Dactylicapnos arunachalensis Lidén & M.K.Pathak, Nordic J. Bot. 32(2): 183 (2014); NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh) as per Catalogue of Life; References: Studies in Dactylicapnos (Papaveraceae-Fumarioideae) part II. Revision of Dactylicapnos sect. Pogonosperma sect. nov., with D. arunachalensis sp. nov (Abstract- Dactylicapnos sect. Pogonosperma Lidén & M. K. Pathak sect. nov. is established and revised based on morphology, and found to include four species: D. gaoligongshanensis from west Yunnan, D. arunachalensis Lidén & M. K. Pathak sp. nov., endemic to central Arunachal Pradesh, D. grandifoliolata (syn. D. ventii) and D. paucinervia (K. R. Stern) Lidén & M. K. Pathak comb. nov., the two latter species widespread in the east Himalayas) |
Dactylicapnos arunachalensis
Updated on December 24, 2024