Curcuma inodora Blatt., J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 26: 357 1930 publ. 1931.;
. W. India as per POWO; . As per efi thread: Curcuma inodora is treated as synonym of C. decipiens since the latter has priority over the former. .
It is a spring bloomer, commonly called as “hidden purple ginger”. It is mainly located in Maharashtra and Goa states of South India and grows up to 60 cm, producing beautiful green broad leaves with large purple inflorescence and flowers. The plant produces inflorescences independent of the leafy shoot just after pre-monsoon showers and again amidst the leaves after monsoon.
IUCN status: Near threatened
Actually Curcuma inodora shows a wide range of variation mainly by means of flower colour, bract shape and inflorescence length. We collected more than 10 varaints in flower colour, 12 variants in inflorescnce nature and 5 variants in bract shape from Maharashtra and Goa.
Systematic and variability studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’, Curcuma inodora Blatter J. (Zingiberaceae) – an endemic promising ginger from Peninsular India by K.M. Prabhu Kumara, V.P. Thomasa, M. Sabu*, A.V. Prasantha and K.V. Mohanana- Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, 2014 Vol. 69, No. 1, 123–130-
Abstract: Ornamental horticulture has become an important commercial trade area in India through the steady increase in demand for cut flowers, and potted and landscape plants. India has a rich distribution of many wild gingers and their ornamental potential is yet to be exploited. The present study is a step towards using the potential ornamental value of Indian wild gingers and creating knowledge and awareness about the need for conservation and for detailed study of native wild ornamental plants in societies, local peoples, students and horticulturists. With these objectives, one endemic species with high ornamental potential, Curcuma inodora Blatter J., was selected and detailed studies were conducted. All the specimens collected were successfully conserved at the Calicut University Botanical Garden.
[EfloraIndia_201211PD02_Curcuma sp_Flora of Odisha for ID:
sharing the images of a very very rare Zingiberaceae member from Odisha Name of the species: Curcuma Family: Zingiberaceae
Placee of collection: Mahendragiri, Gajapati Odisha
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild, Semi-evergreen forests, under the close canopy
Altitude: 400 m above msl Curcuma inodora: Family Zingiberaceae It is a spring bloomer, commonly called as “hidden purple ginger”. It is mainly located in Maharashtra and Goa states of South India and grows up to 60 cm, producing beautiful green broad leaves with large purple inflorescence and flowers. The plant produces inflorescences independent of the leafy shoot just after pre-monsoon showers and again amidst the leaves after monsoon.
IUCN status: Near threatened
(Please check this plant is presented in your state or not. I think this is a new record for your state). Thanks a lot … for the detail description and status of this species. I had a confusion between Curcuma inodora and Curcuma heyneana. Thanks a lot for the authentication. U r right. There is no report of this species from my state. Thanks for sharing. In year 2003, I was invited as guest speaker at Workshop on Prospects of Medicinal Plant in Kalahandi District organised by Kalahandi Medicinal Plant Grower’s Association, Bhawanipatna, Orissa. During visit to nearby forest I observed the plant “Genchi“. Genchi is local name of Curcuma inodora. It is used in treatment of Psoriasis both internally as well as externally. Few years back this plant came in my life again when Eminent Sadhus from Uttaranchal approached to me for treatment of Psoriasis linked with respiratory diseases. I requested them to get this plant from Bhawanipatna.
During the said workshop in BhawaniPatna, this species was present as exhibit in Town Hall with label “Wild turmeric useful for fever.” It is not listed in medicinal plant checklist (Orissa) of FRLHT. MSSRF has also done documentation work in Bhawanipatna. I have to check whether they have reported it or not. (I was informed by local traders that the survey was superficial.) Thanks a lot … for the valuable details on Curcuma. But so far there is no published record of this species from odisha. kindly conform its distribution from kalahandi. I am contacting my sources after replying you.
Wild Turmeric is known as Genchi in Chhattisgarh also specially in parts close to Orissa. But I have noted it “different” from Curcuma inodora. Please watch this video clip taken in wild Turmeric patch of forest in Chhattisgarh. The Healers of Niyamgiri Hills use more than six types of Haldi (Curcuma). I was informed that German research team has prepared special film on wild curcuma of Niyamgiri but it is not online. I got only one type of Curcuma during visit You are right. As it is not reported in modern literature you can publish it as first record. Thanks a lot … for the clipping. but in this clipping its hard to tell whether this is the same species or not. … can conform as he is the expert in Zingiberacea. Actually Curcuma inodora shows a wide range of variation mainly by means of flower colour, bract shape and inflorescence length. We collected more than 10 varaints in flower colour, 12 variants in inflorescnce nature and 5 variants in bract shape from Maharashtra and Goa. These all accessions are successfully domesticated and conserved at Calicut University Botanical garden under Dr. M. Sabu. I cant to post the variant photos now because I not published that datas.
Seems to be Curcuma inodora except some minor variation on the labellum. . Fwd: [efloraofindia:191519] Curcuma for species Id 2 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1).
can anyone tell me specific name of this Curcuma It is Curcuma inodora, a highly variable species. It produces both central and lateral inflorescence from one and the same plant in different seasons. The bract and flower colors also vary considerably.
Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Zingiberaceae (Ginger family) :: Curcuma pseudomontana from SGNP, Shilonda :: ARKAUG-42 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6). Attached are pictures of Curcuma pseudomontana captured at SGNP, Shilonda in June 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID. This is Curcuma inodora How do one differentiate these two? Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Zingiberaceae: Curcuma inodora : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- Curcuma PDF Webbia.pdf
Please find our ‘hidden purple ginger’ with one recently published paper. Thanks again … for beautiful photograph and the paper. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight::Curcuma Sp. (NSJ-05) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). It is Curcuma inodora There’s a nice paper by our own Prabhukumar and Dr Sabu about curcuma inodora in the journal:
the url for it is rather looooong: take a look
apparently it will make for delightful addition to the houseplant// homegarden nursery trade.
Need help with this id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) – around 900 kb each.
Can anyone please help with id’ing this. Shot in Bhopal in black soil. These emerged after the first few rains of the season.
Please identify : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)
This is Curcuma aromatica or Curcuma angustifolia Locations: Ratnagiri maharashtra
Click on : 14 july 2020 Curcuma inodora. A highly variable species. . ID request- 250621AS02: 4 images. Date/Time- 25/06/21 Location- Reni Pani, Madhya Pradesh, near Satpura National Park, Madhai, Altitude- 350 m, Habitat- Wild Type- Growing at the edge of a stream, in a shaded area. Plant Habit- herb Height/Length- 20 cm Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Leaves alternately arranged from a bulb Flower- Resembled a lot like a ginger variety, was pink, white and yellow. The flower also came out directly from a bulb.
The pictures are from different specimens, but seem to be the same species. Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. ?? It can be Curcuma inodora Thanks …, how do you differentiate between the two? Curcuma inodora I have found articles by H. Santapau helpful in identifying some species of Curcuma in the Bombay area.
One article is called : On a Common Species of Curcuma of Bombay and Salsette Islands
It is from JBNHS vol 51, Dec 1952 and may be available online.
In this article Santapau gives a full description of C. inodora . Curcuma inodora
Curcuma pseudomontana’ is called ‘Ranhalad’ ‘रानहळद’ in Marathi. Just for information that this is not Curcuma pseudomontana. I had doubts so I took your pic for clarification. Thanks a lot, …
I also request others to check their pictures of Curcuma pseudomontana & correct accordingly.
But I am not finding any details on net about it.
Further, it’s not appearing in Forest Flora of A.P. as per I think the post by … picture in FOI may also relate to Curcuma reclinata Roxb.
Its a case of long forgotten species or very often misidentified. I got this species identified from one of my best friend of Czech origin who revised the Indian genera of Curcuma. I trust she cant be wrong. This plant was identified as C. pseudomontana in my records since 2005. As I have been out of station I could not attend to the mail. The image is that of Curcuma inodora. It is a highly variable species in the colour of bracts, coma, labellum and staminodes. WITH REFERENCE TO THE POST ON Oct 5 2009 IN WHICH 7 PICS OF C.pesudomontana is posted to me it is not C. pseudomontana for sure Sending close-up photographs of Cucurma pseudomontana for comparison. The images are certainly not of Cucurma pseudomantana. Matches more with Cucurma inodora as per Dr. Almeida’s flora. I think … pics too are not of C. pseudomantana, they seem to be of C. neilgherrensis.
whether it is Curcuma or Orchid ? This plant has already been identified as Curcuma inodora by …, the Zingiberaceae expert. So, there shouldn’t be any doubt in this id, unless there is any difference of opinion/id, i think.
This is Curcuma inodora. This is having a highly variable coma bracts and labellum colur.
I think I have slight doubts over this being pseudomontana. The bracts should have been green coloured I assume…..Can this be Curcuma angustifolia? or may be some other one…. Could this be C. aromatica Salisb. locally called Amba halad- Just a guess after going through the descriptions, experts need to resolve this one. … this must not be C. pseudomontana … have got used to seeing large leaves when in flowering … the inflorescence itself is held higher. This is Curcuma nilgheriense Can it be Curcuma inodora Blatt.? This is definitely C.inodora Yes.
Could it be Carcuma Pseudomontana – Marathi – रान हलद ! Can it be Curcuma inodora Blatt.? Little bit confusing in appearance but going by the location and flower colour it could be C.inodora. A picture of the anther spur could be helpful. Yes. It is a highly variable species.
Can it be Curcuma inodora Blatt.? It is C.inodora Yes.
Lovely composition. Names of Plants in India :: Curcuma decipiens Dalzell : 4 images. 4 posts by 3 authors.
KER-koo-muh — from the Arabic kurkum, meaning saffron … Dave’s Botanary de-SIP-ee-enz — deceptive, false … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: deceptive curcuma • Hindi: जंगली हलदी jangli haldi, वन हलदी van haldi • Malayalam: കുഴിക്കൂവ kuzhikkoova • Marathi: जांभळी रानहळद jambhali ranhalad botanical names: Curcuma decipiens Dalzell … synonyms: no synonym known … The Plant List (2010). Version 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photographed in Sindhudurg on 13 JUL 13 Many thanks to … for the ID. … more views: …. KER-koo-muh — from the Arabic kurkum, meaning saffron … Dave’s Botanary
de-SIP-ee-enz — deceptive, false … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: deceptive curcuma • Hindi: जंगली हलदी jangli haldi, वन हलदी van haldi • Malayalam: കുഴിക്കൂവ kuzhikuva • Marathi: जांभळी रानहळद jambhali ranhalad botanical names: Curcuma decipiens Dalzell … synonyms: no synonyms known … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
deceptive curcuma
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
जंगली हलदी jangli haldi, वन हलदी van haldi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കുഴിക്കൂവ kuzhikuva
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
जांभळी रानहळद jambhali ranhalad
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at Shall we coin a name in Kannada for this endemic, on lines of Marathi name – जांभळी रानहळद jambhali ranhalad … literal meaning, purple wild turmeric.
Thus, is any of the following make sense … ನೇರಳೆ ಕಾಡು ಅರಿಸಿನ nerale kaadu arisina OR ಕೆನ್ನೀಲಿ ಕಾಡು ಅರಿಸಿನ kanniili kaadu arisina … these are my attempts using Google Translate, may not be perfect.
Ideally this plant should be under C.inodora. Are these images of C.inodora or C.decipiens (until both are published as the same)? I am working on it. Need some more time Curcuma decipiens Dalzell: 6 high res. images. Date- 10/06/2023.
Location- Pal, Vengurla, Sindhudurg, MH. (Lat. 15.84, Long. 73.67). Habitat- wild, coconut plantation.
Plant Habit- rhizomatous herb. Rhizome- single, with tubers, lemon grass like odour.
Root tubers- many, ovoid, white inside.
Leaves- broadly ovate, no distinct odour.
Inflorescence- lateral, arising after leaves.
Coma bracts- many, deep purple or white-purple.
Flowers- funnel-shaped, deep purple.
Distinguishing Characters:
Leaves: without odour; Flowers & coma bracts: deep purple. Date- 20/06/2023.
Location- Pal, Vengurla, Sindhudurg, MH.
(Lat. 15.84, Long. 73.67).
Habitat- wild, coconut plantation.
Plant Habit- rhizomatous herb. 2 images. Curcuma inodora Will you please give the ID key to differentiate C. inodora from C. decipiens.
As per description both species are variable then how to separate them? Please help
Highly variable. Curcuma inodora is treated as synonym of C. decipiens since the latter has priority over the former. I checked on POWO, both these names (Curcuma decipiens & C. inodora) are accepted as different plants.
Sabu sir could you please put some more light on this. Can you plz provide some references for these synonyms. I am also kept them as different but after some more studies I am planning to merge these two. It will take some more time. . Curcuma pseudomontana in FOI: 3 images.
Images of Curcuma pseudomontana in FOI from Dinesh ji (also attached) should be of Curcuma inodora Blatt. Pl. correct. Thanks … for the correction. Your practice, of attaching the images in question here, is a good one. Without it people looking at the post after the correction at FOI may get confused. Thanks … for this correction and validation.
I will correct my notes shortly.
. References:
Curcuma inodora
Updated on December 24, 2024