Crotalaria pusilla DC.; . Nandi Hills 18th October 2014 Leaves in the posted plant are up to 1 cm long. Pods are .6 cm long. Please validate if it can be Crotalaria pusilla. 1) http://florakarnataka.Crotalaria%20pusilla/IMG_3093.jpg 2) http://florakarnataka.Crotalaria%20pusilla/440.pdf.jpg 3) Key- (http://florakarnataka.Crotalaria%20pusilla/428.pdf.jpg) (http://florakarnataka.Crotalaria%20pusilla/429.pdf.jpg) (http://florakarnataka.Crotalaria%20pusilla/430.pdf.jpg) 4) Attachments (1) Flower of the same clicked a few feet away from the original plant Nandi Hills 28th October 2014 Attachments (1) I think it is C. pusilla, too. Plant name: Crotalaria pusilla Heyne ex. Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp.335. 1821. Hairy rattle pod (Eng.) Family: Fabaceae Description: Herbs, annual, densely pubescent, diffusely branched from the base, 10-15cm tall; branches terete. Leaves alternate; exstipulate; sessile, linear-elliptic, 1-2 x 0.2-0.4cm chartaceous, appressed-sericeous, entire. Flowers yellow in terminal 8-10 flowered racemes. Calyx brown, lanceolate. Corolla yellow, papillionoid; standard 0.5-0.8cm. Stamens 10, monadelphous. Ovary stipate, hirsute; style geniculate, stigma minute. Pod less than 1cm long, ovoid, densely villous; seeds 4, sub-reniform, glabrous. Habitat & location: Common in dry waste lands. Photographed at N.Konda. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week_Flora of Bannerghatta_111111GK04_ID request: Date/Time- 15-10-2011 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Bannerghatta, Bangalore Dist Karnataka Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Moist/Dry Deciduous Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Trailing Herb Height/Length- on the ground Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Simple, Subsessile Inflorescence Type/ Size- Racemes at branch tips Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Yellow Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not seen Crotalaria evolvuloides, perhaps. Further, I would like to clarify few points. While checking the Kew herbarium ( the leaves seems to be entire and obtuse at tip (attaching a cropped picture for closer look). Here the leaf tip is mucronate and, towards the tip (though, I don’t remember it from the field), it looks like it is slightly serrate. But the specific epithet is apt for its behavior as it looks like Evolvulus (vegetative phase) Our library is closed as Saturday is holiday for ATREE. I will refer on Monday. A reply from another thread ( : “Thanks for sharing the picture with most of the details of the species. Now, I feel that the one that I had posted (from Bennarghatta) is different. . References: |
Crotalaria pusilla
Updated on December 24, 2024