Crotalaria multiflora (Arn.) Benth. (Syn: Crotalaria bifaria var. multiflora Arn.); The most robust and showy species of the section. Leaves distinctly stalked, sub-coriaceous, dark green, glandular, punctate, usually 1-2 in., but reaching in a narrow¬leaved form 4-5 in. Peduncles foot, stout, arcuate, densely clothed like the stem with short spreading brown hairs ; pedicels cernuous, 1/2 in. ; bracts reflexed, persistent. Calyx 3/4-1 in., inconspicuously downy ; teeth lanceolate, very long. Corolla yellowish, equalling the calyx ; standard nearly 1 in. broad, veined with dark purple. Pod short-stalked, 1.1/4-2 in. long, densely clothed with dark brown silky hairs. (from Flora of India (1882) in IBIS Flora) Erect tall herbs; stipules linear or subulate. Leaves simple, ovate, 3-5 by 1.5-2.5 cm, base rounded, apex acute, often punctate. Raceme 2-6 flowered, terminal; bracts linear; corolla yellowish, equalling the calyx, standard suborbicular, with purplish veins. Pod elliptic-cylindric with spreading silky hairs. Seeds 10-12. Flowering and fruiting: September-December Grasslands Peninsular India and Sri Lanka (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi ANNOV21 Please confirm if Crotalaria walker : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Nelliyampathy, Kerala 7th November 2014 Found in the grasslands Inflorescence terminal and not paniculate. This is Crotalaria multiflora var. multiflora References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 ILDIS India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora A new Combination in Crotalaria multiflora (Arn.) Benth. (Fabaceae) by MOOTHEDATHU VENUGOPALAN NAIR KRISHNARAJ* & NARAYANAN NAIR MOHANAN- Phytotaxa 44: 58–62 (2012) |
Crotalaria multiflora
Updated on December 24, 2024