Crotalaria pallida var. obovata (G.Don) Polhill (Syn: Crotalaria obovata G.Don; Crotalaria striata sensu auct.); . Request for ID 012.07.2012 : It is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata. Crotalaria saltiana ? from Hooghly 15/1/12 sk1: What FoC says about C. pallida ? – (Leaflets) apex obtuse to retuse; racemes terminal…… Well, my species shows the above characters! Let’s see “Bengal Plants” (Prain), vol1, p 370-371; i copy a few lines :- Leaves digitately compound :- Leaflets almost always 5, sometimes 7, very rarely 3, narrowly linear or oblanceolate, obtuse; pod glabrous many-seeded, cylindric, shortly stalked …………… quinquefolia Leaflets always 3, ovate or oblong :- Pods oblong or cylindric, many-seeded :- Erect, shrubby; bracts minute setaceous; pods large :- Pods pubescent, subsessile :- Leaflets obovate, obtuse; pods loosely pubescent ……. incana Leaflets oblong, acute; pods densely pubescent ……… bracteata Pods glabrous :- Pods subsessile :- Leaflets oblong, acute ………………. Brownei Leaflets obovate, obtuse ………… Saltiana Pods with a long, slender, filiform gynophore; leaflets obovate-oblong acute ……… laburnifolia Prostrate, diffuse, herbaceous ………………… etc etc According to The Plant List :- Crotalaria brownei DC. = Crotalaria pallida Aiton = Crotalaria saltiana Andrews is different taxon = = also in Found a picture of C. saltiana – Species : Crotalaria saltiana Andrews ? H & H : wild undershrub in a waste place, less than 2 feet Date : 12/11/12, 12.01 p.m. Place : Hooghly Crotalaria pallida Aiton …- matches images in my collection also. It is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata, to be more specific. ‘Crotalaria pallida var. obovata is also an accepted name []. Let’s see C. pallida var. obovata in :-
Please do note that one of the synonyms of the suggested ID is Crotalaria striata. I attach screenshots of 1) Prain vol1. p. 373 and 2) Hooker vol2. p.84. I also attach new images of a plant, recorded today at another place, and this one is 6 feet high
Habitat: riverine Habit: Shrub of 1-1.5m high Leaflet: 5-8 cm long Date: 19 Nov 2014 Location: Sathyamangalam RF, Erode district, TN Alt.: 300 m asl Crotalaria pallida var. obovata Thank you ., is this not the Crotalaria laburnifolia? no Crotalaria pods for ID : Pali,Maharashtra : 101212 : AK-3: Trifoliate leaves indicate the probability of Crotalaria pallida. Unfortunately the flowering season was over so I could not see the flowers. Pl. refer my post with flowers and habitat photo. North Bengal Flowers – ID request – 2 : Attachments (1)- 1 correct image as above. Here is the second instalment for identification. Flower2 appears to possibly be some sort of Crotalaria species, though I am not familiar with your local species. Best of luck. The first one seems to be a Crotolaria, …. Crotalaria pallida var. obovata (G.Don) Polhill as per images herein
Location: Relli River,Kalimpong, India Date: 24 May 2017 Altitude: 2000 ft. ID request 11072017PC2 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly identify this plant growing in Goa. Fabaceae/ Papilionacea family? Crotalaria. Pl. Check comparative images in efi site at Crotalaria page. Crotalaria pallida ? Though I have not checked, you may be right. I think Crotalaria pallida var. obovata as per images herein. Crotalaria Species For ID : Bangalore : 07OCT17 : AK-05 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Crotalaria Species seen in Bangalore during the first week of Sept,17. It looks like Crotalaria pallida to me. But found a similar looking Crotalaria posted by … identified as Crotolaria trifoliastrum. Experts kindly validate and clear my confusion. I think close to /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/crotalaria/crotalaria-pallida-var-obovata
Shrub Id from BD _SM 618 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Habitat : Wild Location : Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh Photo taken : Jan, 2019 is this in good focus? whole plant please and closer pics of the inflorescence Very similar to Crotalaria pallida. Its Crotalaria pallida Thanks, …, for the id. I think more closer to images at Crotalaria pallida var. obovata SYMBIOSIS : 1430 /1431 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 correct image as above. Plant in Symbiosis 1430 is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata and not Crotalaria spectabilis (syn: Crotalaria leschenaultia) CROTALARIA LESCHENAULTII : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Crotalaria leschenaultia. Beautiful images, I agree. Very clear close ups. i love ’em. do you have pictures of the open pods and the seeds inside? This looks more like Crotalaria pallida. Thanks, …, for the id. I feel more closer to images at Crotalaria pallida var. obovata Thanks … I will check. … is there a key to crotalaria of indian subcontinent? I do not know about the keys. I find myself lost if there are too many species in a genera with keys. We have already built photographic keys of generally observed species at Crotalaria May be the following book have details: Crotalaria L. in India by Anis Ahmad Ansari Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 2008 – Crotalaria – 376 pages our page had me confused. also all the discussions in our threads were too. i tried to make a chart but did not really clarify it for me. crotalaria classification became difficult for me esp since we never get anybody to photograph all salient diagnostic features anyway.i w The genus Crotalaria in India was published about 10 years back A. A. Ansari. A number of species have been added since then. thank you, … so do you think these new discoveries. would be in those yearly updates from BSI ? i do remember seeing pdfs of those yearly new discoveries for years 2014 onwards. may be i need to track them and look in each? Just like we have index medicus or now pubmed for medical papers, is there an index botanicus or similar named index for botanical papers where all new papers be found listed and accessible to all? And has anybody written a review to include newly discovered ones, i wonder. SYMBIOSIS ; 1428 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of hornet visiting flowers of Crotalaria sp I think plant is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata SYMBIOSIS : 1429 : 4 posts by 2 authors Attaching a collage of Transparent 6 line blue visiting flowers of Crotalaria sp. Plant is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata and not Crotalaria spectabilis (syn: Crotalaria leschenaultia) SYMBIOSIS : 1437 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Carpenter bee visiting flowers of Crotallaria sp. Plant is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata and not Crotalaria spectabilis (syn: Crotalaria leschenaultia) . need ID help for tall erect legume: currently flowering all over Goa on roadsides; 12/12/2021 Check Crotalaria pallida It is Crotalaria pallida var. obovata (G.Don) Polhill . SK 3678 25 January 2023: 7 very high res. images. Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal Date: 01 January 2023 Elevation: 97 m. Habitat: Wild Crotalaria pallida var. obovata (G.Don) Polhill or Crotalaria pallida Aiton ? Decide if the leaflets are ovate or obovate. Ovate ?? I feel more towards obovate. That means Crotalaria pallida var. obovata (G.Don) Polhill ?? Yes . References: |
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Updated on December 24, 2024