Crotalaria juncea L. (Syn: Crotalaria benghalensis Lam.; Crotalaria fenestrata Sims; Crotalaria ferestrata Sims; Crotalaria porrecta Wall.; Crotalaria sericea Willd.; Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb.; Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb. ex Hornem.; Crotalaria viminea Wall.); . kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken … Dave’s Botanary JUN-kee-uh — rush-like … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: brown hemp, false hemp, Indian hemp, sunn hemp • Assamese: আঁউচ aous • Bengali: শণ shan • Gujarati: શણ shan, શણિયું shaniyu • Hindi: पटसन patsan, सन san, सनई sanai • Kannada: ಸೆಣಬು senabu • Konkani: सोणबु sonabu • Malayalam: ചണം chanam, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa • Manipuri: ঊ হৱাঈ oo hawai • Marathi: धाकटी घागरी dhakti ghagari, सन san, ताग tag • Nepali: छिनछिने chhinchhine, सनई sanai • Odia: ଅତସୀ atasi, ଶଣ shana • Punjabi: ਸਣ san, ਸੱਨੀ sanni • Sanskrit: अतसी atasi, शण shana, सामान्य शणपट्ट samanya shanapatta • Tamil: சணல் canal, சடம்பு catampu, வாக்குன்னார் vakkunnar • Telugu: గిలకచెట్టు gilaka-chettu, శణము shanamu • Tulu: ತಲಂಬು talambu • Urdu: سن san . … and more names … Hindi: बिछुआ bichua, दीर्घपल्लव dirghpallav, जनब janab, मातुलानी matulani • Odia: ଛଣପଟ chhanapata, ସମ୍ବତ୍ sambat, ଶନପୁଷ୍ପୀ shanapushpi, ସ୍ବଳ୍ପ ଶବ୍ଦା swalpa shabda • Sanskrit: दीर्घपल्लव dirghapallava, मदगन्धा madagandha, माल्यपुष्प malyapuspa, मातुलानी matulani • Tamil: கோனிப்பூடு koni-p-putu, குத்திரம் kuttiram, குத்து kuttu, மஞ்சி manci, நணந்தம் nanantam, நண்பன் nanpan, உமாதசி umataci, உத்திராபன்னி uttirapanni • Urdu: بچهوا bichua, جنب janab, ماتلاني matulani . … plethora of trade names: Banares hemp (Benares hemp), Bengal hemp, Bombay hemp (Salsette hemp), Itarsi hemp, Konkani (Conkanee hemp), Jubbulpur hemp (Jubbalpore hemp), Madras hemp (Chennai hemp), Pilibhit hemp, Seoni hemp, Travancore flax, Warangel hemp . Crotalaria for ID : Mumbai : 041111 : AK-3 : Seems to be C. juncea. Linear lanceolate leaves; subsessile. Crotalaria for ID : Shahapur,Maharashtra : 100712 : AK-1: Could be a species of Crotalaria This looks like Crotolaria montana. My photographs for comparison are available at this site: efi thread Could it be C. nana? It may even be C. juncea, the sunn hemp. It is Crotalaria juncea the green manure plant
It appears crotalaria juncea. I also think it to be Crotalaria juncea. Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Date: 29.12.2011 Location: Sembukarai, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist., Habitat: Wild Habit: Shrub I am too bad at legumes but to me this looked like Crotolaria juncea!! I dont think you made a bad guess. crotalaria, further i dont know Sir, what are the sizes of leaves and pods? Could you pl. give some clue, which Crotalaria it might be. Locality: Khopoli, Raigad, Maharashtra, Collection time; Sept 12 Habit: Herb upto 3.5 ft high Stem: Hairy Leaves; alternate, hairy Flowers: yellow, 1 cm across, arranged towards ends of branch in lax raceme, standards petal marked with violet streaks. I think it is Crotalaria juncea … seed for identification : 1image. 4 posts by 4 authors. Crotalaria juncea, perhaps. Supporting … Crotalaria for ID : 260711 : AK-1 : Please check Crotalaria spectabilis. may be Crotalaria linefolia Looks similar to C.juncea also. For me this looks like sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea). Check this link also: http://www.tropicalforages.Crotalaria_juncea.htm. You may have to check the fruits and seeds as well for confirmation.
Stem is not clearly visible but shape and width of leaves suggests C. juncea. Almost looks like C. juncea L. It would be better to have a look at the closeup of the leaf, to get a more clear picture. Again attaching herewith another picture of Crotalaria The herb with yellow flower is Crotalaria juncea, the herb in the left side is Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil), the climber is Cucumis sativus – salad cucumber, the big tree is Cycas beddomei, ornamental Gymnosperm. water lilly (Nymphaea stellata) is kept in the circular cement tank. . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Crotalaria juncea :: Coorg :: DVOCT35 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Crotalaria juncea L. cultivated at a resort in Coorg on March 30, 2011 I am knowing at least this plant of Crotalaria … Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: FOR ID Crotalaria :: Thane :: DVOCT36 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. Crotalaria ¿ juncea ? Could this be Crotalaria juncea ? or would it be C. leptostachya ? Tall robust herb, planted in butterfly garden, height about 2 m, with stiff and noticeably grooved stem, about 1/2 – 3/4 m long inflorescence; pale, paper-thin flower about 25 mm across. planted at Ovalewadi (butterfly garden), Thane on October 7, 2010 efi page on Crotalaria juncea & Crotalaria leptostachya Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight::Crotalaria juncea ::Matheran ::PKA-OCT-65:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) Seen this Crotalaria herb at Matheran Hills. . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: DV-07OCT10-0907 :: Crotalaria at Ovalekarwadi: Tall Crotalaria planted in butterfly garden on outskirts of Thane. This plant “could be” the full-grown version of Crotalaria at Coorg, queried for ID at: efi thread Place: Ovalelarwadi (Butterfly Garden), (about 60 ft asl) Thane, Maharashtra Time: Oct 7, 2010 at 9.07 am Habit: tall robust herb Habitat: garden Plant height: about 2 m, standing tall. Inflorescence: long, about 1/2 – 3/4 m Stem: stiff and noticeably grooved Flower size: about — 25 – 30 mm long, and 25 mm across; appears pale, paper-thin. I think this one is similar to one I had posted for ID from Mulshi… Dear friends, this should be Crotalaria juncea L. . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: FOR ID Crotalaria :: Thane :: DVOCT36 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Crotalaria ¿ juncea ? Dear friends, Could this be Crotalaria juncea ? or would it be C. leptostachya ? Tall robust herb, planted in butterfly garden, height about 2 m, with stiff and noticeably grooved stem, about 1/2 – 3/4 m long inflorescence; pale, paper-thin flower about 25 mm across. planted at Ovalewadi (butterfly garden), Thane on October 7, 2010 Many many thanks …, I too think so. Wanted a seconding for C. juncea. … requesting you to validate this Crotalaria to be juncea; hopefully the photos help. Yes its Crotalaria juncea L. . Names of Plants in India :: Crotalaria juncea L. : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. via Species > C > Crotalaria juncea L. … family: Fabaceae ~ Papilionaceae kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken … Dave’s Botanary JUN-kee-uh — rush-like … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: brown hemp, false hemp, Indian hemp, sunn hemp • Assamese: আঁউচ aous • Bengali: শণ shan • Gujarati: શણ shan, શણિયું shaniyu • Hindi: पटसन patsan, सन san, सनई sanai • Kannada: ಸೆಣಬು senabu • Konkani: सोणबु sonabu • Malayalam: ചണം chanam, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa • Manipuri: ঊ হৱাঈ oo hawai • Marathi: धाकटी घागरी dhakti ghagari, सन san, ताग tag • Nepali: छिनछिने chhinchhine, सनई sanai • Odia: ଅତସୀ atasi, ଶଣ shana • Punjabi: ਸਣ san, ਸੱਨੀ sanni • Sanskrit: अतसी atasi, शण shana, सामान्य शणपट्ट samanya shanapatta • Tamil: சணல் canal, சடம்பு catampu, வாக்குன்னார் vakkunnar • Telugu: గిలకచెట్టు gilaka-chettu, శణము shanamu • Tulu: ತಲಂಬು talambu • Urdu: سن san … and more names … Hindi: बिछुआ bichua, दीर्घपल्लव dirghpallav, जनब janab, मातुलानी matulani • Odia: ଛଣପଟ chhanapata, ସମ୍ବତ୍ sambat, ଶନପୁଷ୍ପୀ shanapushpi, ସ୍ବଳ୍ପ ଶବ୍ଦା swalpa shabda • Sanskrit: दीर्घपल्लव dirghapallava, मदगन्धा madagandha, माल्यपुष्प malyapuspa, मातुलानी matulani • Tamil: கோனிப்பூடு koni-p-putu, குத்திரம் kuttiram, குத்து kuttu, மஞ்சி manci, நணந்தம் nanantam, நண்பன் nanpan, உமாதசி umataci, உத்திராபன்னி uttirapanni • Urdu: بچهوا bichua, جنب janab, ماتلاني matulani … plethora of trade names: Banares hemp (Benares hemp), Bengal hemp, Bombay hemp (Salsette hemp), Itarsi hemp, Konkani (Conkanee hemp), Jubbulpur hemp (Jubbalpore hemp), Madras hemp (Chennai hemp), Pilibhit hemp, Seoni hemp, Travancore flax, Warangel hemp botanical names: Crotalaria juncea L. … synonyms: Crotalaria benghalensis Lam. • Crotalaria fenestrata Sims • Crotalaria ferestrata Sims • Crotalaria porrecta Wall. • Crotalaria sericea Willd. • Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb. • Crotalaria viminea Wall. … synonyms: … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. October 7, 2010 … Ovalekar Wadi (the butterfly garden), Thane kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: brown hemp, false hemp, Indian hemp, sunn hemp • Assamese: আঁউচ aous • Bengali: শণ shan • Gujarati: શણ shan • Hindi: बिछुआ bichua, दीर्घपल्लव dirghpallav, जनब janab, मातुलानी matulani, पटसन patsan, सन san, सनई sanai • Kaachchhi: સણ san • Kannada: ಪುಂಡಿ pundi, ಸೆಣಬು senabu • Konkani: धाकटी घागरी dhakati ghagari, सन san, सोणबु ಸೊಣಬು sonabu • Malayalam: ചണം chanam, ചണക chanak • Manipuri: ঊ হৱাঈ oo hawai • Marathi: धाकटी घागरी dhakti ghagari, सन san, ताग tag • Mizo: tum-thang • Nepali: छिनछिने chhinchhine, सनई sanai • Odia: ଅତସୀ atasi, ଛଣପଟ chhanapata, ସମ୍ବତ୍ sambat, ଶଣ shana, ଶନପୁଷ୍ପୀ shanapushpi, ସ୍ବଳ୍ପ ଶବ୍ଦା swalpa shabda • Punjabi: ਸਣ san, ਸੱਨੀ sanni • Sanskrit: अतसी atasi, दीर्घपल्लव dirghapallava, मदगन्धा madagandha, माल्यपुष्प malyapuspa, मातुलानी matulani, सामान्य शणपट्ट samanya shanapatta, शण shana • Sindhi: سِڻي • Tamil: சணல் canal, சடம்பு catampu, கோனிப்பூடு koni-p-putu, குத்திரம் kuttiram, குத்து kuttu, மஞ்சி manci, நணந்தம் nanantam, நண்பன் nanpan, உமாதசி umataci, உத்திராபன்னி uttirapanni, வாக்குன்னார் vakkunnar • Telugu: గిలకచెట్టు gilaka-chettu, గిలిగిచ్చ giligichcha, శణము shanamu • Tulu: ತಲಂಬು talambu • Urdu: بچهوا bichua, جنب janab, ماتلاني matulani, سن san popular trade names: Banares hemp (Benares hemp), Bengal hemp, Bombay hemp (Salsette hemp), Itarsi hemp, Konkani (Conkanee hemp), Jubbulpur hemp (Jubbalpore hemp), Madras hemp (Chennai hemp), Pilibhit hemp, Seoni hemp, Travancore flax, Warangel hemp botanical names: Crotalaria juncea L. … synonyms: Crotalaria benghalensis Lam. • Crotalaria fenestrata Sims • Crotalaria porrecta Wall. • Crotalaria sericea Willd. • Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb. ex Hornem. • Isotropis argentea Ewart & Morrison … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ brown hemp
false hemp
Indian hemp
sunn hemp
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ আঁউচ aous
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ শনপাট shanpat ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ શણ shan
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ बिछुआ bichua, दीर्घपल्लव dirghpallav, जनब janab, मातुलानी matulani (OR मातुला matula OR मातुली matuli)
पटसन patsan
सन san
सनई sanai ~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ સણ san
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಪುಂಡಿ pundi
ಸೆಣಬು senabu
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ धाकटी घागरी dhakati ghagari, सन san
सोणबु ಸೊಣಬು sonabu
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ ചണം chanam
കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ ঊ হৱাঈ oo hawai ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ धाकटी घागरी dhakti ghagari
सन san
ताग tag
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~ tum-thang
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ छिनछिने chhinchhine, सनई sanai ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଅତସୀ atasi, ଛଣପଟ chhanapata, ସମ୍ବତ୍ sambat, ଶଣ shana, ଶନପୁଷ୍ପୀ shanapushpi, ସ୍ବଳ୍ପ ଶବ୍ଦା swalpa shabda
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ ਸਣ san, ਸੱਨੀ sanni
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ अतसी atasi, दीर्घपल्लव dirghapallava, मदगन्धा madagandha, माल्यपुष्प malyapuspa, मातुलानी matulani, शण shana
सामान्य शणपट्ट samanya shanapatta
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ ᱥᱟᱺᱪᱤ ᱥᱳᱱ saci son, ᱠᱳᱱ ᱡᱟᱹᱲᱤ san jari, ᱥᱳᱱ ᱠᱩᱫᱨᱩᱢ son kudrum
~~~~~ SINDHI ~~~~~ سِڻي
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ சணல் canal, சடம்பு catampu, கோனிப்பூடு koni-p-putu, குத்திரம் kuttiram, குத்து kuttu, மஞ்சி manci, நணந்தம் nanantam, நண்பன் nanpan, உமாதசி umataci (or உமதகி umataki), உத்திராபன்னி uttirapanni (or simply பன்னி panni)
வாக்குன்னார் vakkunnar
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ గిలకచెట్టు gilaka-chettu
గిలిగిచ్చ giligichcha
శణము shanamu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ತಲಂಬು talambu
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ بچهوا bichua, جنب janab, ماتلاني matulani (OR ماتلا matula OR ماتلي matuli), سن san
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at identification261110sn1: earlier it was id. as crotalaria, but the species was not identified for lack of other details I am mailing the photo of its pods this time along with the flower. Date/time:nov10 Location:above lonavala, 3000ft.above sealevel Habitat:wild Plant habit-tree/shrub/climber/herb: tiny, may be herb Height/length: not more than 6″ Leave type/shape/size Fruits-type/shape/size/seeds pods attached Other information-fragrance/pollinator uses etc.yellow flower – may be Crotalaria juncea, but the habit makes some confusion. I think C. juncea is an erect plant and in the picture it does not seem to be erect. You better refer the revision on genus Crotalaria by Dr. A. A. Ansari for the confirmation. -Pods give clue for this to be Crotalaria spectabilis? Identification requested of this Crotalaria sp. from Haryana… : 11 posts by 6 authors. id of this Crotalaria sp. is requested.. Location-Haryana; October2018 Sir it is very similar to C. juncea; please check. Thanks, …, for the id. To me also appear close to images at Crotalaria juncea L. For me the Id is correct. Yes for me too. Herb Id from Bangladesh_SM_1404 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Habitat: Rocky river bed Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban Flowering: February Picture taken: February, 2019 Crotalaria juncea
Is it some Sesame species (130409YS4-6), Delhi region – indiantreepix | Google Groups Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: DV-30MAR11-0743 :: Crotalaria at Coorg: This Crotalaria is often found planted as an ornamental. Place: in a resort garden (about 3705 ft asl) at Coorg Time: Mar 30, 2011 at 7.43 am Habit: erect herb Habitat: garden. Plant height: about 1m (possibly grows to a full height of 2m … will post separately full-grown at another place) Flower size: about 25mm long, appears pale, thin like paper. The calyx is worth noting. It looks like Crotalaria juncea to me. Many thanks … for the ID; fits description put at FOI … http://www.flowersofindia.Sunn%20Hemp.html Yes even to me Crotalaria juncea, host plant for many species of butterfly.. On closer examination of the stem it looks tetragonous whereas in C. juncea it is terete. Thanks …. To me, the stems in the pictures look like striated (with longitudinal ridges), a feature also seen in C. juncea. Satara, MH :: Crotalaria juncea :: ARK2020-014 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) – around 800 kb each. Saw this Crotalaria juncea near Satara, MH by the roadside in October 2019. . Santali names of Crotalaria juncea L.: Please take your own time. I have mentioned all these names below, please have a look. 1. son kudrum (ᱥᱳᱱ ᱠᱩᱫᱨᱩᱢ) 2. saci son (ᱥᱟᱺᱪᱤ ᱥᱳᱱ) my thanks to you always for helping me with names. Please provide help whenever you can. Compiling names is not time-bound, in fact, it is a continuous exercise. … follow-ups are a matter of his systematic routine. My thanks are always to him.
I could not find any content related to flora for sanora in my available reference books and sites. Looks more like Saccharum spontaneum It is hard to tell from the photo but it is a dicot not monocot. How are you so sure? Not used for thatching. Using as an under roof lining. For thatching yes Saccharum spontaneum used in MP but we use Munja grass Saccharum munja = Saccharum bengalense and apparently now correct name Tripidium bengalense. Info comes from locals. Once the fibre is stripped off the inner stem remains which is what is seen inthe image. Used sometimes as fodder also. One local name given I see is sans which is quite close to sanora 🙂. But interestingly I also do not find anything written about this use on the net. If I find out more I will keep you posted! bet You may be right as per details (although I could not find the exact usage as told by you) at Correct spelling will be ‘Sunn’. . Fabaceae: Crotalaria juncea L.: 1 high res. image. location/date: Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 . References: |
Crotalaria juncea
Updated on December 24, 2024