Cucumis anguria (Cultivated)

 Images by B.Rathinasabapathy – Id by Vijayasankar Raman



Cucumis anguria, commonly known as bur cucumber,[2] bur gherkin,[2] cackrey,[3] gooseberry gourd,[2] maroon cucumber,[3] West Indian gherkin,[2][4] and West Indian gourd,[3] is a vine that is indigenous to Africa, but has become naturalized in the New World, and is cultivated in many places.[2] It is similar and related to the common cucumber (C. sativus) and its cultivars are known as gherkins.[citation needed]  

Cucumis anguria is a thinly stemmed, herbaceous vine scrambling up to 3 meters long. Fruits (4–5 cm × 3–4 cm) are longly stalked, and ovoid to oblong. The surface of the fruits have long hairs covering a surface having warts and/or spines; the inner flesh is palid to green.[3] 
Cucumis anguria is primarily grown (as a crop plant) for its edible fruit, which are used in pickling, as cooked vegetables,[3][5] or eaten raw.[3] The flavor is similar to that of the common cucumber.[citation needed] C. anguria fruits are popular in the northeast and north of Brazil, where they are an ingredient in the local version of cozido (meat-and-vegetable stew).[citation needed]
Cucumis anguria has been used in folk medicine to treat ailments of the stomach.[6]
(From Wikipedia on 2.1.14) 

Cucurbitac​eae week- 020412 BRS For id from Coimbatore:

Location: CODISIA ROAD, Coimbatore

Date: Feb. 2012

Habitat: Urban Road side

Habit : Climber.

Looks like Cucumis anguria (W.Indian Gherkin).

Yes it is Cucumis anguiria L., West Indian Gherkin, introduced and run wild.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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