Daphne mucronata

Daphne mucronata Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 322 1836. (Syn: Daphne acuminata Boiss. & Hohen. ex Stocks (ambiguous synonym); Daphne angustifolia (Rafin.) C. Koch; Daphne angustifolia var. afghanica (Meissn.) Keissl.; Nemoctis angustifolia Rafin.);
Turkey (E-Anatolia, SE-Anatolia), Iran (EC-Iran, N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (Asir), Afghanistan (Kabul, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Logar, Paktia / Khost, Parwan), Pakistan (Baluchistan, Waziristan, Kurram, Chitral, Hazara, Swat, N.W.Frontier Prov., Malakand), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Baltistan, Gilgit), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Azerbaijan (Nachichevan) as per Catalogue of Life;
A shrub of dry open slopes, 1-2 mm tall, young branches tomentose; leaves alternate, thick, elliptic oblong to lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, apex mucronate; flowers creamish white in few flowered clusters, subsessile; calyx tubular, lobes 4, 3.5-4.5 mm long, creamish white, spreading; petals absent; stamens 8, in two whorls; ovary ovoid, pubescent; stigma capitate; fruit a globose berry, 8-10 mm in diam, pubescent, orange when ripe.
Common name: Kashmir Daphne


Flora from Srinagar 17072013 CS2 : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 3 authors.
This woody shrub was found adjacent to the Hotel we were staying. I do not know if the white ones are buds

It is Daphne mucronata

Yes Daphne mucronata

Thank you for the ID. Sad I missed the flowers

Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Thymelaeaceae- Daphne mucronata from Kashmir-GSSEP04 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).

Daphne mucronata Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mount. 232. t.81.f.2. 1836.
Syn: D. oleoides auct. (non Schreb.)
A shrub of dry open slopes, 1-2 mm tall, young branches tomentose; leaves alternate, thick, elliptic oblong to lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, apex mucronate; flowers creamish white in few flowered clusters, subsessile; calyx tubular, lobes 4, 3.5-4.5 mm long, creamish white, spreading; petals absent; stamens 8, in two whorls; ovary ovoid, pubescent; stigma capitate; fruit a globose berry, 8-10 mm in diam, pubescent, orange when ripe.
Photographed from hills around Srinagar, Kashmir.

look at the flowers, so pretty
no wonder they are popular houseplants, though not exactly this variety… but many daphnes …
was this plant fragrant, …?


Daphne mucronata : Oman : 21MAY19 : AK-15 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
You were recently reviewing Daphne Species.
Adding Daphne mucronata from Jebel Akhdar situated in the Al Hajar Mountain range in Oman.
Elevation above 10,000 feet.


Daphne mucronata: 1 high res. image.
(Kashmir daphne) Found this plant at upper parts of Ganderbal j&K.
Habit: Shrub.


identification required for this plant sp. Found in Ganderbal Kashmir: 1 high res. images.

Possibility Daphne oleoides

This is the same you have posted at Daphne mucronata
What we have in your area is Daphne mucronata Royle (syn: Daphne oleoides auct. non Schreber: Boiss.) as per Flora of Pakistan.

I have some confusion regarding Daphne oleoides.
In Flora of Bashahr Himalaya by N.C. Nayyar and Flora Simlensis, Daphne oleoides Schreb. has been shown to be distributed in Kinnaur and Shimla. However, POWO does not show its distribution in India. BSI Flora is also silent on this species.
All discussions are about D. mucronata on eFI and FoI. However, D. mucronata at POWO https://powo.science.kew.org/names:77229086-1
appear different from the ones discussed in eFI.
Your views, please.
My photograph is also attached.
1 image.

D. oleoides at POWO

It is mentioned in the book by BSI ‘Plants of Indian Himalayan Region’ and also in GBIF.

But BSI has removed this species from their online version of Indian Flora.

In that case it is better ask BSI person dealing with this sp. ??

I think our images at Daphne mucronata, by and large, match with those in POWO. Pl. see POWO specimen and GBIF images and specimens.

Yes D. mucronata
Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Thymelaeaceae- Daphne mucronata from Kashmir-GSSEP04 (google.com)
When trying to resolve such issues, we should always compare with treatment in FBI. The plant D. mucronata Royle was described from Western Himalayas in 1836; J D Hooker in FBI 5: 193, considered it conspecific with D. oleoides Scheber. following Boissier. It has now been established that the two species are distinct, D. mucronata distributed in Asia including Western Himalayas and D. oleoides an Europaean species.

Thank you very much respected Singh Sir.

Based on literature from H.P., I had kept it as D. oleoides in my collection. Now, everything is clear, Sir. There might be a long list of such plants including Phyllanthus niruri, Taxus wallichiana from NW Himalaya, etc.



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List  Flora of Pakistan  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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