Cuscuta hyalina Heyne ex Roth. ?; Cuscuta hyalina : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Plant : Cuscuta hyalina Heyne ex Roth. Photo taken on 10-02-10, New Dhan Mandi Sri Ganganagar (Raj.) Commonly known as Amer-Bel Stem filiform slender forming tangled mass and in this specimen amerbel is present on Zizyphus numularia. Only the fully developed flowers can help in confirming whether it is C. hyalina or C. reflexa. Latter is reported on Ziziphus. We in Maharashtra call it “Amar Vel” means vine which does not die. This is parasite. It spreads fast on the tree. In Maharashtra there are about 4 species of Cuscuta. is there any account of how many species of Cuscuta exists across India?
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Cuscuta hyalina ?
Updated on December 24, 2024