Cucumis prophetarum L., Cent. Pl. I 32 1755. (Syn: Cucumis amarus Stocks ex T.Anderson; Cucumis amarus Stocks ex Naudin; Cucumis anguinus Anderson; Cucumis arabicus Delile ex Naudin [Invalid]; Cucumis arabicus Delile; Cucumis foetidus Salisb.; Cucumis mascatensis Gand.; Cucumis rheedei Kostel.);
The elusive Cucumis prophetarum : 5 posts by 3 authors. I was just checking some Curcurbitaceae uploads, and noticed that in at least 8 threads C. prophetarum was suggested as identification of the plant, which mostly turned out to be Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii, and one as Cyclanthera, and none to date as C. prophetarum. I request members to hunt for the plants of C. prophetarum and upload the same. It would be a real addition to the group. Here is how it will look. I would especially request …, who was involved in almost all the threads. Thanks … for the revisit. My understanding about C. prophetarum is that its fruits are spiny (may be variable from softly echinate to tuberculate) and with vertical striations of dark and light green bands. This is based on our collection from Bellary dt., Karnataka that also looked exactly as shown in this link as C. prophetarum. If I am confused, I think I am not alone 🙂 pl see this thread. Flora of Pakistan describes the fruits of this species as “…softly echinate OR tuberculate” in the key. ENVIS checklist of Flora of TN as well as Fl.Pres.Madras (attached) do not list C. sativus var. hardwickii. They however enlist C. prophetarum. As per the literature, C. sativus var. hardwickii (or C. hardwickii) is restricted to northern India and some say only western Himalaya and FoC mentions NE India. In this situation, I eagerly look forward to know the id the plant that is found wild in southern India. If C. prophetarum has only the form as shown in the links given by you, then I realize that I am yet to see the species. Since you corrected me a couple of times, I am cautious now. But the older threads need to be updated too. Attachment: Flora of Presidency of Madras_Gamble 627.pdf 167 KB Thanks … for the pdf I find a number tangles in the Taxonomy of Cucumis species. My latest puzzle is Dosakaya (and possibly Mangalore cucumber vellarika). I had thought this to be Cucumis sativus only based on few entries on the net including, but having seen the fruits in California, I found it difficult to reconsile with C. sativus. The following link and attached pdf compel me to think that it may be C. melo subsp. agrestis var. dudaim. Your comments please!! Dosakaya is confirmed as Cucumis melo as per discussions in another thread. No longer elusive. … has uploaded perfect C. prophetarum. Thanks … for pointing out. efi thread Cucumis prophetarum STR 61209 – NSD 120 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 4 authors. Uploading Cucumis prophetarum from Cucurbitaceae family Photo taken 26-1-09 from Satpura Tiger Reserve Id may be reviewed pl. in the light of this new thread … finally you have found it. Yes uploaded by … Thanks … for the find. … this post has cleared the air. I fully agree with … and … about the ID of this species. Aren’t the fruits somewhat resembling C.myriocarpus?! Some confusions seem to exist in the internet… So, what could be the ID of the plants with spiny fruits that I suggested as C. prophetarum in some older threads? (and the attached one) Could it be the wild form of Cucumis sativus var. sativus only?? I would suggest C. sativus var. hardwickii Mine from Kalsi Chakrata road. Thanks … I think the ‘prophetarum’ issue is finally settled 🙂Momordica sp. : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 4 authors. Id Please Momordica sp. from Hampi,Karnatak 06 Oct,2013 Amazing… Never seen such type of fruits in Momordica Cucumis prophetarum Very beautiful image … needless to say this is Cucumis prophetarum References: |
Cucumis prophetarum
Updated on December 24, 2024