Crotalaria tetragona

Common name: Eastern Rattlepod • Nepali: भुगन Bhugan


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Crotalaria ?:: Shimla :: NS OCT 27/27 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
I am not sure if this is a Crotalara sp. or otherwise..
Was recorded from wild near Shimla in November..!

If wild it may be Crotalaria tetragona.

efi page on Crotalaria tetragona 

I also agree with … However check with sun hemp. i.e.: Crotalaria juncea.

Yes, these two species (C.tetragona and C.juncea) are similar. These are differentiated by Duthie in Flora of Upper Gangetic Plains as:
Branches angular, pods brown, velvety ……… C.tetragona
Branches, sulcate, pods clothed with persistent silky hairs ……….. C.juncea
C.juncea is a cultivated species in hills while C.tetragona is completely wild. However, C.tetragona is not known westward to Uttarakhand as mentioned by Sanjappa (1992). Another pont is that both of these species are not known in temperate Himalaya (species was recorded by …near Simla, HP).

Thanks for valuable discussion … and … Though I am aware it is not possible to conclude id based on these pics, I will try to get information about the exact location so that wild or escape status can be decided..

Additional Nepali Names :  सनई Sanaii / छिन छिने Chhin Chhine 


MS Nov. 2014/003 Fabaceae : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Sairilzo (Mizoram)
Date : 12-11-2014

Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Both Wild and cultivated

Crotalaria tetragona.


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Crtalaria for ID 13/11/2011 SMP5:
Crotalaria for ID
Observed in Mulshi. Open area near rice farms. Tall shrub 5-6 feet.
Leaves linear lanceolate.
Crotalaria juncea ? or C.retusa ?

I think closer to images at Crotalaria tetragona Andrews

Updated on December 24, 2024

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