Decaschistia crotonifolia

Decaschistia crotonifolia Wight & Arn. , Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 52 1834. (Syn: Decaschistia parviflora Kurz; Hibiscus coriaoeus B.Heyne ex Wight & Arn. (Unresolved); Hibiscus pterospermoides Wight & Arn. (Unresolved));
India: In deciduous forests of Western Ghats and Deccan plateau, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI flora of India;
Selangamaram (Tamil); Kolle (Kannada);

Satyanmangalam forests of Eastern Ghats- Oct’09?;Hibiscus for Id 301009MK – indiantreepix | Google Groups




Name: Decaschistia crotonifolia Wight & Arn.
Family: Malvaceae
Date: 13 Nov 2009
Place: Sathyamangalam RF, TN
Altitude: c. 1000 ASL
Forest type: Dry Deciduous
Local Tamil name: kalla sedi (refers the capsule)
Usage: stem fibre is used for tying purpose

attaching the habit of plant with the habitat




Flower of this herb resemble- Malavaceae member – Fioria vitifolia (Hibiscus..) even so, I think the leaf type and shape differ.
Date/Time-28 Mar 2010
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Talakona forest Andhra Pradesh
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, hill stream bank
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-Herb
Height/Length-approx – 3-4 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape – alternate, upto 3cms, acute, 
Inflorescence Type/ Size-
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-5-7cms, Yellow,  

I too think that this could be Decaschistia crotonifolia, as .. suggested. If possible please upload a picture of leaf and leafy branch.

On 16/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP. I hope the Id is correct. There were lot of young trees in the forest, possibly being planted.

The young trees could be tall herbs of Abelmoschus moschatus. Hibiscus tiliaceous is a coastal tree with dense foliage of deeply cordate leaves, a young tree would not flower.

This is Decaschistia crotonifolia of Malvaceae. This is an erect undershrub (not a tree) naturally growing in the forests of southern Andhra Pradesh (not planted).

Updated on December 24, 2024

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