IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU) DV – 14AUG10 – 1058 :: Curcuma sp. near Valmiki Ashram : Attachments (5 + 9). 9 posts by 5 authors.
ID please … hopefully, have not mixed two different Curcuma plants … (please correct me if P1220911.JPG is different) Very nice pics as usual. This is the regular Hill Tumeric [Cucurma pseudomontana]. I don’t see anything different in this specimen. Have plenty of these currently flowering on my property. Will send photographs later in the day if required. Thank you very much … I also got confused by the varried colour combination in this species !! i will go with … From my records over the last few years, the flowering seasons were: 2006 June to September 2007 July to October 2008 July to September 2009 August to September This year new plants first made their appearance on 4th July [Photograph 1]. Later on 11th July new plants were fairly widespread [Photograph 2]. The first flowers were observed on 24th July [Photograph 3]. Mass flowering is currently on [Photographs 4 to 7] while at the same time new plants continue to sprout [Photographs 8 & 9]. Would estimate that the inflorescence remains on the plant for about a month. The plants generally droop and die once the monsoons recede in October – November. … very generous response … have killed all my queries at one go. C. pesudomontana Flower yellow spike arising after the leaves, corolla 2-lipped C. inodora Flower purplish with yellowish tinge on corolla lip Spike arise after leaves, lateral corolla 3-lipped
I have not came across C. reclinata, no reference as of now. . GRAM 2016 Curcuma? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Is it possible to ID Curcuma species with just the inflorescence?
Pictures taken at Kasara, Maharashtra in July 2016 It may be Curcuma pseudomontana. Need the leaf nature also. . Mine have also been flowering profusely since mid-July. Sending a few photographs. i think this one is other species, may be C. inodora I am not sure if your plant is Curcuma pseudomontana. Was it summer? or it rained already? i wish i could grow curcuma at my place. YES YOU CAN… …, please visit Sanjay Gandhi National Park, yeoor or silonda, you can definately see the differences between the two species.. or best way is visit Blatter Herbarium… Curcuma pseudomontana
Sending you my photographs of Hill Tumeric [Cucurma pseudomontana]. They were all taken on my property over the last few years. Flowering has not yet commenced in and around Bombay this year. It generally occurs from towards the end of June till September. . Commelinales and Zingiberales Week :: Zingiberaceae :: Curcuma pseudomontana: 1 image. identification no250811sn2: I think you are right. yes C. pseudomontana Yes, Curcuma pseudomontana of Zingiberaceae family. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Zingiberaceae :: Curcuma pseudomontana from Lohagad :: ARKAUG-44 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Attached are pictures of Curcuma pseudomontana captured at Lohagad in August 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID. Another very good upload, thanks … I guess the ID is correct ! Yes, I agree with Curcuma pseudomontana Curcuma pseudomontana This is Curcuma pseudomontana which is similar to the ones seen in the high-altitude grasslands of Kerala. The species posted by Dr. Neil Soares from his property though, I believe is another species – a more robust plant that grows in shade and exists as a hybrid continuum with Curcuma inodora which is centred around Karwar, Goa and Sindhdurg. The darkest purple flowers of Curcuma inodora are found in the latter locations with suffusion of yellow as you move northwards with the yellowest flowers seen towards northern Maharashtra. The flowers with the most yellow also have robust inflorescence compared to the flowers found in Goa. I have only visited Goa and Sindhdurg and therefore my observations may be wrong and are open to discussion. A molecular study which includes C.pseudomontana, C.inodora (blue flower, southern limit of range), Unknown sp. (yellow flower, northern limit of range) and C.inodora (blue-yellow flower, central Maharashtra) should clear the existing confusion. I am attaching a collage which I made with pictures from this group I saved at various times and therefore don’t remember the photographers. Kindly forgive me for not posting picture credits. Rajgad, Sep 2014 :: Requesting ID of this Curcuma species :: ARKSEP-29 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). It may be Curcuma pseudomontana. Need flower details such as anther for confirmation. Thank you … for the possible ID…. Curcumas are rather confusing… Curcuma pseudomontana—-for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) love the picture. don’t know enough to validate though
. Curcuma pseudomontana—for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in july15. Curcuma pseudomontana—for sharing : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd.,Lonavala,Pune in july15. Beautiful flower in Western Ghats, Baba Budangiri range : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
I saw this flower in the montane grasslands in the Western Ghats, 2 days back (5.5.17). It was very abundant, with hundreds. Need help in identification. It’s very beautiful. It’s a Curcuma for sure. Species can be pseudomontana, not very sure. We have … here is the experts, he may focus further. .
Yes you are correct. it is C. pseudomontana.
yes. it is wild turmeric. Yes this is Curcuma pseudomontana. Wild turmeric. In marathi known as ‘Raan Halad’ Cucurcuma pseudomontana indeed a week back … posted several pictures of this plant !! Wild Turmeric (रान हलद in Marathi) I’ve observed it flowers by the end of may here in Mumbai’s wildlife region, but this time it flowered little late.. I think by start of June it started flowering. .
You are correct. It looks like ginger to me. The leaves in the background also look like ginger. Could it be Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia)? My apologies, It is turmeric. I had not checked after zooming the picture. The leaves are broad unlike ginger. I have shown it to a friend and he confirms that it is turmeric. it is Curcuma pseudomontana
My imagination is that the leaf was young and in curled state when the insect devoured some part of it. . References:
Curcuma pseudomontana
Updated on December 24, 2024