Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze , Revis. Gen. Pl. 1 333 1891. (syn. Artemisia hirsuta Rottler ex Spreng.; Artemisia paniculata Rottler ex Wight; Artemisia stricta DC. [Invalid]; Artemisia stricta f. diffusa Pamp.; Cyathocline birmanica Gand.; Cyathocline lyrata Cass.; Cyathocline stricta DC.; Dichrocephala minutiflora Vaniot; Dichrocephala minutifolia Vaniot; Tanacetum purpureum Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don); . ¿ sigh-uh-tho-KLY-nee ? — Greek: kyathodes (cup-like), clinos (to slope or bend) … Dave’s Botanary pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: purple bane • Assamese: গল ফুলে gal phule • Gujarati: ઓખરાડ okharad, ગંગોત્રી gangotri • Hindi: बनधनिया bandhaniya • Marathi: गंगोत्रा gangotra • Nepali: गल फुल्ले gal phulle . Native to: s China, India . A very variable, delicate, gregarious, erect annual, upto 60 cm high. Leaves alternate, sessile, embracing the stem, 3-12 cm long. Leaf segments irregularly serrate. Heads small, in panicles, dark purple. Achenes oblong, smooth. Suberect herb, viscid and glandular, silky and hairy. Stem branched grooved. Basal leaves radical and cauline, sessile. Segments toothed. Flower heads 0.3 to 0.6 cm across in terminal corymbose panicles; involucral bracts linear, acute, hairy on margins. Achenes oblong. Whole plant is aromatic and is commonly observed as undergrowth in open spaces especially near wet surface; rice fields or on the banks of river streams. . Cyathocline purpurea from Tikkar Taal Lake, Morni Hills: This is Cyathocline purpurea (D. Don) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 338, 1891; Tanacetum purpureum Harn. ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 181, 1825; Cyathocline lyrata Cass., Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. 1, 17: 420, 1829; Fl. Br. Ind. III: 246; C. stricta DC., Prodr. 5: 374, 1836. A very variable, delicate, gregarious, erect annual, upto 60 cm high. Leaves alternate, sessile, embracing the stem, 3-12 cm long. Leaf segments irregularly serrate. Heads small, in panicles, dark purple. Achenes oblong, smooth. Kindly validate. – Nice photographs Request for ID : 120511 : AK-2: … yes … gangotra … Cyathocline purpurea This is Purple Bane [Cyathocline purpurea]. . Cyathocline purpurea: Are Cyathocline purpurea and C. lyrata both differrent species or synonymous to each other. In plant list and Flora of Maharashtra published by BSI states both are synonymous with legitimate name as Cyathocline purpurea. However, my friend from Madhya Pradesh very confidently saying both are different species. Since I do not have Flora of Madhy Pradesh I can not prove this. Can anybody throw some light on this. From the available literature both are same species. Cyathocline purpurea (D. Don) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 338. 1891;Hajra in Hajra et al., Fl. India 12: 111.1995. Syn: Tanacetum purpureum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 181. 1825; Cyathocline lyrata Cass., Ann. Sco. Sci. Nat. ser. 1. 17. 420. 1829; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 679(478). 1921. I searched in Madhya Pradesh Flora both are synonyms I think C. lyrata Cass. to treated at synonym only, as also done in The Plant List, eFl of China, Annotated checklist of Flowering plants on Nepal and possibly other recent publications. Herb for Id- 130112- NS1- From Pune: This herb of abt 1 feet height was photographed at Bhugaon, Pune on 02/01/12. Plz Id. Please check it, it may be Cyathocline purpurea from Asteraceae. Yes …, Cyathocline purpurea (Asteraceae) it is. Cyathocline purpurea : Fort Sinhagad: brilliant colors… more intense than any fall season /winter season asters I have seen Glistering picture of otherwise dull plant, this is a magical trick. Plz id this herb: pa42 – 22nov2012: I hope Cyathocline purpurea Yes, I second … This is Cyathocline purpurea , local name Gangotra This Cyathocline purpurea. ‘..growing on the moist rocks..’ Cyathocline purpurea var. white: Interesting. Nice photographs. Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze from Panni khoh Maihar MP: yes it is Cyathocline purpurea It may be Cyathocline purpurea var. bicolor where florets are purple at periphery and white at centre. Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Cyathocline purpurea at Tungareshwar WLS :: 24 NOV 07 :: DV15 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Kuntze ¿ sy-uh-tho-KLY-nee ? — Greek: kyathodes (cup-like), clinos (to slope or bend) … Dave’s Botanary pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: purple bane • Hindi: बनधनिया bandhaniya • Marathi: गंगोत्रा gangotra • Nepali: गल फुल्ले gal phulle Native to: s China, India References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 24 NOV 07 Very crisp photographs Cyathocline purpurea Sinhagad and Fort Karnala Too good … Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Cyathocline purpurea from Morni Hills- NS 17 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors. Very crisp photographs Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads-Cyathocline purpurea (NSJ-03): Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Kuntze from Morni hills-GS36 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Wild Plant For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 191113 : AK-1 : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 4 authors. Is this Cythocline purpurea? Kindly confirm id. Yes … it is Cyathocline purpurea. Rightly identified . AKNOV03 Asteraceae herb for ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. 6 images. Can be Cythocline lyrrata. Yes now known as Cyathocline purpurea Identification of Asteraceae member requested AL2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) ANJUN12/13 Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze (Churdhar Trip 13) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Family: Asteraceae Date: 24th May 2015 Place: Renuka Ji-Haripurdhar Route, Himachal Pradesh Habit: Herb Cyathocline purpurea—-for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) pic taken at Aambyvalley rd., Lonavala, Pune in Jan.15 Compositae herb SN 16April 02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Wild Compositae herb from Jwalamukhi area of Himachal Cythocline purpurea to me. ID PLEASE : (mixed thread): 4 posts by 3 authors. I correct aimges as above. Attachments (1) – 2 MB PLEASE GIVE THE ID OF THIS HERB….. NEAR RIVER COAST, KANNUR DISTRICT OF KERALA…. IT LOOKS LIKE ASTERACEAE/ VERBENACEAE? Thanks, …, Do you have pictures of the leaves ? This is the Purple Bane [Cyathocline purpurea]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. Thank you for ID sir…..
Request ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups Cyathocline purpurea :: Prabalmachi, near Panvel :: 30 NOV 19 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Prabalmachi between Matheran and Panvel Date: November 30, 2019 … Altitude: about 390 m (1,280 ft) asl Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze For id 090718 VB1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) PFA. Date:- 27-06-2018 Place:- Kinhi, Parner, A.Nagar (MS) Habitat:-Wild. These remind me of the leaves of Cyathocline purpurea Cyathocline manilaliana C.P.Raju & R.R.V.Raju ?? There is no image or even specimen available in GBIF of Cyathocline manilaliana. Drawing in the Rheedea journal matches exactly to this sp. rather that C.purpurea and the ToI news says its recording in maharashtra! Please let me have opinion on my suggestion of Cyathocline manilaliana C.P.Raju & R.R.V.Raju. Please check links also I have attached in earlier mails. I am also thinking same …, I have collected purpurea from Andhra Pradesh, its somewhat different from purpurea, . VB KINHI 2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) ID PLEASE Date:- 27-06-2018 Place:- Kinhi, Parner, A.Nagar (MS) Habitat:-Wild. From another thread: These remind me of the leaves of Cyathocline purpurea Same For id 090718 VB1 ?? . Names of Plants in India :: Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze : 6 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
Hindi name Bandhania is intriguing. wonder if ethnobotany would tell us that it is a substitute for Dhania? Yes, the name bandhaniya is intriguing. Other than the leaves somewhat reminding of dhaniya, there seems no other similarity. May be local folks (at some place) had given the name to the plant and it is stuck. In general, this plant is not much popular. It lacks names in Kannada, Telugu though well distributed in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. interesting. so I searched and found one ethnomedical paper of use in one district in Maharashtra i quote “Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) O. Ktze var. purpurea The roots are reportedly used to relieve stomach pains. This plant releases an essential oil that has antimicrobial, anthelmintic and hypotensive properties.” end quote In china apparently they are looking to use it for cancer therapy. ¿ sigh-uh-tho-KLY-nee ? — Greek: kyathodes (cup-like), clinos (to slope or bend) … Dave’s Botanary pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: purple bane • Assamese: গল ফুলে gal phule • Dogri: दंद कूचन dand koochan • Gujarati: ઓખરાડ okharad, ગંગોત્રી gangotri • Hindi: बनधनिया bandhaniya • Marathi: गंगोत्रा gangotra • Nepali: गल फुल्ले gal phulle botanical names: Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze … synonyms: Cyathocline lyrata Cass. • Tanacetum purpureum Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don … and many more synonyms listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ purple bane
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ গল ফুলে gal phule
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ दंद कूचन dand koochan
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ ઓખરાડ okharad
ગંગોત્રી gangotri
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ बनधनिया bandhaniya
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ गंगोत्रा gangotra
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ गल फुल्ले gal phulle ~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at . Cyathocline purpurea on trek to Matheran: 14 images- 5 high res. . Regarding identification of the species collected from Sonpur Odisha: 5 high res. images. Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze ! Yes Yes sir . Asteraceae: Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze: 1 high res. image. synonym: Cyathocline lyrata Cass. location/date: Semadoh, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 . Asteraceae : Cyathocline purpurea: 1 high res. image. Cyathocline purpurea from Andhra- Odisha border near duduma water falls on 25/03/2024 . References: |
Cyathocline purpurea
Updated on December 24, 2024