Crotalaria quinquefolia L. (syn. Crotalaria heterophylla L.f.);
Crotalaria species? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Near Colva Beach, Goa on 28/9/09. This could be Crotalarai quinquefolia Linn. As per description and line drawing in Flora of Mah. Vol II. The main distinguishing feature the leaves which are supposed to be 5 (rarely 3) foliate; petioles variable in lenght, from 1-8 cm, chanelled, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaflets subsessile, usually narrow, linear, 2.5 to 11cm by 6-12 mm (rarely oblanceolate or elliptic-oblong when they are shorter and broader). Flowers in lax, usually terminal 10-20 flowered racemes reaching 20cm long; pedicels 6-9 mm long;bracts 6-12 mm long; foliaceous, lanceolate, very acute, persistent. Calyx campunulate, 1cm long. Yes it is Crotalaria quinquefolia L. References: The Plant List ILDIS Category:Crotalaria quinquefolia – Wikimedia Commons Crotalaria quinquefolia (PIER species info) Crotalaria quinquefolia L. Crotalaria quinquefolia – The Linnean Collections Crotalaria quinquefolia in Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ Catalogue of Life : 2009 Annual Checklist : Crotalaria quinquefolia L. |
Crotalaria quinquefolia
Updated on December 24, 2024