Crossandra infundibuliformis

crossandra, firecracker flower, unarmed orange nail dye • Gujarati: અબોલી aboli • Hindi: प्रियदर्श priyadarsha • Kannada: ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige • Konkani: आब्बुली abbuli • Malayalam: priyadarshini • Marathi: अबोली aboli • Nepali: प्रियदर्शिनी priyadarshini • Tamil: செம்பயிரவப்பூண்டு cem-payirava-p-puntu, கனகாம்பரம் kanakamparam, பவளக்குறிஞ்சி pavala-k-kurinci, திண்டியம் tintiyam • Telugu: కనకాంబరము kanak-ambaramu;
Evergreen shrub with narrowly ovate to lanceolate leaves, up to 12 cm long, acuminate, margin more or less undulate; flowers scarlet orange, in spikes; calyx 5-lobed; corolla tube about 2 cm long, limb one-sided about 2.5 cm in diam.; stamens 4, didynamous; capsule oblong, more or less 4-angled


Acanthaceae Fortnight : Crossandra infundibuliformis – Yellow Flowered : Nasik : 26MAR15 : AK-13 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Seen at the Gangajal Nursery with yellow flowers.


Names of Plants in India :: Crossandra infundibuliformis:

Flowers of IndiaDiscussions at efloraofindiamore views in flickrmore views on Google Earth

commonly known ascrossandrafirecracker flowerunarmed orange nail dye • Gujaratiઅબોલી aboli • Hindiप्रियदर्श priyadarsha • Kannadaಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige • Konkaniआब्बुली abbuli • Malayalampriyadarshini • Marathiअबोली aboli• Nepaliप्रियदर्शिनी priyadarshini • Tamilசெம்பயிரவப்பூண்டு cem-payirava-p-puntuகனகாம்பரம் kanakamparamபவளக்குறிஞ்சி pavala-k-kurinciதிண்டியம் tintiyam • Teluguకనకాంబరము kanak-ambaramu
botanical namesCrossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees … synonymJusticia infundibuliformis L. (basionym)

kros-AN-druh — from Greek krossos (fringe) and aner (male), referring to fringed anthers … Dave’s Botanary
in-fun-dih-bew-LEE-for-mis — funnel-shaped … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: crossandra, firecracker flower, unarmed orange nail dye • Dogri: लाल फुलझड़ी laal phuljhari • Gujarati: અબોલી aboli, નાનો કાંટા શેળીયો nano kanta sheliyo • Hindi: प्रियदर्श priyadarsha • Kannada: ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige, ಕನಕಾಂಬರ kanakambara • Konkani: आब्बुली abbuli, आबोलिं abolim • Malayalam: കനകാംബരം kanakambaram, മഞ്ഞക്കുറിഞ്ഞി manjakkurinji, പ്ര്യദര്ശിനീ priyadarshini • Marathi: अबोली aboli • Nepali: प्रियदर्शिनी priyadarshini • Sanskrit: कनकाम्बर kanakambara • Tamil: செம்பயிரவப்பூண்டு cem-payirava-p-puntu, கனகாம்பரம் kanakamparam, பவளக்குறிஞ்சி pavala-k-kurinci, திண்டியம் tintiyam • Telugu: ఎర్ర వాడంబరము erra vaadambram, గొబ్బి gobbi, కనకాంబరము kanakambramu • Tulu: ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige

botanical namesCrossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees … synonymsCrossandra undulifolia Salisb. • Justicia infundibuliformis L. • Ruellia infundibuliformis (L.) Andrews … POWO

NoteCrossandra undulifolia earlier written as Crossandra undulaefolia

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
  • The genus name is popularly used as a common name, due to wide use of this plant as an ornamental
firecracker flower
unarmed orange nail dye
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
लाल फुलझड़ी laal phuljhari
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
અબોલી aboli, નાનો કાંટા શેળીયો nano kanta sheliyo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
प्रियदर्श priyadarsha
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige
ಕನಕಾಂಬರ kanakambara
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
आब्बुली abbuli
  • mother tongue (Mangalore Konkani)
आबोलिं abolim
  • Wikipedia (in Goan Konkani)
  • or आबोली aboli (in Mangalore Konkani) … for synonym Crossandra undulifolia Salisb. … Five Hundred Indian Plants by Basel Mission, Mangalore
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കനകാംബരം kanakambaram
മഞ്ഞക്കുറിഞ്ഞി manjakkurinji
പ്ര്യദര്ശിനീ priyadarshini
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
अबोली aboli
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
प्रियदर्शिनी priyadarshini
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
कनकाम्बर kanakambara
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
செம்பயிரவப்பூண்டு cem-payirava-p-puntu, கனகாம்பரம் kanakamparam, பவளக்குறிஞ்சி pavala-k-kurinci, திண்டியம் tintiyam
  • for synonym Crossandra undulifolia Salisb. … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
ఎర్ర వాడంబరము erra vaadambram, గొబ్బి gobbi, కనకాంబరము kanakambramu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees from Delhi:
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees, N. Wallich, Pl. asiat. rar. 3:98. 1832
Cultivated shrub; leaves narrow-ovate to lanceolate leaves, 6-12 cm long, undulate, acuminate, petiole short; flowers scarlet-orange in dense spikes, bracts large and imbricate; calyx 5-lobed, irregular; corolla tube slender, 2 cm long, limb split on one side to form 5-lobed lip, 2.5-3 cm across.
Commonly cultivated as hedge or in corners.
Photographed in Delhi on 22 March, 2011
Common names: Firecracker flower

Very common plant in Karnataka. This plant is cultivated in almost all house in  Mysore for flowers. Even in Chennai the plant is cultivated. The flowers are also sold in the market.

– very rarely grown in Delhi.

– In Malayalam, Kanakambaram

– I think it is “Aboli“, if it is aboli then it is quite common in Maharashtra-houses and gardens.

– It is.

– Here are some local names
Tam: Pavallakurinja
Tel: Gobbi, kanakambaramu
Kan: Abbolige
Madras: Kanakambaram

– This is one of the few commonly grown flowers in Chennai. It is sold by the “Mozham” ie. the length of the forearm, at almost every street corner, for use to garland the deities in the pooja room and to adorn the hair of women.  I was surprised to see it in Changi airport in 1983. However the last time I passed thro Changi, they had fabulous displays of Heliconias and Dracenas etc.

– Yes this is known an “ABOLI” in Marathi and very common in gardens in Vidharbha and adjoining district of Madhya Pradesh. Ladies make “VENI” from the flowers.



Wayanad flora #19 | Crossandra infundibuliformis:
Crossandra infundibuliformisAcanthaceae
Kannada Abbalige 

Date/Time-10 Jan 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Way to Karapuzha dam, Waynad, Kerala
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Garden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-Shrub
Height/Length-approx – 2.5 ft approx
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape – 9cms approx
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts – , 4cms, Orange, yellow

Acanthaceae Week: Crossandra infundibuliform from Delhi:
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 98 1832.
syn: Justicia infundibuliformis L.; Ruellia infundibuliformis (L.) Andrews; Crossandra nutans Wight ex Nees; Crossandra undulifolia Salisb.

Evergreen shrub with ovate to lanceolate 5-10 cm long leaves, undulate; flowers in terminal up to 15 cm long spike, corolla bright orange with narrow 2.5 cm long tube, limb 4 cm across.
Native of South India and Sri Lanka, often cultivated in Delhi as hedge.
Photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi

Aboli in Marathi, very common in Maharashtra

.., beautiful flowers.  In Maharashtra and South India, people make garland out of these flowers.

Common name ‘kanakambara‘ in kannada and ‘kanakambaram’ in Tamil. This is a very common plant in South India. Most of the houses in Mysore and elsewhere in South India have this in their garden.  Flowers are also sold in the market.

Acanthaceae Week: Bearing a Cross(andra) happily!:
Bearing a Cross(andra) happily!

Merry time for village kids – Ugadi Festival
Date:07 Apr 2008
Crossandra infundibuliform
Krishnaraja nagara, Mysore

The younger of the two kids in the pic is both deaf and dumb. But the Crossandra garland, festive time and her picture being clicked brought a lovely smile to her face.


Request for Species Id… DKV 090312:
Mhow, Dist Indore, MP
Is this Barleria prionitis (Vajradanti)?

This is the Firecracker Flower, Crossandra infundibuliformis (family: Acanthaceae) … a native, also cultivated for its flowers.
… commonly known as: crossandra, firecracker flower, unarmed orange nail dye • Gujarati: અબોલી aboli • Hindi: प्रियदर्श priyadarsha • Kannada: ಆಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ abbolige • Konkani: आब्बुली abbuli • Malayalam: priyadarshini • Marathi: अबोली aboli • Nepali: प्रियदर्शिनी priyadarshini • Tamil: செம்பயிரவப்பூண்டு cem-payirava-p-puntu, கனகாம்பரம் kanakamparam, பவளக்குறிஞ்சி pavala-k-kurinci, திண்டியம் tintiyam • Telugu: కనకాంబరము kanak-ambaramu

unknown orange flower herb from Alipore 27-05-12 SK-2:
Another simple search, “orange Acanthaceae“, tells me that this could be Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees.

Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : garden tree with orange flowers
Date : 25-05-12, 2.21 p.m.
Place : The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore (Kolkata)

I think you are right … Crossandra infundibuliformis


‘Id 24122011MR1’’ Crossandra infundibuliformis at Pune:
Oct & Nov 2011
Sharing pictures of Crossandra infundibuliformis at a private society garden at Pune
Family Acanthaceae
Common names Aboli in Marathi, Firecracker flower because the seed pods, which are found after the flower has dried up, tend to “explode” when near high humidity or rainfall. The “explosion” releases the seeds onto the ground, thereby creating new seedlings.

While studying about this flower I learned that Crossandra – from the Greek, meaning fringed anthers. I did not get to see this in the flowers
Next time I will look at the flowers more carefully to see these fringed anthers


Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
from Botanical garden CCSHAU Hisar
Family: Acanthaceae
pls validate

Common in South Indian home gardens. ‘kanakambaram’ in Tamil, as the flush season is December in Tamil Nadu. There are many colours in this species.

Another half flower, loved it

Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
near Mangalore on February 19, 2007


Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees, N. Wallich, Pl. asiat. rar. 3:98. 1832
Firecracker plant
Evergreen shrub with narrowly ovate to lanceolate leaves, up to 12 cm long, acuminate, margin more or less undulate; flowers scarlet orange, in spikes; calyx 5-lobed; corolla tube about 2 cm long, limb one-sided about 2.5 cm in diam.; stamens 4, didynamous; capsule oblong, more or less 4-angled
Photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi

Beautiful pictures Sir..

Acanthaceae Fortnight:: Crossandra infundibuliformis ::NSJ-11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Crossandra infundibuliformis from Satara

This plant is found in wild too?

Acanthaceae Fortnight : Crossandra infundibuliformis : Nasik : 26MAR15 : AK-12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
From our home garden in Nasik.

Attached images may be Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees. Please ID the plant.
Date of collection : 23.01.15
Location : Assam

Yes, it is Crossandra infundibuliformis.

ID is correct. Could be sunset variety as per the link :

ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Crossandra infundibuliformis from Delhi::NS MARCH 46/46 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
This is being presented from a nursery pot displayed in Delhi, I think this is Crossandra infundibuliformis..


Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees SN 21118 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild shrub from Chendraya malai Krishnagiri dt, Tamilnadu


SK1470 26 Sep 2018 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 650 kb each.
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 12 August 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Cultivated

Looks like Crossandra infundibuliformis but not sure.

Thank you …! I shall check 

Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees

ID please : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 800 kb each.
january 2019 in Periyar, Kerala (900m).

Crossandra infundibuliformis.


Crossandra Species for ID : Nasik : 07APR21 : AK-07: 4 images.
Crossandra Species seen in Nasik in Dec, 2020.

The shape of the flower seems a bit different.
A cultivated plant.

For me Crossandra infundibuliform – a variety only.

Crossandra nilotica:
Crossandra nilotica is a small evergreen shrub of acanthaceae family.
Common name- Firecracker Plant
Plant habit- Shrub
Plant height- 1.5 feet – 2 feet.
Habitat- Wild
Location- Pune
Date-  7 th March 2011.

why not Crossandra infundibuliformis?

both the leaves and the flower of C. nilotica differ from Crossandra infundibuliformis.
For comparison I m posting both plant pics (in a new message).

Taking it as Crossandra infundibuliformis, in view of … remarks in Crossandra nilotica and Crossandra infundibuliformis


Crossandra nilotica and Crossandra infundibuliformis:
Here are the pics of both: Crossandra infundibuliformis and Crossandra nilotica for comparison.

… an observation: there is no much discussion on internet about Crossandra nilotica having naturalized OR growing wild in India.
NPGS/GRIN <> puts its nativity to tropical (central and eastern) Africa.
Is it found anywhere else in our country?

Also you are right and because of this fact that ” there is no much discussion on internet about Crossandra nilotica having naturalized OR growing wild in India “”, I couldn’t identify it then. (I referred FOI but it is not there).

By chance I found it’s reference somewhere and identified it.
I found it growing by roadside among debris and wild plants in Warje, Pune.
I dunno what to make of it..whether it is getting naturalized here or it’s just one exception. So it’s up to the experts here to judge all this.

For the link below I have a query about identification and distribution of plant species: efi thread
There is no record of cultivation/plantation/introduction of Crossandra nilotica Oliv. from Indian subcontinent as per KEW, and COL (Catalogue of Life) databases, and I am not sure about identification of this species on eFloraofIndia (misidentified).
But Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees which is native to India has been used as a significant species for floriculture varieties consisting various habits, leaves and flowers sizes and colours.
ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research has produced 5 varieties from this species as:

  1. Arka Chenna (Medium Orange Flowers)
  2. Arka Kanaka (Large Orange Flowers)
  3. Arka Ambara (Large Orange Red Flowers)
  4. Arka Shravya (Orange Red Flowers)
  5. Arka Shreeya (Big Orange Red Flowers)

Similarly other varieties like:

  1. Delhi cultivar Triploid – Bright Deep Orange flowers
  2. Orange Tetraploid – Bright Orange flowers
  3. Lutea Tetraploid – Bright Orange Yellow flowers
  4. Sebaculis Red Tetraploid – Hardy Red flowers

According to a report Shri Vengadapathi Reddiar a Padma Shri awardee and a proficient personality in the field of horticulture has developed more than 100 new varieties of Crossandra infundibuliformis by induced mutation and cross-pollination.


Acanthaceae Fortnight : Crossandra nilotica For Validation : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 26MAR15 : AK-10 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Picture taken in Dec,2007 at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai, during my earlier visits to the garden.
I feel this could be Crossandra nilotica, going through … post.
Experts, kindly have a look and validate, although I don’t have pictures of the leaves.

It is difficult to confirm in the absence of other details of the plant.

Please check bracts are pilose which differs the nilotica from infundibuliformisC. nilotica Oliv. should be 1 ft high, with woody downy stem, pale pink or scarlet coloured flowers having the lower petal largest of all.

According to the images in the Net  ID looks correct !

This has been identified by … as Crossandra infundibuliformis only.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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