Crotalaria hebecarpa



Wild flower for ID : 270711 : AK-1: Taken at Nasik, Maharashtra on 6/10/09.
A very tiny herb, growing wild by the roadside in grass.
Tiny yellow flowers seen.


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week ::Crotalaria hebecarpa -PKA11:  This one is a prostrate herb forming sort of mat on the ground.
Bot. name: Crotalaria hebecarpa
Family: Fabaceae
Location: Kondwa, Pune
Habitat: Wild.

Nice clean specimen.
Yes common in Pune. Have observed on Hanuman Tekdi etc

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSCN2556s.jpgFabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Crotalaria hebecarpa:    Crotalaria hebecarpa
Prostrate herb. Hairy; Leaves 1 cm ovate
Flowers solitary axillary yellow


Weeds of rice fields for ID: 24082012cs: I work on rice crop and for my interest have been capturing plants around rice fields. I would appreciate help in identifying some of the plants
Family: Fabaceae
Habit: prostrate /semidecumbant
Not commonly seen weed
Yellow flowers with every leaf node having a bud or flower

Its a very small herb lying low oon the ground

It is Crotalaria hebecarpa.

Thank you … and … for the ID. I always thought crotalaria would have those jingling pods.


Herb for Id : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Can someone please help me identify this herb ?

Crotalaria hebecarpa, Godhadi in Marathi since this forms a mat on the ground.

Crotalaria hebecarpa


Id-request please- Id no 003 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.



Date of Pic. taken-20.02.2013

Goniogyna hirta (Willd.) Ali is a synonym of Crotalaria hebecarpa (DC.) Rudd (= Heylandia latebrosa)




Date of Pic. taken-20.02.2013

crotalaria hirta

Crotalaria hebecarpa (DC.) Rudd (=Heylandia latebrosa (L.) DC) as per another thread

There are many species of Crotalaria hirta with different author citations. However, Crotalaria hirta Willd. seems to be the accepted name

This is Crotalaria hebecarpa (DC.) Rudd
Synonyms (as per GRIN):
Goniogyna hebecarpa DC.
Goniogyna hirta (Willd.) Ali
Hallia hirta Willd.
Heylandia latebrosa auct.

Crotalaria hebecarpa


Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Crotalaria hebecarpa::Pune::PKA-OCT-30: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Came across this Prostrate herb at the outskirts of Pune.
Bot name:  “Crotalaria hebecarpa“, Family: Fabaceae.
Local name: Godhadi


Crotalaria hebecarpa : For Validation : Nasik : 16NOV15 : AK-5 : 05/05 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Found this tiny plant on Gangapur Grasslands in Nasik on 15th Oct,15.

Kindly validate.

Yes It is Crotalaria hebecarpa (Syn. Goniogyna hebecarpa)

plant idi : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

i am attached plant picture plz identifi this plant
location: tamil nadu
pondicherry near

this is fabaceae family i think crotolarya sps. plz help me identify this plants

While the yellow flower plant is quite likely Crotalaria filipes, the plant with pods looks to be some species of Alysicarpus.

yellow flower plant is exactly Crotalaria hebecarpa


In the colour of flower is yellow. Is it indigofera cordifolia or some other one?

The leaves certainly look to cordifolia, the flowers too look like those of cordifolia, except difference in colour. Very interesting.

I believe that it is Indigofera cordifolia. Let us wait for validating comments.

It is Crotalaria hebecarpa

at Tiwai Hill, near Chas-kaman dam– Feb.’09?; Near Pune Oct 09; Kondwa, Pune (24-11-09); at Kolhapur university campus and at Bhandardara Hill ranges. in November;Plant 10 – indiantreepix | Google GroupsPLANT 147 SMP OCT09 Smithia sensitiva – indiantreepix | Google GroupsID Request-201209PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Request for ID. 28 August 2009 SNP – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Bhopal; black soil; 18/11/2020

Crotalaria hebecarpa

Yes …!


Seen near a lake in Nasik.

Crotalaria Species?

Crotalaria hebecarpa (DC.) Rudd  ??

Yes, you’re right


Updated on December 24, 2024

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