Androsace sarementosa for validation: Androsace sarementosa perhaps, family primulaceae growing wild in the darjeeling botanical garden and elsewhere in the town photographed in the first week of april I hope a member of Boragnaceae, perhaps Myosotis sp. I do not know either of these two genera. However, i give my search result –
I think it may be Myosotis alpestris subsp. alpestris & as per Sorry. On further examination, I feel it should be Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa (Schultz) Hyl. ex Nordh. thank you for this new information. will read up surely Once again although no close-ups it is clear there are spreading hairs on the calyces, ruling out Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa Does not fit M.stricta/refracta. Flowers larger ruling out M.arvensis I think and foliage not fitting M.asiatica – thus leaving M.sylvatica as the most likely but if a cultivated plant then could be other species or some of hybrid. Given no close-ups or fruit characteristics one has to be more speculative. |
Myosotis species- Darjeeling botanical garden
Updated on December 24, 2024