Crinum moorei (Introduced)

Crinum moorei Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 100: t. 6113 1874. (syn: Amaryllis moorei (Hook.f.) Stapf; Crinum colensoi Baker; Crinum imbricatum Baker; Crinum mackenii Baker; Crinum makoyanum E.C.Hend.; Crinum makoyanum var. roseum Pynaert; Crinum moorei var. variegatum André; Crinum natalense Baker; Crinum schmidtii Regel0);
E. Cape Prov. to KwaZulu-Natal; Introduced into: Ecuador, Juan Fernández Is., Korea, Mexico Central, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southwest, Nauru, Peru as per POWO;

Lily For ID : California : 21NOV14 : AK-47 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Lily flowers seen at the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30th Sept,14.

Light pink, large flowers.

This could be Crinum moorei, as per the link…….. Flowers of India

Lily flowers of Golden Gate Park Francisco are numerous among them majority are hybrids which is very difficult to identify, However the photograph you have uploaded may be Crinum jagus

totally agree with …
that’s what I have been trying to convey all this time, that there are so many hybrids and cultivars that a single non-diagnostic pic does not do justice  to it.

Thanks for the suggested id.
… I do understand your point.

It was just a guess from my side since the flowers looked similar.

ID may be correct since this sp. has distribution in that region.

You meant Crinum jagus may be correct?

Crinum moorei !

Yes, possible as per
Pacific Bulb society

Updated on December 24, 2024

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