Cynometra iripa

wrinkled pod mangrove • Malayalam: ഇരിപ്പ irippa • Sanskrit: मधुक madhuka • Tamil: attukaddupulli, kadumpuli;


May 18, “Fascination of Plants Day” :: Cynometra iripa from Konkan, Maharashtra: Today is a great day. May 18, “Fascination of Plants Day”…
Thought of sharing this picture of “Wrinkled Pod Mangrove” Tree. Fruits are full of wrinkles. Its as such a rare tree from Konkan region, Maharashtra.
Bot. name: Cynometra iripa
Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Many thanks … for sharing this intriguing plant from Sindhudurg mangroves.
Why intriguing ? … because each time we met this plants, we have seen them only fruiting !! Yet to catch them in flowering.



Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Cynometra iripa at Achare: Cynometra iripa Kostel.

ses-al-PIN-ee-uh — named for Andreas Caesalpini, Italian botanist
koh-ree-AY-ree-uh — Latin corium (leather) and refers to some species that are used in tanning 
Many thanks to … for making me realize that this plant belongs to Caesalpinioideae.
And many thanks to … for the ID.
Jul 10, 2011 … at Achare, Malvan, Maharashtra
The above sighting may not be appealing; but this is the chaotic way the plant grows.
commonly known as: wrinkled pod mangrove • Malayalam: ഇരിപ്പ irippa • Sanskrit: मधुक madhuka • Tamil: attukaddupulli, kadumpuli
Native to: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, n-e Australia
a view of the wrinkled pod: Jul 10, 2011 … at Achare, Malvan, Maharashtra

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) ::Cynometra iripa- in Malvan:  This is one Mangrove sp. photographed at “Achara, Malvan”. Unfortunately we could see only fruits. Fruits are really interesting to watch as they appear like human brain. 
Bot. name: Cynometra iripa
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Habitat: Wild (Mangrove associate)
Plant Habit: Tree

Oh… its really very nice and good information,, i had only known of its presence in the coastal area,,, thanks for confirmation.. its very rare plant i guess.

When I was checking the known species from the flora of Maharashtra this name struck my mind and was wondering about it.



ID request 24072017PC1 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Kindly identify this tree from Thailand.

What can be this tree with brain like fruits? 

Cynometra ramiflora

Thanks, …, Both species Cynometra iripa and Cynometra ramiflora L. look quite similar, but as per ILDIS, only Cynometra iripa is found in Thailand.


Updated on December 24, 2024