Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. (1801) (syn: Agarico-suber daedaleum Paulet, 1793; Agaricus antiquus Willd., 1787; Agaricus labyrinthiformis Bull., 1788 (ambiguous synonym); Agaricus labyrinthiformis Hoffm., 1789; Agaricus quercinus L., 1753; Antrodia hexagonoides (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879; Daedalea inzengae Fr., 1869; Daedalea nigricans Pers., 1801; Daedalea quercina var. dura Alb. & Schwein., 1805 (ambiguous
synonym) ………………………….; Daedaleites quercinus (L.) Mesch., 1892; Hexagonia minor Lázaro Ibiza, 1916; Lenzites quercina (L.) P. Karst., 1888 ..; Merulius quercinus (L.) Pers., 1794; Striglia inzengae (Fr.) Kuntze, 1891; Trametes hexagonoides Fr., 1872; Trametes quercina (L.) Pilát, 1939 (ambiguous synonym) ..); oak mazegill, maze-gill fungus;
A white fungus found on a fallen dead tree.
Dull white color, size ~ 15 cms, projecting from a fallen dead tree, humid weather,
Karian shola, Top Slip, Anaimalai,
Western ghats, Tamil nadu
This is Daedalea quercina.
Yes this is indeed Daedalea quercina !!
fungus for id, mm2 08102011: 2 images.
another fungus for id
not very sure if it is the same species as the earlier post at my place, alibaug, this week This is also a Bracket fungus possibly a species of Polyporus.Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. This is indeed a polypore known as Daedalea quercina. References:
Daedalea quercina
Updated on December 24, 2024