Cycas indica or C. zeylanica- Mumbai- garden

Gymnosperms fortnight: Cycas rumphii Miq. @ Mumbai garden; sm1 : Attachments (9). 9 posts by 6 authors.
Hopefully id is correct.

Yes looks like C. rumphii based on free limb of megasporophyll being narrow and with indistinct teeth.

But then if we believe this paper of 2007, it may be C. indica or C. zeylanica. C. rumphii does not seem to be growing in India.

I am not sure if this is rumphii or circinalis.
Circinalis is found in India in wild.

I have seen plenty of Cycas rumphii in the Andamans. It is not this species. Let us wait for expert opinion

efi page on Cycas with species found in India

Cycas zeylanica (J.Schust.) A.Lindstr. & K.D.Hill !

Cycas zeylanica (J.Schust.) A.Lindstr. & K.D.Hill

What is the basis?

There are hardly any details (except leaves) in the specimens.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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