Blumea esquirolii H.Lév. & Vaniot; Cacalia arguta Kuntze;
Cacalia cinerea (L.) Kuntze; Cacalia erigerodes Kuntze;
Cacalia exilis Kuntze; Cacalia kroneana Kuntze;
Cacalia linifolia DC.; Cacalia rotundifolia Willd.;
Cacalia vialis Kuntze; Calea cordata Lour.;
Conyza prolifera Lam.; Crassocephalum flatmense Hochst. & Steud. ex DC.;
[Illegitimate]; Pteronia tomentosa Lour.; Seneciodes cinerea (L.);
Seneciodes cinereum (L.) Kuntze ex Kuntze;
sin-EER-ee-um — ash-colored … Dave’s Botanary
Distribution: widely distributed; native to India
Flora of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (Description & Keys- indica, cinerea & divergens) – Vernonia cinerea is now Cyanthillium cinereum
Wild Plant for ID : 040811 : AK-3:
Taken at Anjaneri, near Nasik, Maharashtra on 14/3/11.
A very small wild plant, growing by the roadside with tiny purple flowers.
Date/Time-Sep 2011
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- plant
Height/Length-1.5 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- light purple buds white flowers
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- ?brown seeds
Other Information it looks like cotton I do not know how to describe this correclly
To me it looks like Vernonia cinerea a very common roadside plant.
But now I am happy and have found so much info about this common weed but so useful …..
Request for identification
Date/Time-Oct 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 1-1.5 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- pink and lilac
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- white silky hairy
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- always seen small butterflies on these flowers
I have also seen similar plant with blue flowers which I will post later as I do not know if it is a different plant
i think this is Ageratum houstonianum
the photo is not clear for which you want to identify
For me it seems to be Ageratum conyzoides
I think not Ageratum at all, the leaves are alternate. The plants are not well focussed but shape of leaves and heads suggest Vernonia cinerea.
You are simply great. After reading about it
on the net I found this link and to my surprise a similar butterfly that I found on the flowers was photographed here too. Thank you for the Id . link to the site
The butterfly is the Tiny Grass Blue.
Request for identification
Date/Time-Oct 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length-1-1.5 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- blue flowers
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-not seen
Again not Ageratum, I think same Vernonia cinerea
an interesting article on this plant
“Garibonki buti”
efloraofindia:”For Id 30112011MR1’’ ?Vernonia cinerea or Cupids shaving brush Pune:
Nov 2011
Seeds with feathers
Saw this herb in plenty by the roadsides etc. in Karjat area … the leaves were shriveled. The flowers in the first two photos are whitish while those in the third photo are of a different hue, is it normal?
… a guess: Blumea paniculata (family Asteraceae).
This looks like Vernonia cinerea.
Yes Vernonia cinerea
Thanks a lot … for your response. I found this link on the net and realised that the first two photos in my post are of fruits not of flowers!! Please correct me if I am wrong.
Yes … In fact only third photograph is in flowering condition.
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob.m recorded today in Hooghly.
…, try to post a complete set of information now onwards,
Please ID the weed photographs received from one of my contacts in Chennai.
Attaching one more photo.
Sorry, …, it’s Cyanthillium cinereum,
Date/Time- November 7, 2017; 10:15 hrs.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 2′
Flowers- Light purple
Elevation- 700m
Cyanthillium cinereum ??
Oh ! I missed to check.
Fwd: MS/9/4/2019 – Plant ID : 7 posts by 4 authors. 2 correct images.
Forwarded herewith the plant photographs received from Chennai: Cyanthium species ? Please help the ID of the plant. Sorry for the picture quality.
First image looks like Boerhavia erecta. Second is Vernonia cinerea. Third, not clear. Fourth, again looks like Vernonia cinerea.
Thanks, … I think 3rd is same as 1st one.
Image not sharp, but similarity is there, I agree
I too agreed with … because what he says is right,
Very difficult to ID with such images! And rule has not been followed with multiple species in one post
On 17/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP near Tirupati; Dharuhera, Haryana– Dec.’08?; at Bijapur, Ibrahim Rouza monumet, on 8th Aug.,2009; Pune– Aug’09?; at SGNP, Borivli, Mumbai on 4th Oct 09; in Bannarghatta Forest on 04-10-09; Bannarghatta Forest on 04-10-09; On 11/10/09 in Ananthagiri HIll forest in Rangareddy district of Andhra Pradesh; March– Kanha NP; |
Wild flower for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Psyche (Leptosia nina). Plant for ID? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Vernonia cinerea (Ash Fleabane)? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Vernonia cinerea_SGNP_Sept 09_SSN – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Vernonia cinerea – indiantreepix | Google Groups
For ID110809ET 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
SK 2430 04 February 2020 (mixed thread): 11 posts by 3 authors. 1st 3 images are correct- 5 mb each.
Some Blumea ??
I think Vernonia cinerea…..
To me also appears close to images at Cyanthillium cinereum
Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 01JUL19 : AK-1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
A small plant with tiny purple flowers seen on a mountain slope in Nasik on 25th June.
To me it looks close to Cyanthillium cinereum, Little Ironweed.
Experts, kindly verify.
I agree with your suggested id.
sharing images of Vernonia cinerea at Pune from different places at different times
that the latest name for this plant is Cyanthillium cinereum
ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam_KD_7 : Attachments (7). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images are Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob [Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less] collected from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam. Date :10.12.2012
Habit : Herb
Vernonia cinerea..
May be Vernonia cinerea
Elevation : 25 m.
it is wild. its weed
Not Emilia.
cant do anything with this. i need leaves: shape and how they are attached to the stem even to guess a group of these weeds.
may be someone who has studied weeds all their life would recognize these flowering heads
i knew there would be some one who knew. are you sure? i guess you must be
my “guess” is because there are 1000 one thousand Vernonia and their flower heads look very similar. it beats me. Would like definitive paper or review esp related to these in Singapore ocean side or beach areas
Thank you … However, I feel sorry to put you seniors in confusion !
there is a reason for caution. its a weed per many old school botany but its being recognized as an important medicinal plant now. soon someone will patent it. need to be cautious as to what we id. may be someone will use our id and use the plant for medinial purposes. think….
Do you agree with the id ?
Did not find listing for any Cyanthillium in efloraNepal and books.
Check for its synonyms.
Nepali Names: मर्चा झार Marchaa Jhaar / फुली झार Phuli Jhaar / मुसालेडि Musaaledi / फुर्के झार Phurke Jhaar / सोडेमोडे Sodemode / झुर झुरे Jhur Jhure / ग्यान्तका Gyantakaa / सहदेवी Sahadevee
Attaching images of a wild herb found beside a pond. It is common in and around villages. I think it is Vernonia cinerea. If the ID is correct then the Bengali names given to this plant are 1) KUKSHIM and 2) SHEALMOTRA.
Species : Vernonia cinerea ???
Type : wild herb
Date : 21-Feb-2012, 1.19 p.m.
Place : Hooghly, West Bengal
ID & info help : ‘Plant Groups’ by H. Mukherji
Date/Time- 11th March, 2012
Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- shrub
Height- 50cm
new photograph of foliage for :id request::210312::wild::Sl. No.-2:
Date/Time- 11th March, 2012
Location- Place- Delhi university
Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- shrub
Height- 50cm
200312::Merrut::Sl. No.-1:
Date/Time- 11th March, 2012
Location- Place- Merrut, Uttar Pradesh
Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- shrub
Height- 50cm
Asteraceae ID : sk02 : 01-04-2014 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8).
This wild herb, found in Midnapore (West) district, is less than six inches high, with heads very similar to Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. The entire population is six inches or less.
ANJUN05 Herb for identification : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Date: 26th June 2016
Place: Turahalli, Bangalore, Karnataka
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Disturbed scrub forest
Can it be a Vernonia sp.?
But most of the vernonia species has been transferred to other genera. Pl. see Vernonia
Pl. check images at Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) per comparative images at Vernonia
Thank you sir. I think it does match.
Small herb for ID :: Kanha, MP Tour :: ARKJAN12 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Saw this small herb in a field near Kanha National Park, MP in December 2016.
Requested to please ID the same.
Yes …, this is Cyanthillium cinereum
Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Cyanthillium cinereum at Vaghbil :: 14 JUL 07 :: DV29 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors.
… popularly known by its synonym – Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.
sin-EER-ee-um — ash-colored … Dave’s Botanary
Distribution: widely distributed; native to India
References: Flowers of India • PIER • GRIN • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
at Vaghbil on 14 JUL 07
Crisp photographs
ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads Cyanthillium cinerium from Uttarakhand_DSR_25 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. [=Conyza cinerea L.; Vernonia cineria (L.) Less.] is a common herb throughout India and also in Pantnagar.
Though this is a very common herb, I could find only one photograph with me.. wanted to share.. Vernonia cineraria
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Vernonia cinerea from Delhi -GS62 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author.
Vernonia cinerea, the commonest weed in waste places and roadsides in Delhi.
Habitat: mixed deciduous forest
The flower about 8 – 10 mm across.
This looks like Vernonia cinerea
I was thinking so too …
Earlier sightings I never took close up of the flower to this extent; and thus thought it looks different.
Thank you very much for the ID.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads:: Vernonia cineria SMP13 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Vernonia cineria Pune
Images by Karuna Kanta Das |
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob:
Attached images are Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob (= Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less) Date : 10/12/2012 Location: Guwahati-12 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)] Family : Asteraceae
Genus & species : Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob [= Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less]
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit :Shrub
Inflorescence : Head
Images by tspkumar |
116-TSP-ID-OCT2016-3:Asteraceae sp @ Konanakaval for ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly examine and identify this plant belonging to Asteraceae
Habitat:Wild,Scrub forest
Sighting:Near Tumkur,Karnataka,about 800 msl
I think this is Vernonia cineraria….
May I request you pl. provide differences between Cyanthillium albicans & Cyanthillium cinereum as I am unable to find these on net ?
Cyanthillium albicans –plant parts pubescent/ hispid; leaves whitish, thick. leaf image is attached; Heads, pink-purple, 1.2-1.8cm across, 30-40 flowered, in 3-10cm long terminal paniculate cymes. Achenes 1-2mm long, 4-5 angled, pappus villous.
Cyanthillium cinereum: Plants glabrascent, 3-5mm across, 20-30 flowered, in 3-10cm long terminal paniculate cymes. Achenes villous.
images of both are attached
Attachments (5)
As per this main difference appears to be in Cyanthillium albicans –plant parts pubescent/ hispid; leaves whitish, thick (Cyanthillium cinereum: Plants glabrascent) & Heads, pink-purple, 1.2-1.8cm across, 30-40 flowered (Cyanthillium cinereum: Heads, pink-purple, 3-5mm across) Achenes 1-2mm long, 4-5 angled, pappus villous (Cyanthillium cinereum: Achenes villous)
Here the leaves, heads are smaller. It is Cyanthillium cinereum only
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads : 060613 ARK-05 :Cyanthillium cinereum from Mumbai : November 2012 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Attached are pictures of Cyanthillium cinereum captured at Mumbai in November 2012
Requested to please confirm ID.
Yes it’s Cyanthillium cinereum
Please also check with Cyanthilium in eFI.
I could not find a match with the existing images. May be some other species or variety as per Cyanthillium
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H. Rob. (accepted name) ??
I also feel these are close to images at Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob.
Shall I close on in this ID?
Beautiful. Never seen it earlier
I guess ID is already validated but still in UN ID list.
Yes, it’s Cyanthillium cinereum
Asteraceae member from South Andaman : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- around 1 Mb each.
Habit – diffuse branched herb.
Photographed on Nov.14,2015.
Please check Emilia sp.
Thanks, …, I do not think it is an Emilia species.
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. ???
This is not Cyanthilium cinerum.
May I request you to pl. reconsider this species.
Yes its Cyanthillium cinereum

Swamy/New series/ID/10 – ID of the Asteraceae plant: 3 images.
Please ID the plant photographed in Chennai – sent by a friend last week (15.5.21). Asteraceae member – a twiner in the farmland.
Images not so clear ! Pink flowers? Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. ??
Yes it’s …
Thanks … for the ID. I will request the sender to provide me with a clear photograph …
Locality- Shivamogga, Karnataka.
Please help with Id. This herb treated as weeds at local.
Cyanthillium cinereum, when under the shade farm like this,
ID02012013PHK1: ID Please
A herb 2-3 ft. height, Leaves alternate
Stem and branches pinkish-red in colour
Habitat: coastal swamp
Today at Alibag
Vernonia cinerea
Please check the attached images.
Captured Srinagar Uttarakhand.
Cyanthilium cinerium
I’d requested- RAJOURI J AND K: 1 high res. image.
Leaf and habitat image ??
… is correct
Thank you …! Syn should be Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. !
169 ID wild plant Cyanthillium cinereum: 15 images.
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 07.10.2021, 01.15pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, branches, slender hard stem, hairy, annual
Height: 03 feet
Leaves: alternate, ovate, toothed wavy margins, apex, winged petiole, size:06×3cm or less
Flower: racemose, semi orbital inflorescence, clustered, diameter:08mm, violet, non fragrant
Fruit: cylindrical green into white, size:7×3mm, not edible
Seed: black, numerous, lengthy nice with fibers capable to flying or lite Grandpa’s beard, size:4×.5mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s
Asteraceae Id: 5 images.
Help to id this plant. may be Vernonia sp.
Collected from semi-arid region of gujarat. Date: 20-Oct-2021
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. ??
Because both looks different
I think both are same.
Accepted names keep on changing !
MS,Nov.,2021/59 Veronica sp. ? for id.: 1 very high res. image.
Location : Cherhlun
Date : 13-01-2016
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
I think Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. as per images and details herein and as per keys at MS March,2018/05 Vernonia sp. for ID
SK 3267 27 December 2021: 8 very high res. images.
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. ??
Yes, it’s
Tiny Compositae for id: 2 images.
Request for id of a Compositae from Bilaspur. Photographed in February 2022. Appears to be Vernonia.
Vernonia ??
Cyanthillium cinereum
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.: 7 very high res. images.
Habit : Wild
MS, Feb.,2023/04 Asteraceae for id: 2 images.
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram
Habitat : Wild
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. ??
Yes, appears close to images at
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · JUN23 DV314: 4 images.
popular synonym: Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. :: Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · JUN23 DV454: 4 images.
popular synonym: Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.
synonym: Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994