Daucus carota subsp. sativus

Daucus carota subsp. sativus (Hoffm.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital. 299 1882. (Syn: Carota sativa (Hoffm.) Rupr.; Daucus sativus (Hoffm.) Röhl. ex Pass.);


Carrot in flowers. :
Daucus carota subsp. sativus. in flowers
Have a nice weekend.


Hooghly2015Mar_sk06/06: Daucus carota var. sativa Hoffmann, Deutschl. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (10) .
I follow here the FoC instead of TPL or GRIN

Daucus carota var. sativa Hoffmann, Deutschl. Fl. 91. 1791.
The cultivated carot, differing from the type in fleshy thickened roots.
Photographed from PUSA campus, Delhi

Please read Delhi in subject line in place of Kashmir.


Fruits & Vegetables: Daucus carota, the Carrot:
Daucus carota, the Carrot,
popular root crop consumed as salad, used for preparation of halwa and cooked as vegetable.

The flowering bunches of Daucus carota subsp. sativus..

Carrots from my minigarden in Ritterhude: some time back I had sent the link prinzessinnengarten.net in this forum.
Inspired by the fotos I saw there, I cultivated carrots in milk cartons. As the snails were very eager to eat the leaves I hanged the cartons on this Stand. Now I am harvesting a few carrots every day. Here are some fotos.
This Idea of using wasteland or other places like garage roofs for this purpose, is now spreading well in Germany, Schitzerland etc. Schools are taking part in these actions and mayors and ministers come to see this garden.
Here one more Link: www.gartendeck.de >> a similar action in Hamburg.
The text is in German but the Fotos don’t need any comments. http://prinzessinnengarten.net/about/ you can read about the idea in english.

Unique and nice way to cultivate carrot.

very nice…. love it… I have grown lettuce and some herbs for daily use in hanging bags esp in colder climes, where they can be started off in winter and hung outside on the balcony in spring and summer…, and have tried strawberries, …. in Kolkata this winter I’m going to do your method… this way I dont even need sooo many hooks on the wall….  this would be a nice way to get the length /depth needed for carrots and radishes ..long  roots would be nice….
Here is a link from NY times about this Berlin Garde, completely in English…..  http://intransit.blogs.nytimes.berlins-mobile-garden-g…

i am also growing Potatos in a mediumsized pot using the method of vertical cultivation. This requirs less room. Tis Idea i also bowwowed from Prinzessinnengarten.

Here you will find in english more info:
and here further development of this idea:>>
It is in German but the fotos are very clear.
In another pot using the vertical method I am cultivating  ???
(/Colocasia esculenta/, or Taro) Don’t know how that will work. Just trying.
You write: this way I dont even need sooo many hooks on the wall….
Very true.  Another advantage I found, is that the “garden” is mobile. I can put it in sun, shade or somewhere else, if I need this corner of my garden.


[16022012] AP3 Small Plant for id from Ambala Cantt Haryana:
Is this Daucus sp.?
Photograph taken on 16 Feb 2012
height-about 2 feet
cultivated plant
I think family Apiaceae member

Looks like Ammi majus. Common name: lady’s lace. A common ornamental plant during winter season.

I too think it is Lady”s lace.

I think it is more closer to images at Daucus carota subsp. sativus (Hoffm.) Arcang. rather than Ammi majus L.

… is correct in my view.  Leaves are the distinguishing feature.


Daucus carota L. : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5)- around 750 kb each.
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date: 30 March 2019
Elevation: 1300 m.

Habit : Cultivated

18 April 2019

Attachments (2)- around 750 kb each. 

Dry seeds !
Attachments (3)- around 1 mb each.

OK …!


Synopsis of Carrot plant:
how can I start to write synopsis of Carrot plant for my project work….

Please specify what all you want to investigate.

Here is my project work entitled “Synergy of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and exogenous cinnamic acid on growth and metabolite in carrot plant in salt stress”

Some Mycologist or Physiologist should help


Daucus carota: 1 high res. image.
Location: Pulwama (Kashmir)
Family: Apiaceae
Inflorescence: Compound umbel
Date: 10-06-2022

Was it wild or cultivated?


Then it should be Daucus carota subsp. sativus



The Plant List Ver.1.1  GRIN  Flora of China 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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