Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, Cat. Vasc. Pl. S. Tome 363 1944. (syn: Kyllinga tenuifolia Steud.);
Tropical & S. Africa, Indian Subcontinent to Indo-China and Singapore: Angola, Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Central African Repu, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malaya, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Which sedge is this?: 3 images- 1 high res.
Bhopal; black soil; 7/7/2021
Cyperus dubius Rottb. ??
Looks more like Kyllinga species. Check further for the species ID.
Yes it’s Kyllinga,
Can be Kyllinga tenuifolia Steud. [= Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy]
Trying to post some images with inadequate data. Hoping to get to near ID so that I can study further.
it may be some sp of Lipocarpha.
Seems to be Lipocarpha argentea (Kunth) R.Br. of
I was terribly wrong. … was correct. This species might be Kyllinga odorata Vahl.
It can be Kyllinga bulbosa P. Beauv., need a specimen to confirm the identity.
On the identity and occurrence of Cyperus pseudoalatus and Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) in India– Prasad V.P.- Rheedea Vol. 31(2): 85–88 (2021) (Abstract: Cyperus pseudoalatus (Wad.Khan & R.D. Taur) Kottaim. (Kyllinga pseudoalata Wad.Khan & R.D.Taur) is reduced to a synonym of Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, with critical discussion. Based on a careful scrutiny of the protologues and type images of Kyllinga bulbosa P.Beauv., K. tenuifolia Steud. and Cyperus richardii Steud., it is confirmed that the plants reported earlier from India and Sri Lanka as Kyllinga bulbosa (Cyperus richardii) are likely misidentified and represent Cyperus tenuifolius.)
Seems to be Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy
Requesting ID of following herb. Photo taken on 10Aug13.
May be a sedge. Cyperus rotundus of Cyperaceae.
Kyllinga sp
Yes … To my knowledge Kyllinga nemoralis and Cyperus rotundus are synonyms.
Cyperus rotundus and Kyllinga nemoralis never been synonimised yet. Both are treated in different genera. But Cyperus kyllinga is considered as the synonym of Kyllinga nemoralis.
- F. B, I excludes the illustration (please ignore the title in the left pane) – plantillustrations
- on the other hand the description in Flora Indica. vol1, p181, matches with this herb, and refers to the illustration above
- please note the end note in FoP –
- please also see K. bulbosa P. Beauv. of FoC –
- Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. of the “left pane” of the illustration in point no.1 seems to be different plant –
May be my friend … is right. I have checked a number of similar sedges – which I have mentioned as Cyperus rotundus / Kyllinga nemoralis – and found that they all are having one head only.
Thank you very much …, for the support. Perhaps now i can guess why FBI discarded the illustration – it might be because of those nodules at the tip of roots.
The FoC illustration of K. bulbosa P. Beauv. shows the name, “K. triceps Rottb.” in parenthesis – So, we can use this FoC accepted name.
The links below might be of some help –
Thank you
Can be Kyllinga bulbosa P. Beauv., need a specimen to confirm the identity.
Taking it asCyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy as per Prasad ji’s publication:
On the identity and occurrence of Cyperus pseudoalatus and Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) in India– Prasad V.P.- Rheedea Vol. 31(2): 85–88 (2021) (Abstract: Cyperus pseudoalatus (Wad.Khan & R.D. Taur) Kottaim. (Kyllinga pseudoalata Wad.Khan & R.D.Taur) is reduced to a synonym of Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, with critical discussion. Based on a careful scrutiny of the protologues and type images of Kyllinga bulbosa P.Beauv., K. tenuifolia Steud. and Cyperus richardii Steud., it is confirmed that the plants reported earlier from India and Sri Lanka as Kyllinga bulbosa (Cyperus richardii) are likely misidentified and represent Cyperus tenuifolius.)
Need to examine the specimen to confirm the identity.

348 ID wild plant Cyperus: 8 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 31.07.2022, 02.50pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, wet rocky hill
Plant habit: erect, slender weak grooved triangular fleshy stem 03mm base diameter, rhizome, annual
Height: 15cm
Leaves: alternate, lengthy waved, acute, size:15×0.4cm
Flower: racemose, clustered, size:17×14mm diameter:14mm, off-white, non fragrant
Pl. check
POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI GBIF (High resolution specimens)
On the identity and occurrence of Cyperus pseudoalatus and Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) in India– Prasad V.P.- Rheedea Vol. 31(2): 85–88 (2021) (Abstract: Cyperus pseudoalatus (Wad.Khan & R.D. Taur) Kottaim. (Kyllinga pseudoalata Wad.Khan & R.D.Taur) is reduced to a synonym of Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, with critical discussion. Based on a careful scrutiny of the protologues and type images of Kyllinga bulbosa P.Beauv., K. tenuifolia Steud. and Cyperus richardii Steud., it is confirmed that the plants reported earlier from India and Sri Lanka as Kyllinga bulbosa (Cyperus richardii) are likely misidentified and represent Cyperus tenuifolius.)