Cyananthus lobatus Wall. ex Benth., Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 309 1836. (Syn: Cyananthus farreri (C.Marquand) C.Marquand; Cyananthus lobatus var. farreri C.Marquand); . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Campanulaceae :: Cyananthus lobatus at Hampta Pass: Got this flower at the altitude of approx. 12000ft en route “Hampta Pass (Himachal Pradesh)”. Bot. name: Cyananthus lobatus Family: Campanulaceae. . Cyananthus lobatus (Trailing Bellflower) Place : Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttarakhand Date : 14.08.2012 VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1119 :: withered-flower herb at Valley of Flowers: Valley of Flowers… about 11000 – 12000 ft This should be Cyananthus lobatus….
VoF Week: Cynanthus lobatus from Valley: VOF Week: Cyanathus lobatus from the valley: VoF Week: Cyananthus lobatus: VOF Week: Cyananthus sp- C2 at VoF: I think same Cyananthus lobatus
Cyananthus lobatus (Campanulaceae) is a common alpine herb blooming in late monsoon season. Flora profusion is spectacular with numerous flowers oriented in same direction in alpine meadows. Photographed in Nilkanth valley near Badrinath, Uttarakhand. Very beautiful …, lucky to have seen this in Valley of Flowers.. thanks for showing a vertical section too.. . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanulaceae :Cyananthus lobatus at VoF : PKA34 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanulaceae :: Cyananthus lobatus at Hampta Pass::PKA6: 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Got this flower at the altitude of approx. 12000ft en route “Hampta Pass (Himachal Pradesh)”. Bot. name: Cyananthus lobatus Family: Campanulaceae.
Excellent clicks, thanks … . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight:: Cyananthus lobatus from VOF:: NS 17 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). A beautiful plant from a very beautiful place… Cyanathus lobatus from Valley of Flowers.. Beautiful photographs of Cyanathus lobatus Yes a common but beautiful flowersin alpine zones of Uttarakhand. Cyananthus lobatus ABSEP2016/06 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 5 images. I spotted the first flowers (very glossy, reflecting purple and blue) just above 3200m and continued to see them for another 100m up or so. I did not spot any at 3400m but they may have been there on the slopes invisible to me. Please validate. Cyananthus lobatus—Trailing Bellflower Above Ilaqa, HP, 3200-3300m, 03-04 September 2016 Yes, nice images. Wild herb from Tungnath : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Wild herb from open grass land Tungnath Again Cyananthus sp. Pl. also check comparative images at genus page in efi site. Thanks, …, for the initial id. I think appears closer to images atCyananthus lobatus Wall. ex per comparative images at Cyananthus Yes, C. lobatus.
Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb50B for Id- JM – efloraofindia | Google Groups unknown blue high alpine flower : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image. near Pikey peak; mid east Nepal 3500m sessile blue flower with hairy calyx If someone can help me with the species I would be very happy Pl. check comaparative images at It should be Cyananthus lobatus… Thanks, … I posted a wrong link. Thanks a lot! .
Location: Rara, Nepal Altitude: 2900m. Date: 20 August 2021 Habit : Wild
Cyananthus lobatus
Updated on December 24, 2024