Cycas pschannae

Cycas pschannae R.C. Srivast. & Lalji Singh sp. nov., Int. J. Curr. Res. Biosci. Plant Biol. 2015, 2(8): 35-37;

Images by Ramesh Srivastava (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)

Fwd: new cycas from india : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 7Cycas pschannae Aug 2015.pdf
I am sending herewith the desired reprint for your kind perusal.


Fwd: Cycas pschannae : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- Cycas pschannae Aug 2015.pdf.
as desired


Fwd: Cycas pschannae RCSrivastava & Lalji Singh : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Pl see the attached file on a newly described Cycas

Fwd: images of Cycas pschannae : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Please find the attached files containing images of Cycas pschannae.

I think the spelling of the specific epithet is correctable to ps-channae.


Please log on to the following link to find out what they have to say on the status of  the above species.

Fwd: e-flora of India e-group: Thank you very much for comments and post on e-flora of India e-group regarding status of Cycas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. I have several serious concerns about your  comments in terms of science (novelty of the species concept) and herewith I have added  following comments.
1. The World Cycads list is only based on phytogeographical distribution of species, not based on taxonmy.
In protologue of Cycas sainanthii, the author mentioned occurrence or derived from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of this species without exsiccata or any other supporting evidence. Till date no published records on geographical range of this species showing any support to its distribution or occurrence in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. I would like to clarify that there is no record and also neither isotype nor paratypes (collected from Andaman and Nicobar Islands)has been found in record at any recognized herbaria.
In protologue of Cycas sainanthii there is no obvious reason to consider Cycas pschannae as synonyms. It is a serious concern in terms of science (novelty of the species concept) Pl. consult protologue of Cycas pschannae and Cycas sainanthii also more recently published data in Bionatur37(1):38-55, 2017.
2. C. pschannae and Cycas dharmrajii are differ from other known species of Cycas in combination of taxonomical and morpho-anatomical characters as mentioned in protologue  (Pl.see Bionatur37(1):38-55, 2017.
3. Both Cycas andamanica and Cycas pschannae are reported from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. According to the principal of priority, Cycas andamanica does not justify as a  new species because….
Cycas andamanica (International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research Vol.4, No, 9, pp.473-476, September- 2015) published after the Cycas pschannae (Int. J. Curr. Res.  Biosci. Plant Biol. 2015, 2(8): 35-37 ISSN: 2349-8080 Volume 2 Number 8 (August-2015) pp. 35-37).
When the principle of priority is applied to this situation Cycas pschannae gets priority. On this basis Cycas andamanica is synonym of Cycas pschannae.
Therefore, because of the above mentioned issues and facts, It is clear that none of the features cited in the published protologue of Cycas sainanthii are distinct enough to justify Cycas pschannae, Cycas andamanica and Cycas dharmrajii as synonyms of Cycas sainanthii. On the basis of principle of priority Cycas andamanica is synonym of Cycas pschannae.
Cycas dharmrajii is entirely different from other known species in having the giant trunk with swollen base and dimorphic aerial roots, megasporophlls with well-defined 10–28 paired lateral hook-like structure, 2 schizo-lysigenous mucilage canals in leaflets etc.
Attachments (1) – Bionature-_Cycas_pschannae- 1 MB.

Thank you very much for the in depth analysis from which I could understand that Cycas pschannae has priority over C. andamanica. With my limited knowledge on the group I am unable to understand the differences between phytogeographical species and taxonomic species.


Images of new species: 2 images.
Kindly find enclosed herewith the images of new species recently described from Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Cycas pschannae R. C. Srivast. & L.J.Singh International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology 2(8): 35-37.


IPNI  A New Species of Indian Cycas (2015- Abstract- A new species of Cycas, C. pschannae R.C. Srivast. & Lalji Singh sp. nov. first recorded in West Bengal, India during 2001 has been described in this article. Many populations of this species have been recently (2014) found in Andaman Islands. Allied to Cycas zeylanica and Cycas sainathii R.C.Srivast. but differs significantly in morphology of the megasprophylls which posses two lateral horn like teeth at the base of the sterile portion of the fertile megasporophylls)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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