Crotalaria speciosa Roth; India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka ; Tamil Nadu ; Northern Marianas (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Erect golden silky hairy herbs or undershrubs, up to 40 cm high; stems woody, branched from the base; branches erecto-patent, 2-4 mm thick. Leaves simple, 2-4.3 x 0.8-1.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, linear-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, rounded at base, obtuse or rounded and mucronate at apex, densely hairy on both surfaces or sometimes less hairy above; lateral veins about 7 pairs; petioles 1-3 mm long; stipules subulate, 1-4 mm long, long hairy. Inflorescence terminal, densely capitate heads, 2-4 cm across with a leaf just below the head; peduncles ca 1 cm long. Flowers 6-8, 1.3-2.0 x 0.8-1.5 cm; pedicels 3-5 mm long; bracts linear, lanceolate or ovate, 8-11 x 2- 5 mm, equal or shorter than the calyx, persistent, velvety; bracteoles 6-8 mm long, appressed to calyx. Calyx 5-lobed, tube ca 2 mm long, lobes 1.0- 1.2 x 0.2-0.4 cm, densely velvety, distinctly veined, 2-lipped, upper lip 2- lobed; lobes lanceolate, lower lip 3-lobed, lobes linear. Corolla bright yellow, nearly equal to calyx or included; vexillum obovate, 1.2-1.5 x 0.8- 1.2 cm, densely brown-silky hairy outside, glabrous within; wing petals oblong, ca 1.3 x 0.3-0.4 cm, hairy at the base; keel petals 1.0-1.1 x 0.4-0.6 cm, densely silky hairy outside, beak spirally twisted. Staminal sheath 3-6 mm long; free filaments 3-7 mm long. Ovary globose, 5-8 mm long, style 8- 10 mm long; stigma subglobose; ovules 10-15. Pods shorter than the calyx, globose, glabrous; seeds 8-12. Flowering and fruiting: October-March Dry deciduous forests Endemic to Peninsular India (Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)
submission of Crotalaria speciosa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Plant name: Crotalaria speciosa B.Heyne ex Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 336. 1821. Guthi ganapa (Tel.) Family: Fabaceae Description: Herbs, annual, densely silky-tomentose, 20-30 cm tall. Leaves alternate; simple, lamina 1.2-4 × 1-2cm, elliptic-oblong; thin coriaceous, densely sericeous; entire, base rounded, apex obtuse. Flowers yellow with purple tinge, 2 cm across, in dense terminal capitate racemes. Bracts and bracteole appressed to calyx. Calyx densely tomentose, 5 partite. Corolla yellow, almost equal to calyx lobes, sericeous out side, papillionoid; standard obovate; keel- beak spirally twisted. Stamens 10, monadelphous. Ovary stipate, hirsute; style geniculate, stigma minute. Pod shorter than calyx, glabrous, 4-8 seeded. Habitat & location: Rare, in hilly areas. Photographed at Kutalamarri. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Crotalaria speciosa
Updated on December 24, 2024