Cynanchum acutum


by Prashant Awale (Validation by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)






ID request-140112-PKA1: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Seen this Climber at Turtuk Village, Ladakh. Looks like some Asclepiadaceae sp. Climber was in fruiting stage, could not spot any flowers. Leaves were some what cordate, auriculate with rounded lobes. Petoles were around 1 to 3 – 4 cm.
Could this be
Cynanchum acutum??
Date/Time: 18-09-2011 / 06:00PM
Location: Turtuk, Ladakh, altitude approx: 10500 ft
Habitat: Wild?
Plant Habit: Climber.

Yes Cynanchum acutum

We have Cynanchum jacquemontianum in Dachhigam Kashmir, but leaves are much narrower and not with distinctly broadened base.

Thanks a lot … Mine was almost a wild guess.



Ladakh flora-2 : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Id pl of the climber near Thikse monastery– by the roadside.

seems to be member of Asclepediaceae.
Pl confirm sp.

Morrenia sp.?? 

This seems to go near Morrenia, but not sure about the sp.

Did not find any closer to the sp. but flowers resemble little bit to the Morrenia odorata but color differ.

No this does not belong to the genus Morrenia – which is found in S.America. It does not occur in Ladakh.
I had not heard of the genus before.  However, the family that this genus belongs to is correct, the Apocynaceae -known as the Oleander family, so a reasonable suggestion by Saroj.  Though two genera are now included in this family: Cynanchum and Vincetoxicum which were previously within Asclepiadaceae – the Milkweed family. They are in this family within ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’. This is confusing for many.
So, the photos taken by … near to Tikse Gompa (which is close to Leh in Upper Indus Valley) belong to a member of the Apocynaceae if one follows the most up-to-date checklist for Ladakh by Dickore & Klimes.
3 species belonging to this family are recorded for Ladakh:  Apocynum venetum (which Stewart listed as Trachomitum venetum) with records from Lamayuru and Khalotse, often in river sand; Cynanchum acutum, which Stewart said was common in the Indus Valley; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (which Stewart listed as Cynanchum vincetoxicum) – which I have seen in the Indus Valley and Upper Kali Gandaki/Mustang in Nepal but the plant photographed is not this erect perennial with yellowish-green flowers.
So that leaves a choice between Apocynum venetum and climber Cynanchum acutum. The latter species varies a good deal but it must surely be C.acutum – certainly looks nothing like A.venetum, if the illustration in eflora of China is correct,  see:

Thanks a lot, … I think matches with images at

Thanks a lot …, at last I got the id correct and now I am at rest and happy.

Thanks for sending the links – I had not seen most of the Wiki ones, which automatically make me think of Asclepiadaceae, not Apocynaceae.  Lovely close-up detail which is informative.
With species which have a wide geographic range, they tend to vary a fair bit -which can be recognised at variety or subspecies level and when subsequently revised, even separate species.
In the ‘British’ days, quite a lot of plants encountered in the hills of India were matched with species found in the UK but have subsequently been assigned to separate species.
All input helps me and the more images I can view, close up or otherwise, in perfect focus or not, help build up a store of reference information, aiding my future attempts at identifications.
I also find all suggestions helpful, even incorrect ones, which help focus my attention, just as suggestions to narrow down possibilities when I am struggling or at a complete loss – for just as I trust my contributions help others, their thoughts benefit me.



Ladakh flora 14.up. : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Id of the climber pl, 
is it Cynachum? if so which?

I have the feeling that you recently posted it and it was identified.

Is it not the same as Cynanchum acutum you posted at another thread ?

This Cynanchum is different from the previous one according to me. In that case I want sp`s id pl.

To me they look the same.


Yes, as … says, this matches Cynanchum acutum which has been posted previously.



Leptadenia? from Nubra valley Leh : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Climber over hedges from Nubra valley

Pl. check comparative images at efi site. 

Thanks … Cynanchum acutum L.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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