Curcuma species- Bangladesh

SM164 Curcuma pseudomontana? : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
Habit: Rhizomotus
Habitat: Wild

In case of Curcuma it is very difficult to identify from flower or inflorescence.

Please let us know, what should be taken care of while taking pics of Curcuma.. so that identification can be attempted… or some other things are there which cannot be recorded in pics..

… has raised an important question. It would be lovely to know about to look for and photograph for curcuma and ginger family..

Before … intervenes I think the best practice is to dig the rhizome to note its aroma and colour. Besides, checking if the inflorescence is lateral or central.

no … when in wild, rule of photography for ethnobotany for conservation is do not disturb … and definitely do not break up, pick etc.
… can elaborate.. my underrstanding is that
even botanists on so called collection drives often need special permission to collect… never dig up…
I am sure there is less invasive way of doing most photography for id purposes.

No problem …, but I agree partly, you or others may have different view.

yes of course. grant you that, …. let’s see what the professors who actually go on collection tours as part of their official duties have to do and follow.

Attached here KEY to AMADA and HALUD by Sir Prain and Haines

… you are rightly mentioned.
Curcuma L. is one of the charming genus in the family Zingiberaceae, we can easily distinguish the genus from other genera by means of inflorescence, a spike with prominent spiral bracts each subtending a cincinnus of flowers. In fact, it is very difficult to identify the species among the genus. Taxonomical history of the genus revealed that, the pioneer taxonomists (Roxburgh, 1820; Horaninow, 1862; Baker, 1890; Schumann, 1904) were proposed various sections depending on the position of spikes and absence or presence of anther spur. Recently Sabu (2006) revised the family Zingiberaceae in South India along with Costaceae. Depending upon his studies, the major characters used for the identification of Curcuma’sare presence of anther spur, size of the pseudostem, presence or absence of root-tubers, rhizome colour and smell, colour of the coma bracts and proportion of flower with bract (flowers exceeding bract or not). For example, we can easily identify C. aurantica (Syn. C. ecalcarata) from other species my means of the absence of anther spur. Likewise, in C. pseudomontana sessile tubers are absent and in C. vamana and C. oligantha coma bracts are absent. With regard to rhizome colour, rhizome blue within in C. aeruginosa, yellow to deep yellow within in C. zanthorrhiza, deep orange-yellow within C. longa and greyish yellow within C. aromatica. Regard to smell, C. amada rhizome with the smell of green mango. In many species, Curcuma possess lateral and central inflorescence like C. inodora.

Surely this is very useful information… thanks a lot … for detailed information and references…
This implies that a few things can be noticed without digging up the plant, especially when it is flowering, but to be sure about id, rhizomes are to be taken out…

Thank you very much Sir. Does majority of these members produce seeds? How their dispersing mechanism works?

OK, …, got the point, thanks for explanations. but detailed look at leaves and flowers forms an initial part of the key…
rhizomes of course seem to be a final clincher in case of curcuma.
It also underscores the need for detailed photography or verbal description of the leaves surface and touch and feel, coloration of leaves and veins and size of the leaf blade, bracts and coma in case of curcuma.

The KEY in the linked pdf file doesn’t feature Curcuma amada. Since I have seen both the amada and the longa I think there is no way to identify them without examining rhizome. The pdf follows the ‘Bengal Plants’ pattern.
I agree that in most cases the ID can be established without digging, taking care of distribution, and other aerial features. Even then you may need to dissect a number of flowers.

Check the rhizome size and colour. Wait for the leaves to come


Updated on December 24, 2024

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