Crinum woodrowii

Crinum woodrowii Baker, Bot. Mag. 124: t. 7597 1898.;
KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lily … Dave’s Botanary
wood-ROW-ee-eye — named for G M Woodrow, who first collected this species … POWO
commonly known as: Woodrow’s crinum lilyMarathi: रोवी कर्णफुल rowi karnaphul 
Flowers are subsessile hence C. pratens. C. woodrowii has pedicelled flowers. Moreover the latter is rarely found on cliffs along evergreen forests. C. pratens is a common Crinum in Konkan.

Crinum identification: 5 images.
need help with identifying the Crinum spp. I think it is C. wodrowii but need an expert to confirm. Seen last saturday 9th June in a site which is planned to be submerged in backwaters of a dam.
C. wodrowii is an endangered species which makes me worry more about the habitat being drowned.

Same as your thought … Crinum woodrowii.


Names of Plants in India :: Crinum eleonorae:
Crinum eleonorae
botanical names: Crinum eleonorae Blatt. & McCann … synonym: Crinum eleonorae f. purpureum Blatt. & McCann

Just wanted to know who put forma purpureum as synonym of C. elenorae, because BSI treat them distinct plant, (Flora of Maharashtra by B.D.Sharma, S. Karthikeyan and N.P.Singh, 1996)
forma purpureum has perigone deeply tinged with purple on the dorsal side and perigone tube with bracts uniformly brown-purple.

… the relevant link to page at The Plants List is

this plant ID is corrected to Crinum woodrowii Baker … comment at

Though the picture in original post now belongs to Crinum woodrowii Baker … would like to put here the revised version of names of Crinum eleonorae Blatt. & McCann … considered as an extinct plant.
KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lily … Dave’s Botanary
el-ee-oh-NAWR-ay — most possibly named for Eleanor Mary Allen, wife of Charles McCann … Wikipedia, author of this species
commonly known as: Eleanor’s lilyMarathi: नोरी कर्णफुल nori karnaphul


Names of Plants in India :: Crinum woodrowii Baker ex W.Watson:
Crinum woodrowii Baker ex W.Watson

KRY-num or KREE-num — Greek: krinon, meaning lily … Dave’s Botanary
wood-ROW-ee-eye — named for G M Woodrow, who first collected this species … POWO

commonly known as: Woodrow’s crinum lily • Marathi: रोवी कर्णफुल rowi karnaphul

botanical namesCrinum woodrowii Baker ex W.Watson … synonyms: none … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Woodrow’s crinum lily
  • named for the British botanist George Marshall Woodrow (who made contribution to the study of plants in Western India, particularly in the Northern Western Ghats), by the British botanist (and Keeper of Kew’s Herbarium) John Gilbert Baker; the former had collected this species, while the latter described it … POWO
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
रोवी कर्णफुल rowi karnaphul
  • name given to this plant by the author of Further Flowers of Sahyadri, Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Updated on December 24, 2024

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