Datura ferox L., Demonstr. Pl. 6 1753. (Syn: Datura laevis Bertol.); . Texas to Mexico: Mexico Central, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southwest, Texas; Introduced into: Algeria, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil South, California, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Chile Central, Chile North, Chile South, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, France, Free State, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Mali, Namibia, New Caledonia, New South Wales, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Northern Provinces, Northern Territory, Palestine, Primorye, Queensland, Sardegna, Sicilia, South Australia, Spain, Tasmania, Uruguay, Victoria, Western Australia, Zimbabwe as per POWO; . Common name: Fierce Thorn Apple, large thorn-apple, long-spine thorn-apple; . As per efi thread : The two species can be conclusively differentiated from fruits and seeds. The capsules of D. ferox are on erect stalks, lower spines are much shorter, upper longer, seeds black or grey. In D. inoxia capsules are on recurved stalks, spines almost equally longer, seeds yellow or brown . Datura ferox, commonly known as Long Spined Thorn Apple or Fierce Thornapple, is a species of Datura. Like all such species, every part of the plant contains deadly toxins that can kill animals (including humans) that ingest it. Its fruit, red-brown when ripe, has unusually long thorns or spikes. The species was first described in 1756 by Linnaeus. Ferox means “strongly fortified,” referring to the fearsome-looking spines on the seed pod. It probably originated in southeastern China. Today it is found in all the warm parts of the earth, where it is regarded as a dangerous pasture weed.[1] Datura ferox is an upright shrub 1½ to 3 feet high. Its thick stalks often have a red-violet color at the base. All the young shoots are noticeably hairy. The most conspicuous part of the plant is its very wide undulate, irregularly-toothed leaves, which are covered with soft, downy hairs. The yellowish white flowers are funnel-shaped and inconspicuous, and usually do not open completely.[1] (From Wikipedia on 26.6.13) . Datura Ferox Fruit : Kenya : 140711 : AK-1: Just saw your earlier post requesting a closer picture of Datura ferox fruit. This was taken by me in Limuru, Kenya during visit in January,2009. Yes … Looks like D. ferox Solanaceae week : Datura ferox: Thanks for upload. Could you please upload one more photograph of fruit, perhaps a more mature one in close up Unfortunately this is the only photo available with me taken few years back. I am attaching the original high resolution photo. Datura ferox
yes it is Datura ferox. i had observed this plant in Pune area. the irregualar sized spines on the fruit is very caracteristics. . Solanaceae Fortnight::Datura Ferox from Satara Feb- NSJ-05 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) . Solanaceae Fortnight : Datura ferox – Open Fruit : Kenya : 26FEB15 : AK-42 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Saw this open fruit with seeds in Kenya by the roadside. Datura for ID : 310111 : AK-2: Flower looks unusually small. fruit should help. Leaves suggest. D. inoxia. Nicandra don’t have petals with acute apex hence there it can be Datura innoxia Datura innoxia indeed I think this is close to images and details at Datura stramonium L. On further checking, I think it may be Datura ferox, as per images and details herein. . |
Datura ferox (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024