Crotalaria beddomeana Thoth. & A.A.Ansari; Shrubs, stems angular, pubescent. Leaves 13 x 6.5 cm, elliptic-oblong or oblanceolate, apex obtuse, apiculate, base obtuse, pubescent below, membranous; petiole 2 cm, thick, stipule 1 cm, semi-lunate. Racemes terminal, to 15 cm; bracts 1 cm, ovate, acuminate, tomentose; bracteoles 2.5 mm, ovate; calyx tube 4 mm, villous, lobes 1 cm, lanceolate. Pod glabrous, 7 x 2 cm, oblong; seeds many, 8 x 6 mm, reniform, black, shining. Flowering and fruiting: February-April Montane scrub jungles India, Sri Lanka, Africa and Australia (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi please id this crotalaria, this variety is not generally seen in upper hills, only one could be located. Jan 15, Nilgiris, 1700 MSL. Crotalaria beddomeana = C. lanata |
Crotalaria beddomeana
Updated on December 24, 2024