Cynanchum auriculatum

sigh-NAN-chum — from the Greek kyon (dog) and ancho (to strangle) … Dave’s Botanary
aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tum — shaped like an ear, eared … Dave’s Botanary 

commonly known asheart-leaf swallow-wort • Nepaliलाटीकोशेली latikoseli 

VOF Week: Cynanchum auriculatum near Vasundhara Falls:
Spotted this climber near Vasundhara Falls.
I think Cynanchum auriculatum (Family: Asclepiadaceae )??

Yes … I think this plant is wrongly idified in Keshav Murty’s Book


VOF Week: Cynanchum auriculatum from the validate:
Please validate if this climber is Cynanchum auriculatum, Apocyanaceae…..shot from the Ghanghariya – GGhat trek..

I think yes. Good photographs

Yes it matches with rest of the posts with same name.


VoF Week: Cynanchum auriculatum from way to Ghangriya:
Cynanchum auriculatum from way to Ghangriya

Yes …, good one. I had seen this climber at 2 to 3 places during my visit..

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
sigh-NAN-chum — from the Greek kyon (dog) and ancho (to strangle) … Dave’s Botanary
aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tum — shaped like an ear, eared … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asheart-leaf swallow-wort • Nepaliलाटीकोशेली latikoseli 
botanical namesCynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight … synonymsCynanchum saccatum W.T.Wang • Diploglossum auriculatum (Royle ex Wight) Meisn. • Endotropis auriculata (Royle ex Wight) Decne. • Vincetoxicum auriculatum (Royle ex Wight) Kuntze … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
July 31, 2012 … Auli 

vin-kee-TOKS-ih-kum — Latin: vinco (to conquer); toxicum (poison), referring to its supposed ability to provide an antidote to snakebites … Dave’s Botanary
aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tum — shaped like an ear, eared … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: heart-leaf swallow-wort • Assamese: লাটি কচেলী latikoseli • Nepali: लाटीकोशेली latikoseli
botanical namesVincetoxicum auriculatum (Royle ex Wight) Kuntze … synonymsCynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight • Cynanchum auriculatum var. sinense T.Yamaz. • Cynanchum saccatum W.T.Wang • Diploglossum auriculatum (Royle ex Wight) Meisn. • Endotropis auriculata (Royle ex Wight) Decne. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
heart-leaf swallow-wort
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
লাটি কচেলী latikoseli
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook … borrowed from Nepali name, but the only name in north bank of Brahmaputra.
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
लाटीकोशेली latikoseli
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

ID160808phk : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)

Pl. id following flower,
It is a climber.
Photographed at Mana village, Uttaranchal on 28/07/2008

The picture matches fairly close to Scutia myrtina (Syn.S.indica) of Rhamnaceae. Other characters need to be checked.

Looks different from Scutia myrtina

Apocynaceae ??

I hope it is Vincetoxicum sp….

Vincetoxicum auriculatum (Royle ex Wight) Kuntze if elevation is 2000-3700m.

31 JUL 12
Auli8750 – 9000 ft
Habitat: vegetation on edge of sloping meadow
Habit: climber

Looks like Cynanchum auriculatum

Cynanchum auriculatum is convincing; please validate.

I think it is Cynanchum auriculatum because corona tips are straight and corolla divided half of its length.


Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight: 1 very high res. image.

Location: Juphal, Dolpa,  Nepal
Altitude:  2400m.
Date: 22 June 1022
Habit : Wild 



Updated on December 24, 2024

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