Dactylicapnos cordata

Dactylicapnos cordata Lidén, Nordic J. Bot. 28: 658 2010. ;
E-Nepal, NE-India (Darjeeling) as per Catalogue of Life


D. cordata (W Sikkim) photo Alister Adhikari : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image- 118 kb


SK 3803 17 July 2023: 3 images.

Location: Taplejung, East Nepal 
Date: April-May 2023
Elevation: 1700 m.
Habit : Wild
Images sent by Sajan Subedi, a friend.
Dactylicapnos cordata Lidén or. Dactylicapnos odontocarpa Lidén  ???

correction : SK 3803 18 July 2023

Dactylicapnos cordata. See the broad flower and the inner petals that appear to be much protruding. The two species differ substantially also in position of leaflets: D. cordata having the two primary leaflets opposite, whereas in odontocarpa they are well separated on the leaf rhachis. Finally, the pedicels in D. odontocarpa are basally arcuate-reflexed, whereas they are ± straight in D. cordata.
The differences in nectaries and fruits cannot be seen in these pictures, but are also distinct.
BTW, I just discovered that the distribution map in Flora of Nepal is corrupted for Dactylicapnos macrocapnos ssp. macrocapnos. This is only known from the extreme west of Nepal.

Thank you Dr. Liden for ID as Dactylicapnos cordata Lidén. I was guessing so but could not confirm !




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  Flora of Nepal On-line accounts

Three new species of Dactylicapnos (Fumariaceae) and a synopsis of the D. macrocapnos complex Magnus Lidén- Nordic Journal of Botany, 2010 (Abstract- The Dactylicapnos macrocapnos complex is revised, and D. platycarpa Lidén, D. odontocarpa Lidén and D. macrocapnos subsp. echinosperma Lidén are recognised as new taxa. The complex consists of a chain of 4 vicariant taxa from northwestern India (Garhwal) to western Bhutan (Thimphu). Dactylicapnos cordata Lidén (eastern Nepal, Darjeeling) is described and contrasted with its close relative, the geographically disjunct D. burmanica (western Yunnan, Burma))
Updated on December 24, 2024

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