Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth. (Syn: Amerimnon paniculatum (Roxb.) Kuntze; Dalbergia hemsleyi Prain; Dalbergia maymensis Craib; Dalbergia nigrescens Kurz; Dalbergia paniculata Roxb.); . Wood of this sp. is used primarily as fuel and not preferred for furniture etc.; . Cambodia (N) ; India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Goa ; Gujarat; Haryana ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Meghalaya ; Orissa ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; Laos (N) ; Myanmar (N) ; Nepal (N) ; Thailand (N) ; Vietnam (N) as per ILDIS; . D. lanceolaria subsp. lanceolaria has 11-17 leaflets not turning black when dry, and pink flowers, upper two calyx teeth obtuse lower three acute; whereas D. lanceolaria subsp. paniculata has 9-13 leaflets turning black when dry, and white flowers, all five calyx teeth acute. . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Trees : Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp.paniculata:Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp.paniculata ‘Phanashi’ Vetal Tekdi Pune Adding video of Dalbergia paniculata. Not sure whether it is the same species. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBdPh-NcOko Dalbergia paniculata- Flora Of Madhya Pradesh: Dalbergia for id 161209MK3 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3). Kindly help me to identify this big tree. Could this be Dalbergia paniculata? Date: 10 Dec 2009 Locality: Moyar river bank, Satyamangalam forest division, Eastern Ghats Affirmitive … It is Dalbergia lanceolaria [D.paniculata] locally called Phanshi. D.lanceolaria is different from D.paniculata sir. Sorry I could not get the flowers. Hold on Guys..there is confusion…….flowers of Sahyadri Part I says D. Lanceolaria (syn D. paniculata) on 36 has pinkish flowers… and same D. lanceolaria on FOS part II says it has white flowers. can some one throw light on this. D. lanceolaria Linn. and D. paniculata are distinct and if we follow GRIN terminology they are better named as D. lanceolaria subsp. lanceolaria and D. lanceolaria subsp. paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth. Former has 11-17 leaflets not turning black when dry, and pink flowers, upper two calyx teeth obtuse lower three acute; whereas latter has 9-13 leaflets turning black when dry, and white flowers, all five calyx teeth acute. The number of leaflets suggest D. lanceolaria subsp. paniculata for these photographs. That should solve colour confusion. …, not sure whether D. paniculata is a separate species … could be sub-species as put at NPGS / GRIN D. paniculata is broadly a synonym of D. lanceolaria OR at subspecies level: Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata what a sweet coincidence? we reached the same conclusion independently within minutes of each other. But.. conclusion is still technical for layman like me………… practically can be considered that D. lanceolaria has “… Flower tube dull white or pinkish …” just as put at FOI http://www.flowersofindia.Takoli.html. I wish I was not very technical. As I wrote earlier they were described as distinct species. Dalbergia lanceolaria has pink flowers, D. paniculata white flowers. We we treat them one species D. lanceolaria should be the correct name (being published earlier) and D. paniculata its synonym. Then we would be justified in saying that species has pink or white flowers. If, however, we treat latter as subspecies of former then D. lanceolaria subsp. lanceolaria would have pink flowers and D. lanceolaria subsp. white flowers. Other differences I have mentioned earlier. I hope I have explained things in simple way. Have huge trees of Dalbergia lanceolaria at my property at Shahapur [near Bombay]. Sending you a few photographs of the flowers and fruit. Good to see them …, only flowers could solve clearly this id. Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth. SN Aug 42 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4). Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth (= D. paniculata Roxb.), fast growing tree, tall or short from scrub jungle deciduous forest from Chamundi hills, Mysore. ANSEPT59 Please confirm if Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Dalbergia species for ID : 21 posts by 10 authors. Attachments (5) I was following this tree on Vetal Tekdi for a very long time. A picture with a pod of earlier season’s flowers. I too think this is Dalbergia lanceolaria !! But not sure about the sub species yes this Dalbergia lanceolaria var. paniculata This is D. horrida (Dennst.) Mabb. syn D. sympathetica According to Dr. Almeida’s flora of Mah. D. horrida (Dennst. ex Fortsetz) Mabberley is a large scandent shrub running over high trees. Request … to inform about this. I am not convinced with D.horrida yet. If the plant is not a scandent shrub than D. horrida can be ruled out. Besides, yes in your pics leaflets are paripinnate, whereas D. horrida are supposed to be imparipinnate. I think if it is a tree than it comes close to D. paniculata Roxb. according to Dr. Almeida’s flora. I agree with you … You have checked all points (Which I also think are correct) from your flora. This is a nice, not very big but definitely one, a tree and not a scandent shrub. Ok, here’s the description for D. paniculata Roxb….” Corollas 8 mm long, bluish-white; standard oblong, emarginate, 3-4 mm broad, with a claw about as long as the tube of the calyx and without any callosity at the base….” Hope this helps. i am attaching pictures of Dalbergia paniculata for comparison. A very robust and gregariously flowering tree …! Seems to be matching, Dr. Almeida’s flora has leaf description of D.paniculata Roxb. as “leaflets 9-15, rigidly subcoriaceous, 2-2.5 by 1-2 cm, obovate, oblong or elliptic, obtuse, emarginate , glabrous; petioles 1-2 mm long.” Just continuing the thread….attaching pictures of both UnIded Dalbergia (From above thread) along with Dalbergia lanceolaria(Known plant) which flowers in April. Any final id on the unidentified plant? I stick to my comment It has to be Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp. paniculata. Dhondus in Marathi In ssp. paniculata the leaflets turn blackish on drying. In ssp. lanceolaria they do not. I first read this in the Brandis flora and have found it to be true. Yes I agree with … This I have observed regarding the above trees which are in plenty on Vetal Tekdi As regards the description of both ssps. there is some confusion between Cooke flora and BSI flora. The names and description of plants is reversed I think. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Trees : Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp.lanceolaria: Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp. lanceolaria ‘Dandus’ ‘Dhondus’ धोंडूस seeing this first time in flowering Dalbergia lanceolaria. ssp. paniculata as per another thread. Valparai 080714 TBN 2 for id/ TBN July 2 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3). Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date : 20.06.14 Location :Route to Valparai, above Aliyar dam Altitude :approx 1000 to 1500 ft Habitat :wild/ ? dry deciduous Habit :tree Height :20 to 30 ft Leaves :pinnate Flowers :white Fruits :not seen, Probably Dalbergia sp? Yes, me too thought of a Dalbergia species The flowers look very much like Dalbergia laceolaria var. paniculata. Others characters need to be checked. Any pods? Bark pictures? Sorry, I do not have. I also think close to images at Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth. Dalbergia lanceolaria paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth . Identification of speciman: 3 images- 1 high res. Looks like desert ironwood: Olneya tesota. I think it is Dalbergia latifolia… D.latifolia flowers are quite different: Thanks for your help in identification of speciman. May be it is Dalbergia oaniculata (Dhoban). Appears close to images at Dalbergia lanceolaria L.f. . References: |
Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. paniculata
Updated on December 24, 2024