Cryptocarya wightiana Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 254 1861. (Syn: Cryptocarya bourdillonii Gamble; Cryptocarya floribunda Wight [Illegitimate]; Cryptocarya wightiana var. lanceolata Meisn.; Cryptocarya wightiana var. parvifolia Meisn.); Habit- Trees up to 25 m tall. Trunk & Bark- Bark light brown, lenticellate. Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets terete, subglabrous. Leaves- Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 0.8-1.5 cm long, canaliculate above, subglabrous; lamina 8-25 x 3-11 cm, oblong sometimes elliptic-oblong, apex shortly acuminate with blunt tip, base rounded or acute, margin entire, coriaceous, glabrous, glaucous beneath; midrib canaliculate above; secondary nerves 7-13 pairs, prominent, nearly parallel to margin; tertiary nerves distantly percurrent, slender; higher order nerves finely reticulate. Inflorescence / Flower- Flowers in axillary or terminal lax panicle. Fruit and Seed- Drupaceous, globose, smooth, 1.5 cm across; seeds 1. Common subcanopy trees in low elevation evergreen forests, up to 900 m sometimes locally extends up to 1200 m. India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar; Western Ghats- South and Central Sahyadris. (Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry. from India Biodiversity Portal) Photo taken by Prajakta Pathare from South India. Evergreen trees found in Sri Lanka and South India, disjunct to Myanmar and Andaman Islands. |
Cryptocarya wightiana
Updated on December 24, 2024