Crotalaria trifoliastrum

Crotalaria trifoliastrum Willd. (Syn: Crotalaria medicaginea DC.; Lupinus trifoliatus Rottler);  

Bhutan (N); India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Assam; Goa; Gujarat ; Karnataka; Kerala; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Orissa; Rajasthan; Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh as per ILDIS;  



Please identify this ?Crotolaria sp. : Attachments (6).  8 posts by 4 authors.

At Shahapur. Please identify this ?Crotolaria sp.

Most probably Crotalaria trifoliastrum.

Ref.: Crotalaria in India by A.A.Ansari. 2008. BSMPS.

Thanks for your reply. Am sending a photograph identified by Dr.Almeida as Crotolaria trifoliastrum. It does not look like the plant in question here. Kindly opine.

This one looks like Crotalaria striata (= C. pallida) for me. Pl validate.

yes this is Crotalaria pallida. i hav collected this from Vikhroli, Mumbai two years back.

The pods of C.pallida are 4-5 cms long which does not conform to the specimen here.



Osudu  Puducherry

Date: October 14, 2019 … Altitude range: about 15 m (50 feet) asl

Crotalaria ¿ species ? / else  

Dear friends,
A tiny crotalaria – just about 8mm across. The plant is a low-lying spreading herb. The leaves seem to be trifoliate, appears wilted. Hope these photos help to reach ID. I have posted this query at facebook; … has suggested Crotalaria trifoliastrum. I am not sure about it. If these photos help, I will be glad to get the ID. Could not find any match at FoI and eFI.

nice pictures. i am not going to try to classify it, beyond me today

Very close to Crotalaria orixensis …,  Check once with that,

May be Crotalaria medicaginea DC currently stated to syn. of Crotalaria trifoliastrum

Thanks … Only deterring point is that the plant is prostrate versus described as erect for trifoliatus / medicaginea. It is possible that the posted plant is prostrate because it may be starving. The leaves too are wilted.
On other hand, Crotalaria orixensis suggested by … seems to be much closer match to illustration in Digital Flora of Eastern Ghats.

Absence of stipule and foliaceus bracts, leaf opposed inflorescence, number flowers do not go in favour of C orixensis

Thanks very much … I did not look into these characteristics at all.
You must have already analysed the aspects available in the pictures; and perhaps some relevant ones could be missing.
I will label the photos as Crotalaria trifoliastrum.

Ok, thanks. 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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