Cypripedium species; THE LADY SLIPPER ORCHIDS: There are more than one genus in the Lady Slipper Orchids. They are called so because of the structure of the lip or labellum which looks like slippers. Cypripedium Of these only two genus is represented in India namely, Cypripedium represented by 5 species (C. cordigerum, C. elegans, C. guttatum and C. himalaicum) and Pahphiopedilum represented by 9 species (P. charlesworthii, D. druryi, P. farrieanum, P. hirsutissimum, P. insigne, P. spicerianum, P. venustum, P. wardii). To add, all the Paphiopedilums are included under the Wildlife Protection Act (1972) of India in the Schedule VI. Which means they are protected by law and you cant disturb their habitat in wild, you cant pluck them from wild and grow them in your garden etc. glad to hear of the restrictions… so am glad Govt at least has rules.. so people who steal or transplant them can caught…
Cypripedium species
Updated on December 24, 2024