali
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯂꯝ ꯃꯣꯗꯣꯂꯩ lam modolei
  • The Economic Plants of Manipur and their Uses, S. Sukumar Singh (Manipur, 2006)
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
भुईशिरड bhuishirad
नागदमनी nagadamani
नागदवण nagadavana
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
हाडे लसुन haade lasun
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଆରିସା arisa
ଢିଙ୍କିଆ ଦଳ dhinkiadala
ନାଗଦମନୀ nagadamani
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
नागदमनी nagadamani, विषमण्डल vishamandala
सुदर्शन sudarsana
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, பெருநரிவெங்காயம் peru-narivenkayam, விஷமூங்கில் visa-munkil
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
చెంగలువ chengalva, కేసరచెట్టు kesarchettu, లక్ష్మీనారాయణచెట్టు lakshminarayana chettu, విషమంగలి visha-mungali
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಇಸಮುಂಗಿಲಿ isamungili
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
سکهہدرشن sukhdarshan
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada name ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali  is commonly applied to Ruta graveolens L.  Rather well known.  I don’t know how far this name can be applied to this species. It is upto you to decide. Otherwise, the names in Kannada are correctly spelled and English transliterations are also correct.

Thank you very much … for pointing to this name ನಾಗದಾಳಿ naagdaali being more known for another plant.
Some of the Crinum spp. especially C. asiaticum is known for its poisonous nature – thus have earned names like poison bulb, poison lily in English, and likewise in regional languages – clearly indicate its therapeutic potential against poisonous bites … Much valued herb for the treatment of poisonous bites and food poisoning … Medicinal plants of Tulunadu.
Once again, thank you very much for continuously validating the Kannada names of my compilations.


Nepali name(s) of Crinum asiaticum L.:
Please help me with Nepali name(s) of Crinum asiaticum L., if any.
I found one listed at as हाडे फूल haade phool.

So far not mentioned in any books, however one link says हाडे लसुन  Haade Lasun !


Amayrllidaceae: Crinum latifolium: 6 high res. images.
Crinum latifolium collected from Indira Gandhi Zoological park at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India on 17/11/24

Its Crinum asiaticum sir the picture mismatched in mails

Yes, as per images at


Updated on January 11, 2025

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