Cymbalariamuralis P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb., Oekon. Fl. Wetterau 2: 397 1800. (syn. Antirrhinumacutangulum Ten.; Antirrhinumcimbalaria Neck. [Spelling variant]; Antirrhinumcymbalaria L.; Antirrhinumhederaceum Lam. [Illegitimate]; Antirrhinumhederifolium Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Antirrhinum muralis Pers.; Antirrhinumquinquelobum Stokes; Cymbalariacymbalaria (L.) Wettst. [Invalid]; Cymbalariaflabellifer A.Chev.; Cymbalariagerbaultii A.Chev.; Cymbalariaglechomifolia A.Chev.; Cymbalariaglobosa (Gerbault) A.Chev.; Cymbalariahederacea Gray [Illegitimate]; Cymbalaria muralis f. acutangula (Ten.) Cuf.; Cymbalaria muralis f. anarrhiniflora (Gerbault) Cuf.; Cymbalaria muralis f. glechomifolia (A.Cheval.) Cuf.; Cymbalaria muralis f. heterophylla (Gerbault) Cuf.; Cymbalaria muralis f. seguieri (Goiran) Cuf.; Cymbalaria muralis f. toutoni (A.Cheval.) Cuf.; Cymbalariatoutoni A.Chev.; Cymbalariavulgaris Raf.; Elatinecymbalaria Moench; Linaria acutangula (Ten.) Ten.; Linaria acutangula var. inarimensis Guss.; Linariacymbalaria (L.) Mill.; Linaria cymbalaria var. acutangula (Ten.) Chav.; Linaria cymbalaria var. albiflora hort. ex Gerb.; Linaria cymbalaria var. antirrhiniflora Gerb.; Linaria cymbalaria var. globosa hort. ex Gerb.; Linaria cymbalaria var. hederifolia (St-Lager) Rouy; Linaria cymbalaria var. hederiifolia (Salisb.) Chav.; Linaria cymbalaria var. heterophylla Gerb.; Linaria cymbalaria var. seguieri Goiran; Linaria cymbalaria var. vulgaris Vis.; Linaria hederifolia St-Lager; Linaria hederiifolia (Salisb.) Steudel; Linaria lariensis Reuter; Tursitiscymbalaria (L.) Raf.); . Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Serbia & Kosovo, Sicily, Albania, Austria (I), Azores (I), Belgium (I), Baleares (I), England (I), Bulgaria (I), Corsica (I), Crete (I), Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark (I), France (I), Germany (I), Greece (I), Ireland (I), Netherlands (I), Spain (I), Gibraltar (I), Hungary (I), Portugal (I), Norway (I), Poland (I), Romania (I), Azores (Sao Miguel Isl., Terceira, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores Isl., Corvo Isl.), Madeira (Madeira Isl.), Canary Isl. (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, Hierro, La Palma), Cape Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl.), Hawaii (I) (E-Maui (I) (Olinda (I)), USA (I) (Arkansas (I), California (I), Colorado (I), Connecticut (I), Delaware (I), Illinois (I), Indiana (I), Kentucky (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I), Michigan (I), Missouri (I), North Carolina (I), Nebraska (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), South Carolina (I), South Dakota (I), Tennessee (I), Utah (I), Virginia (I), Vermont (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (I) (British Columbia (I), Manitoba (I), New Brunswick (I), Nova Scotia (I), Ontario (I), Quebec (I)), Morocco (I), Algeria (I), Tunisia (I), South Africa (I), Madagascar (I), Belarus (I), Ukraine (I), ?Crimea (I), Sweden (I), Northern Caucasus (I), Georgia [Caucasus] (I), Korea (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), South Australia (I), New South Wales (I), Victoria (I)), Java (I), India (I), Darjeeling (I), Ecuador (I), Chile (I), Juan Fdz. Isl. (I), Argentina (I), Uruguay (I), Costa Rica (I), Jamaica (I), Bolivia (I), Guatemala (I), Honduras (I), Mexico (I), Colombia (I), Peru (I), Mauritius (I), , East Aegaean Isl. (I), Israel (I) (N-Israel (I)), Lebanon (I) (C-Lebanon (I), coastal W-Lebanon (I)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Ivy-Leaved Toadflax, Kenilworth Ivy, Climbing Sailor, Colisseum Ivy, Devil’s Ribbon, Pennywort; . Cymbalaria muralis (Ivy-leaved toadflax or Kenilworth Ivy) is a flowering plant native to Mediterranean Europe and widely naturalised elsewhere. It spreads quickly, growing up to 5 cm (2.0 in) tall—it commonly grows in rock and wall crevices, and along footpaths. The leaves are evergreen, rounded to heart-shaped, 2.5 to 5 cm (0.98 to 2.0 in) long and wide, three-seven lobed, alternating on thin stems. The flowers are very small, similar in shape to snapdragon flowers.[1] This plant has an unusual method of propagation. The flower stalk is initially positively phototropic and moves towards the light—after fertilization it becomes negatively phototropic and moves away from the light. This results in seed being pushed into dark crevices of rock walls, where it is more likely to germinate and where it prefers to grow.[2] Cymbalaria muralis is native to south and southwest Europe, the southern Alps, eastern Yugoslavia, southern Italy and Sicily.[3][4] It has spread throughout the world as an invasive plant, including the United States[5] and the British Isles.[6] (From Wikipedia on 9.8.13) . Cymbalaria muralis P. Gaertn., B.May. and Scherb. is a very common herb at Naini Tal during rainy season. Introduced as ornamental it has now invaded almost all the walls in this hill city replacing native species. Photographed at Naini Tal, Uttarakhand. Previously in Scrophulariaceae, now it is placed in Plantaginaceae. Yes … Now found at many hill stations. This small, very common and beautiful herb is lying unidentified in my collection, was shot from Shimla, in November 2010. The habitat was invariably roadside concrete walls. Hope to find the id. Cymbalaria muralis
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Cymbalaria muralis from Shimla-NS 1 : Attachments (5). 8 posts by 6 authors. This beautiful herb is very common in Himalayas, chiefly growing on cemented walls along roadsides… formerly in Scrophulariaceae, now included in Plantaginaceae… Cymbalaria muralis G. Gaertn. et al. Syn. Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Mill.… these pics were recorded from Shimla .. Very good pics … It is also common rather invasive in Naini Tal. I will post my pics later.
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight, cymbalaria muralis : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Plant for ID :: Zurich, CH :: EU-ARKOCT17 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) This plant was growing on the walls adjacent to the Rhine river near Zurich, Switzerland. This looks like Cymbalaria muralis I had seen in Ooty. Is it one of that kind? Zimbelkraut is the german name Thank you … for the validation….. Zimbelkraut is Cymbalaria muralis as per wiki Cymbalaria muralis (Ivy-leaved toadflax), see Location: Darjeeling, India Date: 21 May 2017 Altitude: 7000 ft. Cymbalaria muralis…. Great! Thank you … Cymbalaria muralisP. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherb.
. AKNOV01 ID please for this trailing herb : 3 posts by 2 authors. No images seen now. Location: Mussoorie Small herb trailing down from road side rocky slopes. Date: Nov 2014 This is Cymbalaria muralis, of Scrophulariaceae, just figured out. A naturalized plant from Italy. Yes Cymbalaria muralis, often found on moist roadside wallsat several places in Western Himalayas. . SK 3413 18 April 2022: 5 very high res. images. Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK Altitude: 43m. Date: 02 April 2022 Habit : Wild Cymbalaria muralis P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.?? Agree… Cymbalaria muralis, with common names ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy, coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort, wandering sailor, etc . 564 ID wild creeper: 9 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu INDIA Altitude: 7200fsl Flower date: 08APR2024, 06pm Habitat: wild moisture misty wayside alpine Plant habit: creeping, branches, weak fleshy purplish cylindrical stem 04mm, annual Height: 05cm Leaves: alternate opposite lobate leathery acute smooth fleshy, diameter upto: 05cm Flower: axillary buds, size:06x3mm, violet, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Cymbalaria muralis P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Yes, it is Cymbalaria muralis dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant , References: |
Cymbalaria muralis (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024