Daedalea quercina

Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. (1801) (syn: Agarico-suber daedaleum Paulet, 1793; Agaricus antiquus Willd., 1787; Agaricus labyrinthiformis Bull., 1788 (ambiguous synonym); Agaricus labyrinthiformis Hoffm., 1789; Agaricus quercinus L., 1753; Antrodia hexagonoides (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879; Daedalea inzengae Fr., 1869; Daedalea nigricans Pers., 1801; Daedalea quercina var. dura Alb. & Schwein., 1805 (ambiguous
synonym) ………………………….; Daedaleites quercinus (L.) Mesch., 1892; Hexagonia minor Lázaro Ibiza, 1916; Lenzites quercina (L.) P. Karst., 1888 ..; Merulius quercinus (L.) Pers., 1794; Striglia inzengae (Fr.) Kuntze, 1891; Trametes hexagonoides Fr., 1872; Trametes quercina (L.) Pilát, 1939 (ambiguous synonym) ..);             
oak mazegill, maze-gill fungus;

A white fungus found on a fallen dead tree.
Dull white color, size ~ 15 cms, projecting from a fallen dead tree, humid weather, 
Karian shola, Top Slip, Anaimalai,
Western ghats, Tamil nadu

This is Daedalea quercina.

Yes this is indeed Daedalea quercina !!


another fungus for id
not very sure if it is the same species as the earlier post
at my place, alibaug, this week

This is also a Bracket fungus possibly a species of Polyporus.Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this.

This is indeed a polypore known as  Daedalea quercina.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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